중국 신장 위구르 자치구 소수 민족 백만 수용소에서 온갖 반인륜 만행. 여성 재교육 캠프에서 조직적으로 성폭력 학대 고문 자행. 감시, 감금, 사상 주입, 강제불임 등 자행하고 있다고 탈주 여성과 인권단체 고발. 2014년 분리주의 테러 공격 후 시진핑 지시로 무자비한 폭압https://t.co/BVKgynaycK
— Journey (@atmostbeautiful) February 3, 2021
Very strange that Muslim leaders and even virulent Islamists rant and rave about cartoons of Mohammed but have remained eerily silent on this issue. https://t.co/RRoI9ed3uU
— Ayaan Hirsi Ali (@Ayaan) February 3, 2021
What will it take for us to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its crimes?
— Miriam M. Lexmann (@MiriamMLex) February 3, 2021
What will it take for us to put freedom & dignity above business deals with the CCP?
What will it take for us to act?https://t.co/a0b0PurZc1 pic.twitter.com/3JbjczLTdy
"Perhaps this is the most unforgettable scar on me forever," a Uighur Muslim woman named Tursunay Ziawudun said of being repeatedly gang raped in a Chinese prison in Xinjiang. "I don't even want these words to spill from my mouth."https://t.co/MlJ1mysrY1
— Batya Ungar-Sargon (@bungarsargon) February 3, 2021
Brutal details in this story, very hard to read https://t.co/jx5INVXz4G
— Austin Ramzy (@austinramzy) February 3, 2021
'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rapehttps://t.co/C9d2t7fa5N
— 10.1、11.11、11.12、11.16⋯HKPolice Shot Students? (@soshk_hker) February 3, 2021
BBC News | By Matthew Hill, David Campanale and Joel Gunter#Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營#UyghurGenocide #種族滅絕 #Uyghur
#genocide #evilCCP #China pic.twitter.com/ylGCYjo0TW
I honestly couldn’t finish this. But I also can’t ignore it. The government of China is disgustingly cruel; the silence of the world is shameful.https://t.co/uFioIkXSjo
— Dr. Omar Suleiman (@omarsuleiman504) February 3, 2021
Women in #China's #Uyghur 're-education' camps are systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured. Xi Jinping's genocidal intent is clear. Australia should not lend legitimacy to #CCP by flying our flag at @Beijing2022 Winter #Olympic Games #auspol https://t.co/5xhc59WUo3
— Rex Patrick (@Senator_Patrick) February 3, 2021
Just horrific: “They say people are released, but in my opinion everyone who leaves the camps is finished.” https://t.co/1HnO1I6Mji
— Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) February 3, 2021
'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape - BBC News https://t.co/mWbvqbjy4p
— Iain Duncan Smith MP (@MPIainDS) February 2, 2021
This latest BBC article about the mass rapes of the Uighurs is very difficult to read. The mind goes numb; feelings of anger, disgust & helplessness form.
— Dr. Yasir Qadhi (@YasirQadhi) February 3, 2021
Details that one cannot unread.
And meanwhile, we are divided in every manner imaginable... https://t.co/aMKgrtIZfh
Breaking: the BBC publishes some of the most horrendous evidence yet of what happens in Xinjiang's camps. Endemic rape, brutal sexual torture of women, electric batons inserted into vaginas, Uyghur female detainees provided to Han men for a fee.https://t.co/5i2xxVrvEO
— Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) February 2, 2021
Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured! We call upon President Biden to call this "genocide." #HK @hk_watch @Stand_with_HK @FreedomHKG @SolomonYue @Fight4HongKong @UyghurCongress https://t.co/UFljZnWT2q
— Rev. Patrick Mahoney (@revmahoney) February 3, 2021
Horrifying BBC piece with details of the rape of Uyghur women in detention camps. The detail of the survivor talking about her bite marks — there are no words. And I feel like the world has become inured to stories about Uyghurs. https://t.co/8Ce8yFe2W3
— Melissa Chan (@melissakchan) February 3, 2021
Survivors of #Xinjiang mass internment camps provided horrific accounts of rape, torture, and forced sterilization of #Uyghur and #Kazakh women. These accounts add to existing documentation of state violence against ethnic minority women in Xinjiang. https://t.co/17cbTvPjBq
— China Commission (@CECCgov) February 3, 2021
‘Their goal is to destroy everyone’: Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape in Chinese camps – BBC News https://t.co/jmHNQepxX4
— Sense Hofstede (@sehof) February 3, 2021
Businesspeople everywhere: if your goal is to disengage from China before losing your supply chain and your staff, you are rapidly running out of runway. https://t.co/oODU343ov6
— Peter Zeihan (@PeterZeihan) February 3, 2021
Reading the accounts of the brutality inflicted on these women makes me sick to my stomach.
