덴마크, 북해에 풍력 에너지 허브를 위한 인공 섬 건설할 것
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 5, 2021
- 덴마크 에너지청은 오늘 예상대로 유틀란트 반도에서 50마일 떨어진 북해에 인공 섬을 건설할 것이라고 공식 발표
- 이 친환경 에너지 허브는 완공되면 1000만 가구에 필요한 전력량인 10GW 전력을 공급하게 돼https://t.co/wsdopiEh2s
Denmark will build a wind-generating artificial island in the North Sea https://t.co/87XR6glCoy #tech #feedly
— Nicolas Babin #AmazonPartner (@Nicochan33) February 5, 2021
Electric canneries?? Denmark will build a wind-generating artificial island in the North Sea https://t.co/9h4Pv4IRJ0
— @AlaskaSeafood (@alaskaseafood) February 5, 2021
Offshore wind announcements going wild.
— Orange Apple (@ainge_man) February 5, 2021
Denmark 10GW (later 12GW) and South Korea 8.2GWhttps://t.co/VwhTvGrpES
Denmark wants to build a renewable energy island in the North Sea, the largest construction project in its history https://t.co/40OGnY0842
— CNBC International (@CNBCi) February 5, 2021
Denmark wants to build a renewable energy island in the sea, its largest construction project ever https://t.co/v0JgEbzoel
— CNBC (@CNBC) February 5, 2021