When you make mistakes at a quantum level https://t.co/PS9Tik6fb4 via @wired
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) February 14, 2021
83 years after Ettore´s "evaporation"- "Majorana hunters" should have remembered legendary words... "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool"@ProfFeynman @spinespresso https://t.co/x809j4zw9h pic.twitter.com/45kx40aCNT
— Stephan Roche (@StephanSroche) February 14, 2021
Interesting article in @WIRED on #Majorana particles, open questions about their observation, and their potential use in #quantum #computers. With commentary from @spinespresso and @VincentMourik .https://t.co/UXgVDpatap via @wired
— Andreas Wallraff (@AndreasAtETH) February 13, 2021
Fun holiday weekend idea: find the Majorana particle https://t.co/8rvmFNUJpm
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) February 13, 2021
Microsoft’s Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an ‘Error’ After All - Tweets by Sergey Frolov, a physicist who questioned missing data in the 2018 paper. In March 2018, Dutch physicist and Microsoft employee Leo Kouwenhoven published headline-grabbing new … https://t.co/iMAJGkaMWO
— Sergio Gago (@piratecto) February 14, 2021
See https://t.co/zinHEBj8Ml for popular summary; and https://t.co/XLYVekEFn9 for the great line.
— Aephraim Steinberg (@QuantumAephraim) February 13, 2021
Next time I need to say "this wasn't what I thought it was," I will also have to remember the optimistic phrasing "my original claims have a `wider interpretation'" ! [2/2]
Does this retraction renormalize the expectations about topological qubits? Definitely yes https://t.co/hivr1R3kFa
— Quantum channel (@QuantumChannel_) February 14, 2021
— avalon1982 (@avalon1982) February 14, 2021
Microsoft's Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an 'Error' After Allhttps://t.co/8WZciA0twN
83 years after Ettore´s "evaporation"- "Majorana hunters" should have remembered legendary words... "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool"@ProfFeynman @spinespresso https://t.co/x809j4zw9h pic.twitter.com/45kx40aCNT
— Stephan Roche (@StephanSroche) February 14, 2021
Riveting piece in Wired about a soon-to-be retracted paper on Majorana fermions. Made possible thanks to the careful scrutiny of the raw data by @spinespresso and colleagues.
— Victor Marcel Acosta (@acosta_physics) February 13, 2021
Microsoft’s Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an ‘Error’ https://t.co/kJkDIr4duq #tech #feedly #microsoft #quantum
— Nicolas Babin #AmazonPartner (@Nicochan33) February 13, 2021
#Microsoft’s Big Win in #QuantumComputing Was an ‘Error’ After All https://t.co/sjh9JImEtT #TechJunkieNews pic.twitter.com/MwH0ziFjcV
— Tech Junkie (@techjunkiejh) February 12, 2021
"Frolov, the University of Pittsburgh researcher, says the questions around Kouwenhoven’s 2018 paper leave the small field of physics dedicated to detecting Majoranas “wounded,” facing a potentially unpleasant comedown after a period of high expectations."https://t.co/Nse3AXjmLk
— John Preskill (@preskill) February 12, 2021
Microsoft’s Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an ‘Error’ After Allhttps://t.co/MP0gGefGyh via @wired
— Sabine Hossenfelder (@skdh) February 13, 2021
— John Azariah #BlackLivesMatter (@johnazariah) February 13, 2021
WIRED: Microsoft’s Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an ‘Error’ After All.https://t.co/ZBxbE9pyuR
Interesting article in @WIRED on #Majorana particles, open questions about their observation, and their potential use in #quantum #computers. With commentary from @spinespresso and @VincentMourik .https://t.co/UXgVDpatap via @wired
— Andreas Wallraff (@AndreasAtETH) February 13, 2021
When a Microsoft researcher claimed to have found a Majorana fermion (stepping stone to a quantum computer) 3 yrs ago, he omitted data that cast doubt on the discovery. Now the paper is being retracted https://t.co/SGS5uVGG8o via @tsimonite pic.twitter.com/AbpJZUxs6w
— Scott Thurm (@ScottThurm) February 12, 2021
quantum computers, always grand claims, and then, reality check to wake them up , every single time https://t.co/c8t9f5qlcN
— François̴̡̃̽̎͋̇ Piednoe̶̱̳̫̯̰̙̺͗̅ͅl (@FPiednoel) February 15, 2021
— 世界変動展望 著者 (@lemonstoism) February 15, 2021
When you make mistakes at a quantum level https://t.co/PS9Tik6fb4 via @wired
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) February 14, 2021