Newspaper ads get results.
— Rob Pegoraro (@robpegoraro) February 12, 2021
We have discovered what it takes to kick AT&T into its fastest fiber-installation mode, and the answer is a quarter-page Wall Street Journal print ad.
— The real Jon Brodkin (@jbrodkin) February 12, 2021
$10K print ad is the Greatest Generation equivalent to dragging on social.
— James Prior (@cavemanjim) February 12, 2021
It's super effective
It worked: a week later, after national media attention, Epstein has 300mbps symmetrical fiber. AT&T figured that in this one instance, doing its job was more important than protecting its shareholders.
— Cory Doctorow #BLM (@doctorow) February 12, 2021
It took a $10,000 ad to get faster internet. His neighbors still don't have it
— Penelope Wang (@PennyWriter) February 12, 2021
AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old after his viral WSJ ad
The actual CEO of AT&T called Aaron Epstein today, and apparently contradicted what AT&T public relations told me. AT&T's statement was difficult to believe even before, as they are claiming they always planned to do this upgrade and finished the whole neighborhood.
— The real Jon Brodkin (@jbrodkin) February 12, 2021
No, you don't have to buy a $10,000 ad to get Sonic fiber!
— Dane Jasper (@dane) February 12, 2021
Instead, write to your City Council and ask them to make it a priority to update construction standards. Many cities do not allow new trenchless construction, blocking competitive fiber buildout.
Good for them and for him for speaking out the way he did. Sad he had to spend that kind of money to get their attention, but dealing with customer service can be a nightmare for even tech savvy folks.
— Kevin Harvell (@KevinHarvell) February 12, 2021
and all it took was a $1100 ad in a major paper followed by nationwide press attention!
— Karl Bode (@KarlBode) February 12, 2021
(I'll assume the millions of marginalized folks in cities like Detroit, Dallas, and Cleveland haven't gotten their upgrades yet?)
그 광고에 대략 만달러가 들어갔고. 바로 AT&T에서 연락이 왔고 그 다음날 기사가 와서 광케이블을 설치해주고 갔다고 함. 지금은 3백메가 이상 나온다고. 근데 문제는 이 할아버지 이웃들은 아직 DSL쓴다고; 그는 “AT&T는 영화가 아니라 통신망에 돈을 써야한다”고 일침.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) February 12, 2021
And for those in areas without fast Internet who can't afford to place full page WSJ ads, just sign up for Starlink from @SpaceX
— james hong (@jhong) February 13, 2021
Ars Technica: AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old after his viral WSJ ad.
via @GoogleNews
AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old after his viral WSJ ad - Ars Technica@grattongirl@thoughtprovoke4@quasagroup@JBarbosaPR
— John Pearce (@johnpearcenews5) February 12, 2021
@USDataArt@EduardoValenteI@MrsPaznanski@Passion_4Tech@BillMew@AAnagha197@YvesMulkers via @GoogleNews
#USA ??
— ??Curtis S. Chin (@CurtisSChin) February 13, 2021
AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old Aaron M. Epstein after his viral WSJ ad slams @ATT for its service in his N. #Hollywood, Los Angeles neighborhood. Who says print advertising is dead? @jbrodkin reports. Ht @EvanKirstel | @adage
AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old after his viral WSJ ad – Ars Technica
— Will Truman (@trumwill) February 13, 2021
AT&T scrambles to install fiber for 90-year-old after his viral WSJ ad
— Evan Kirstel (@EvanKirstel) February 13, 2021
Apparently this is how you get a tech upgrade.
— Peter Zeihan (@PeterZeihan) February 13, 2021
Updated story. AT&T upgraded his neighborhood to optical fiber service. So, the ad worked.
— Jeffrey Findley (@Jeff2Serenity) February 12, 2021
This man had to take an ad out in the Wall Street Journal in order to get decent internet from @ATT.
— CWA (@CWAUnion) February 13, 2021
We need broadband for all built by union workers and we need it now.
지난주 WSJ에 AT&T의 광랜 보급이 지지부진해 자기 집 인터넷이 느려터진 DSL만 된다는 지면광고를 낸 애런은 1960년부터 AT&T 고객. 신문이 나온 다음날, 기술진이 방문했고 어제 대칭형 광랜(300Mbps)이 그의 집에 개통됐습니다. 이웃에게도 12개월 안에 개통될 예정이라고.
— ?라루얀 / 말썽쟁이 구운 경단 ? (@LaruYan) February 13, 2021
“Not everyone has $10,000 to drop on a newspaper ad, nor should they have to to compel ISPs to provide equitable internet service.”
— Don't proctor me, bro (@hypervisible) February 13, 2021
Want AT&T to Fix Your Internet? Try Taking Out a $10,000 Newspaper Ad
— Evan Kirstel (@EvanKirstel) February 13, 2021
Great job @ATT! Now go install the internet to the millions of families who can barely pay their bills during the pandemic, can’t afford internet, but their kids need the it for school... and have to literally go to @McDonalds to do homework ?
— Faran Fronczak TV (@FaranBalanced) February 12, 2021