Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is a billionaire after dating app's IPO https://t.co/dOOUXVOGl3 pic.twitter.com/o2Y6XaTh89
— New York Post (@nypost) February 12, 2021
A day in the life of Whitney Wolfe Herd, a new, self-made billionaire at 31 and a working mom: “Being a mom is harder than an IPO.” https://t.co/rs5R9heRhC
— Alyson Shontell (@ajs) February 13, 2021
A self made 31 year old woman billionaire with a board that is 70 percent women!
— Radhika Gupta (@iRadhikaGupta) February 12, 2021
Rock on @WhitWolfeHerd! https://t.co/aLape3f9Gz
I’m so over parading the mediocrity and unremarkableness of whiteness out as something worth striving for
— Kim Crayton ~ Antiracist Economist ~ She/Her ✊? (@KimCrayton1) February 13, 2021
Again, she’s NEVER had to compete
Also, I’d love to talk about the harm I know is happening on her platform due to its biased, discriminatory, and racist algorithms https://t.co/SyTFzhCp7F
Really enjoyed listening to @WhitWolfeHerd on the @HowIBuiltThis with @GuyRaz podcast in 2019. How she turned her experience at Tinder to now a $13 billion company is nothing short of pioneering! Here’s the link: https://t.co/73e259Bng8 https://t.co/loBAEkDZjp
— Simi Jolaoso (@simijourno) February 12, 2021
Impressive by any metric, but especially so given the persistent & extreme gender-based inequality in VC funding of startups. https://t.co/hIHyoxuIhg
— Annemarie Bridy (@AnnemarieBridy) February 12, 2021
"This is what happens when women make the first move". ❤️ https://t.co/gTHsqQK5SE
— Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño (@brunosan) February 14, 2021
My wife, after hearing this news:
— Mike Annunziata (@nunzi46) February 12, 2021
“Wow. I guess you really can put a price on love.” @bumble https://t.co/AMwC3aZ9ek
The story of Whitney Wolfe and how she got kicked out of Tinder is so interesting. Read it and could only wish her well.
— Sola (@akindolu) February 12, 2021
Revenge businesses rarely succeed. Not Bumble. https://t.co/9GYUdubxdp
I would claim that 31 year old self-made billionaires are rare, regardless of gender. https://t.co/Ovhx5H9ym4
— Brian Portnoy (@brianportnoy) February 12, 2021
Whitney Wolfe Herd becomes the youngest self-made female billionaire today after Bumble IPO. https://t.co/0Uq1MAkb3n
— Angel Au-Yeung (@AngelAuYeung) February 11, 2021
Making sure everyone remembers that WWH started Bumble after being sexually harassed and bullied at tinder and she took that NDA money and turned it into a $1B company. Do not mess with women. We are not here to play. https://t.co/i6ERQN0X6c
— ? Stephanie Nadi Olson (@StephanieNOlson) February 12, 2021
Self-made billionaires men to women ratio is 20 to 1. Yep that's how hard it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems like we women are aliens on this planet ???
— Upasana Taku (@UpasanaTaku) February 12, 2021
Source: https://t.co/RppVINeW7Z pic.twitter.com/whEqr2ytR0
.@saraashleyo: "that @WhitWolfeHerd got @bumble to this point is significant in the larger push to diversify the venture capital and startup ecosystem so that men - and specifically white men - are not the only big beneficiaries and gatekeepers" $BMBL https://t.co/5PrUFei1lG
— All Raise (@AllRaise) February 11, 2021
Been following Whitney for a while after I heard her story on the @HowIBuiltThis podcast. Our paths are very different, but knowing her story and seeing her succeed really inspires me. I want to see more stories like this.
— Allison Seboldt (@allison_seboldt) February 12, 2021
Episode here: https://t.co/3dBoHucoYj https://t.co/GWj0VE4kxP
She used to work at @Tinder and was dating one of the founders but after they broke up, he become emotionally and verbally abusive and pushed her out of the company. She filed and ‘won’ a lawsuit for sexual harassment/discrimination,started bumble and is now a millionaire. Bravo! https://t.co/CNZuo723zE
— That’s Sew Terrance ✨ (@t_scott89) February 12, 2021
in an incredible win for romance, bumble had an amazing stock market debut♥️ https://t.co/dgGzgZ6s6u
— Tess Gattuso (@tessplease) February 11, 2021
So so so dope. Youngest self-made female billionaire. Youngest female CEO to ever take a company public in the US. So so so dope.https://t.co/dtWqf9JP3W
— kim caramele (@kimcaramele) February 14, 2021
How Bumble's CEO became a billionaire — after ending some awkward relationships https://t.co/G6M3kl7ixx pic.twitter.com/9t6mFvXDwZ
— New York Post (@nypost) February 12, 2021
Self-made billionaires men to women ratio is 20 to 1. Yep that's how hard it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems like we women are aliens on this planet ???
— Upasana Taku (@UpasanaTaku) February 12, 2021
Source: https://t.co/RppVINeW7Z pic.twitter.com/whEqr2ytR0
Impressive by any metric, but especially so given the persistent & extreme gender-based inequality in VC funding of startups. https://t.co/hIHyoxuIhg
— Annemarie Bridy (@AnnemarieBridy) February 12, 2021
Meet the youngest female CEO to take a company public. https://t.co/62oSk0ZQ2V #trailblazer
— UNTOLD (@untold_global) February 12, 2021
Bumble's IPO turns CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd into one of the world's rare self-made billionaires ?? https://t.co/lhmNfcoZvk
— Megan (@MeganCaywood) February 12, 2021
Amongst other things I loved this part:
— Bolawana (@Mags_Shivanda) February 13, 2021
“This isn’t about charity, it’s about making a ton of money,” said Women Who Tech’s Kapin.
We (Women) are here to create equal spaces to make money, lots and lots of it!!
Bumble's IPO turns CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd into one of the world's rare youngest self-made female billionaires https://t.co/Wwrcp0gVPa via @business
— mTrading-WingGirl (@mTradingWingGrl) February 12, 2021
Apparently you can Bumble your way into being a billionaire.
— JT (@jerryteixeira) February 12, 2021
Jokes aside, pretty amazing at any age, let alone 31.https://t.co/xoAecV48oR
Love it ??? #BumbleIPO https://t.co/n7Kg1oekaK pic.twitter.com/prbT5cG5eI
— Aishetu Fatima Dozie (@TheAishetu) February 12, 2021
Bumble (BMBL) IPO: 31-Year-Old CEO Becomes a Rare Female Billionaire - Bloomberg https://t.co/Qn74zovIwb
— San (@sanosbo1) February 12, 2021
Bumble's IPO turns CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd into one of the world's rare self-made female billionaires https://t.co/V07pcyyMTl via @business
— Stephanie Foster (@stephfoster2020) February 12, 2021
Motivated by this. Bumble (BMBL) IPO: 31-Year-Old CEO Becomes a Rare Female Billionaire - Bloomberg https://t.co/PYPhXr9Yw6
— Maggie Norris (@MagNorris) February 11, 2021
Bumble CEO -becomes a billionaire after company goes public https://t.co/V2eBNu2yXe
— Chipo Dendere (@drDendere) February 11, 2021