huge opportunity to innovate TVs & combine HW/SW + content (primarily bcz TV HW UI is so fucking bad).
— Dave McClure (@davemcclure) February 9, 2021
SW/content providers NFLX AMZN APPL can afford to give away HW for [close to] free
can prob also integrate gaming/console biz for same reasons (MSFT SONY Nintendo)
Those home-of-the-future stock images now closer to reality
— Adrian Weckler (@adrianweckler) February 9, 2021
"But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.
— Kontra (@counternotions) February 9, 2021
"The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.
New story: Amazon is working on a major new device: a 10-13 inch touch screen Echo that you can hang on your wall like a picture frame. It’ll serve as a smart home control panel, video chat device and media player.
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) February 9, 2021
They forgot to include "surveillance device" in this list of features.
— Chris Martin (@ChrisMartin17) February 9, 2021
Amazon is reportedly making a wall-mounted Echo smart display
— XDA (@xdadevelopers) February 9, 2021
A telescreen. You built a telescreen.
— Will Oremus (@WillOremus) February 9, 2021
壁掛けタイプの大画面Echo Showの噂。もうEcho Show 10とかいらないじゃん/ (AMZN) Plans Wall-Mounted Echo as Smart Home Command Center - Bloomberg
— 山口真弘 (@kizuki_jpn) February 9, 2021
— ユーエスさん??米国株投資???? (@us_stock_invest) February 9, 2021
- カレンダー表示やスマートホーム管理、音楽・映画再生、ビデオ会議等に対応
- 10インチと13インチで価格は200~250ドルくらい
- 21年末または22年末に販売予定
Your smart speaker responds to your every command. Does that mean that it's always listening? by @tallshmo
— How-To Geek (@howtogeek) February 9, 2021
Amazon reportedly building an Alexa "command center" that mounts to the wall
— The Verge (@verge) February 9, 2021