Grocery store workers, once lauded as pandemic heroes, feel forgotten in vaccine rollout
— Eater (@Eater) February 8, 2021
“Grocers are known to have these very thin margins, which they do, but they have been very profitable during the pandemic. Employers by and large, with only a few exceptions like Trader Joe’s and Costco, ended hazard pay months and months ago.”
— Stacey E. Singleton (@staceyNYCDC) February 8, 2021
‘We Are Forgotten’: Grocery Workers Hope for Higher Pay and Vaccinations ::
— THE TAO OF NOW (@InTheNoosphere) February 8, 2021
grocery stores have been booming during the pandemic, but the people who work there have gotten little extra pay in this time. now, even as experts say to minimize time in grocery stores, workers are only eligible for vaccines in 13 states: w/@mcorkery5
— Sapna Maheshwari (@sapna) February 8, 2021
This is an important story, with great quotes from multiple UFCW leaders. But like most coverage of the industry it repeats the claim that groceries are a “peculiarly low-profit” business. This is false. (Long thread.) @sapna @mcorkery5
— John Marshall, CFA (@jmarshall_cfa) February 8, 2021
My whole life I will never forget the palpable terror of grocery store workers at the start of the pandemic. They are in indoor spaces with 100s or 1000s of people each day. Let's prioritize grocery workers and other essential workers for vaccines
— Julia Raifman (@JuliaRaifman) February 8, 2021
Most major grocery stores stopped offering “hero pay” last summer.
— (@TalkPoverty) February 8, 2021
‘We Are Forgotten’: Grocery Workers Hope for Higher Pay and Vaccinations
— Danyel Smith (@danamo) February 8, 2021
But only days after the additional money started flowing to Ms. Ayala and her colleagues, supervisors told the staff that @kroger was shutting down the store because of the hero pay requirement. Kroger also said it was closing a second store in Long Beach.
— LAANE (@LAANE) February 8, 2021
Bertha Ayala, who works at a @Food4Less in Long Beach, was ecstatic after the city enacted an ordinance requiring her store, which is owned by @kroger, to pay its workers an additional $4 per hour of “hero pay” to compensate them for the risks they face.
— LAANE (@LAANE) February 8, 2021
I would not be surprised if it is the same in Canada, grocery retailers getting richer than ever while underpaying their employees.
— Joey Coleman (@JoeyColeman) February 8, 2021
Grocery workers @UFCW bearing the burnt of the #COVID19 pandemic should be correspondingly compensated and vaccinated. Shout out to #TraderJoes for UPPING hero and maintainig hero pay. @Marc_Perrone
— Dr. Ali Khan (@DrAliSKhan) February 8, 2021
"We are forgotten"-- terrific new @nytimes story about grocery workers' (unrealized) hopes for higher pay & vaccines.
— Molly Kinder (@MollyKinder) February 8, 2021
Grateful to @sapna @mcorkery5 for sharing @StatelerLaura @JuliaTDu & my @brookingsmetro research on booming profits & lapsed #hazardpay
Warning: This article will make you furious. "The industry has boomed in the past year as Americans have stayed home and avoided restaurants. But in most cases, that has not translated into extra pay for its workers." @sapna @nytimes
— Anna Lappé (@annalappe) February 8, 2021
some of the comments on our story about grocery store workers during the pandemic:
— Sapna Maheshwari (@sapna) February 9, 2021
“Kroger is sending a message, more than anything else,” said Andrea Zinder, President @UFCW324. “They are trying to intimidate workers and communities: If you pass these types of ordinances, there will be consequences.”
— California Labor Federation *Pass the PRO act* (@CaliforniaLabor) February 8, 2021
“Booming business during the pandemic hasn’t always meant better wages, and [grocery workers] have largely been left off vaccine priority lists.”
— CAP Action (@CAPAction) February 8, 2021