If only subscriptions didn't have CAC, churn and COGS and were only about ARPU. That some people are willing to pay for a subscription for X doesn't necessarily mean the unit economics of X will be attractive. It depends.https://t.co/Mdyb1YS508
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) February 8, 2021
NEW: Here’s a closer look at Twitter’s subscription efforts. The company has multiple internal teams researching ideas, including some related to tipping/exclusive content & others related to Tweetdeck. One group is codenamed “Rogue One”https://t.co/naWGmHRZY2
— Kurt Wagner (@KurtWagner8) February 8, 2021
I see this as an extension of media branching off towards one-person, creator-like entrepreneurship
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) February 8, 2021
Patreon —>Substack/Revue —> Twitter tipping
increasing ways to make a living monetizing a *large* following while keeping overhead low (large = key)https://t.co/3OULOfuwBR
I’d be happy with an ad-free Twitter app (everywhere) https://t.co/toSXf0CpX0
— Romit Mehta (@TheRomit) February 8, 2021
If one were building a social platform for Apple, this would be a first step: no advertising.
— Jay Cuthrell (@JayCuthrell) February 8, 2021
The second step? Remove third parties from revenue path until revenue share is established as 90/10 split.
Third? ML deplatforming algo to maximize safety, satisfaction, and revenue.? https://t.co/ay8rVhgvU0
Twitter’s gonna finally build that edit button but make you pay to use it ? https://t.co/skjBEoTlmd pic.twitter.com/Y4gIALggxN
— Joel Pavelski (@joelcifer) February 8, 2021
All Twitter has to do is to offer an Edit button and charge whatever it wants to... https://t.co/IhOvBtdCi8
— Rafat Ali, Media Owner & Operator (@rafat) February 8, 2021
twitter should charge by the character, some of you should have to pay for your mistakes https://t.co/TP4CkHVO4E
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) February 8, 2021
I’d pay for a well-maintained tweetdeck https://t.co/TckIbhmCxh
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) February 8, 2021
You know how Patreon forced YouTube to take creator monetization much more seriously? Substack is doing the same thing right now to Twitter
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) February 8, 2021
(Good scoop from @KurtWagner8) https://t.co/2MtEADccLQ
Twitter considering more subscription-type options, including payment for features like "undo send." I would pay for a service that told me who people are subtweeting https://t.co/yEflLCAeUU
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) February 8, 2021
Finally, a way to "monetize" my posts https://t.co/y6zbidxWKY
— lvl 46 dog-faced pony potus (@thetomzone) February 8, 2021
1. am 100% willing to pay for tweetdeck
— alex (@alex) February 8, 2021
2. but twitter has to actual invest in it instead of ignoring it as it has for so long https://t.co/qrmUJp8pXw
Maybe charge people in direct proportion to their "klout" score. Or based on how inflammatory they are (a good alternative to canceling) https://t.co/UgLI6JrC8a
— Sanat Gersappa (@sanatgersappa) February 8, 2021
I use tweetdeck constantly and in tandem with web version, I may be convinced to pay for it, if they add new features - also bring back the desktop app as it's sometimes slower in browser
— Andrew Wilcox I❤️Sheds (@unclewilco) February 8, 2021
Would cost be based on followers/following counts? https://t.co/qyTqyuMpAt
Oh no Twitter still remembers that Tweetdeck exists. https://t.co/kn0XUwJogQ
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) February 8, 2021
Would you pay for TweetDeck? I certainly might, mainly just because I can't imagine using Twitter without it on desktop. As for tipping users, the challenge would be for that not to turn this place into a begging-and-scams fest. https://t.co/52KdeWdT3w
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) February 8, 2021
블룸버그: 트위터, 타겟 광고 의존도 줄이기 위해 구독 옵션 탐구하고 있어
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 8, 2021
- 신비에 쌓인 "Rogue One 구독", 트윗덱을 위한 추가 요금 또는 고급 프로필 커스텀화 기능에 대한 수수료 요구를 포함해 여러 아이디어를 숙고 중인 것으로 알려졌고 트위터는 이를 확인해 줘https://t.co/eWGOtOE230
Twitter explores subscriptions to reduce its dependence on ads https://t.co/BlDiKGwlYN #tech #feedly #socialmedia #twitter @jblefevre60 @PawlowskiMario @baski_LA @CurieuxExplorer @ShiCooks @HaroldSinnott @Ym78200
— Nicolas Babin #AmazonPartner (@Nicochan33) February 8, 2021
NEW: Here’s a closer look at Twitter’s subscription efforts. The company has multiple internal teams researching ideas, including some related to tipping/exclusive content & others related to Tweetdeck. One group is codenamed “Rogue One”https://t.co/naWGmHRZY2
— Kurt Wagner (@KurtWagner8) February 8, 2021
블룸버그: 트위터가 매출에서 광고 의존을 줄이고자 팁 기능, 혹은 구독기능을 추가할지도 모른다고. 더불어서 몇몇 기능 예를 들면 트윗덱이나 ‘송신 취소’ 기능, 광고제거, 고화질 비디오 등등을 유료로 제공할 가능성도 있다고. https://t.co/GQ62DbO3Nt
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) February 8, 2021
A move to subscription is meaningful for twitter (accretive), and profound for America.
