Facebook is reportedly working on an app to compete with mega popular social audio app, Clubhouse! ??? via @verge
— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) February 10, 2021
Aha, who's not surprised? #inevitable ?[Zuck joined CH last week & was on the 'Good Time' show.] BUT, remember when FB had live audio?! https://t.co/Lc89E7wdQj
I’m getting so sick of this business model. Every social tech product needs to be every product as fast as possible https://t.co/upd0sPaa4s
— Tyler Stalman (@stalman) February 10, 2021
Facebook is reportedly working on a Clubhouse copy https://t.co/s1M3aRiSc9 pic.twitter.com/PhtHVqxxoP
— The Verge (@verge) February 10, 2021
— YUKAKO ニューヨークからロンドンへ。 (@yukako_julia) February 10, 2021
My music and I were featured on @NPR today in their show Here & Now, in this segment about @joinClubhouse! Please take a look and a listen. Special thanks to NPR arts editor @ninaberries for making this happen! #clubhouse #NPR https://t.co/qia94CvyKE
— Christen Lien (@ChristenLien) February 10, 2021
Great to hear about Clubhouse on NPR! @ninaberries @ChristenLien (via @bvajresh) https://t.co/HVHryfj41m
— Shash Deshmukh (@ShashDeshmukh) February 10, 2021
in my first for @CosmopolitanUK (!!!) I wrote a run down on Clubhouse, the semi-exclusivity of it, and whether it's actually a place for healthy discussion. Had so much fun with this, thank you @CatHarveyJenner for the guidance and edits✨https://t.co/S7wPwt5nXw
— Sahar Arshad (@saharaarshad) February 10, 2021
I've been reading @Cosmopolitan since i was waaaay too young to be reading Cosmo ??✨ to be featured is an actual dream come true!!!
— Meagan Loyst ?♀️ (@meaganloyst) February 10, 2021
Thanks @saharaarshad for this lovely article & getting my thoughts on Clubhouse for the folks across the Atlantic ?https://t.co/dhfrIsfdIZ
.@meaganloyst shares her experience hosting Gen Z conversations on @JoinClubhouse, connecting with friends, and more with @saharaarshad.
— Lerer Hippeau (@LererHippeau) February 10, 2021
More on the app and its growth via @Cosmopolitan.https://t.co/wKzTUqRZs9
「女性や有色人種蔑視、オンラインいじめ、ヘイトスピーチ、特に #COVID19 のミスインフォメーション拡散が実質野放しになっているとの指摘」。運営側はコミュニティ・ガイドラインがあると反論するが実効性が疑問と。
— Nobuyuki Okumura (@noboku) February 10, 2021
3/終 #Clubhouse https://t.co/4vdJk1BB42
"The experience on Clubhouse varies by room and subject matter, and can be comparable to tuning into an unedited podcast"
— Meredith Haggerty (@manymanywords) February 10, 2021
my absolute hell, what are you people doing. https://t.co/6ls04Zibhv
It’s not every day that your works gets referenced in an article on @voxdotcom.
— Liam O'Dell (@LiamODellUK) February 10, 2021
Grateful to @terrygtnguyen for linking to my recent piece on Clubhouse’s poor #deaf access in this incredibly detailed explainer.https://t.co/5gmf9rqTPt
Clubhouse, the invite-only audio app, explained https://t.co/AyfgM8ETnm
— Recode (@Recode) February 10, 2021
Clubhouse has gained millions of users since December. Here’s why it’s gotten so popular and how it works. https://t.co/x12sHhGwco
— Vox (@voxdotcom) February 10, 2021
Facebook is reportedly working on a Clubhouse copy https://t.co/4NxjJGcIV0 pic.twitter.com/d3RzjGkoXL
— The Verge (@verge) February 11, 2021
— Yoi??野郎 (@yoi_hibino) February 11, 2021
M pa sezi non > Facebook is reportedly working on a Clubhouse copy https://t.co/R6MX5yU47h via @Verge
— Carel Pedre (@carelpedre) February 10, 2021
Why you're suddenly hearing about Clubhouse everywhere: https://t.co/KLGEV5pSjR
— Vox (@voxdotcom) February 11, 2021
the clubhouse explainer i needed: https://t.co/TXJcw5eXA3
— Nisha Chittal (@NishaChittal) February 11, 2021
also i am on clubhouse but have yet to find anything good. does anyone have recs for me?