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) February 8, 2021
We need media to move abandon/tax/hold accountable algorithms of amplification that divide us.
Good for twitter, good for US, good for planet.https://t.co/MxGSupta1Z
Twitter is working on subscription fee products
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) February 8, 2021
Ideas being considered:
- Charging for TweetDeck
- 'Tipping': Giving users ability to pay people they follow for excl content
- Twitter PRO features such as “undo send” or extra profile-customization optionshttps://t.co/48V00hGUId
News this morning that Twitter is finally willing to add a subscription product https://t.co/47rnErQ5ov
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) February 8, 2021
Twitter, in my estimation, has left more than $22 BILLION DOLLARS on the table in the last five years alone by not building a freemium product. https://t.co/KlIY5vTpLL
If Twitter wants revenue from its users it should just directly charge money for follower count. 1 USD = your displayed number of followers goes up by 1, permanently. Nothing else changes, nobody actually follows you. Cash for numberhttps://t.co/GonBnA0AhZ
— qntm (@qntm) February 8, 2021
Things Twitter could consider charging for:
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) February 8, 2021
• Ad-free feed
• Tweetdeck
• Exclusive content / 'Tipping'
• Higher-quality video
• Verification
• Enhanced Analytics
• Consumer features: custom colors, hashtags or stickers for user profiles and postshttps://t.co/48V00hGUId
Twitter Mulls Subscription Product, Tipping For Generating Revenue - Bloomberg https://t.co/eIVIslu9tP
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) February 8, 2021
트위터, 광고 수익 의존을 줄이기 위해 유료 구독 모델 구축 중
코드 네임 "로그 원", 유료 구독 모델에서 고려 중인 기능은
▲광고 없는 타임라인 ▲팁 기능
(스레드로 계속)
Difference between platforms that unite (NFLX, LinkedIn, Disney+, Apple One, NYT, WSJ) vs. divide us (FB, GOOG, TWTR, Fox, CNN)?
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) February 8, 2021
A: Algorithms of amplification/rage, vs. subscription.
This is a step in the right direction.https://t.co/MxGSupta1Z
Why would I ever pay you money when you can't get things right on your normal service?
— Bored Dork ? (@GiveawayDork) February 8, 2021
Twitter Explores Subscription Offering To Monetize Some Features - https://t.co/DxMInmC0Df
I feel seen.
— JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUΔL³³°¹ (@th3j35t3r) February 9, 2021
"Twitter considering subscription fees to ensure "revenue durability."https://t.co/pYEQaINFGu
— ryoko (@RPA_Journey) February 9, 2021
Twitter is building a subscription product as a way to ease its dependence on advertising https://t.co/U8KE0g35Dz @technologyから
— のっぷ (@n1999813) February 9, 2021
— すけ @ 脱大企業 (@Suke7251) February 9, 2021
◆ Twitterが広告への依存を減らすため、サブスクリプション課金を検討している
◆ TwitterのCFOは、サブスクリプションは広告費よりも信頼できると述べたhttps://t.co/YnA8HHwGay pic.twitter.com/MmLdAsWixK