— Rep. Jennifer Wexton (@RepWexton) February 3, 2021
This monstrous government-sponsored campaign to degrade, dehumanize, and erase the Uyghur people and culture is an urgent human rights and moral crisis.https://t.co/YcUOSA0qyt
Chair @RepGregoryMeeks: Horrific report detailing the suffering of the Uyghur people.
— House Foreign Affairs Committee (@HouseForeign) February 3, 2021
We stand with the oppressed and will continue to condemn the Chinese government for the unspeakable atrocities perpetrated against the Uyghurs & other ethnic minorities.https://t.co/bGxYtnRd3W
Put anything that you're doing and READ this.
— Nury Turkel (@nuryturkel) February 3, 2021
--If this doesn't move you then I don't know what will...https://t.co/aA9kGvyg8h
“Xi is the overall architect of the policy against the Uighurs, said Charles Parton, a former British diplomat in China and now senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute.” #XiJinping https://t.co/ivc37TrjS5
— Rebeccah Heinrichs (@RLHeinrichs) February 3, 2021
— deepthroat (@gloomynews) February 3, 2021
Women in China's "re-education" camps for Uighurs have been systematically raped, sexually abused, and tortured, according to detailed new accounts obtained by the BBC. #Uighurmuslims #IPAC https://t.co/ubhrQaPQIW
— Uffe Elbaek (@uffeelbaek) February 3, 2021
These first-hand accounts about China's horrific abuse of its Uighur population will haunt you. Why is China sitting on the @UNHumanRights Council? https://t.co/H9batZW1ob
— Stand For America (@standamericanow) February 3, 2021
⚠️The tireless @Nus_Ghani has secured an Urgent Question tomorrow on “the treatment of Uyghur women in Xinjiang’s detention camps”
— Luke de Pulford 裴倫德 (@lukedepulford) February 3, 2021
How much more evidence do you need? Give #Uyghurs their day in court. https://t.co/0cIU6qGKbm
Perhaps the "UN entity for gender equality & women's empowerment" should focus on more pressing issues related to human rights... https://t.co/aDdIPYOA9O https://t.co/LWqXjXJIwV pic.twitter.com/ETESulR0JW
— Dylan Gresik (@DylanGresik) February 3, 2021
“My job was to remove their clothes above the waist and handcuff them so they cannot move. Then, I would leave the women in the room and a man would enter. I sat silently next to the door, and when the man left the room I took the woman for a shower.” https://t.co/Er2YDbkJDB
— Fight For Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong. 重光團隊 (@Stand_with_HK) February 3, 2021
Tursunay Ziawudun is the 1st person to testify to being raped in the current crackdown. Previous accounts were by those who've witnessed others raped (Sayragul Sauytbay), threatened w rape (upcoming publication) & 2nd hand accounts https://t.co/4WRDvr7FjQ 1/5
— Maya Wang 王松莲 (@wang_maya) February 3, 2021
Feeling sick after reading about our Uyghur/Kazakh sisters being chained and raped in Chinese camps. We've known this for a while but it's different when someone describes everything in detail, and you imagine that happening to your loved ones https://t.co/uHrSmVFp5s
— Aydin Anwar (@aydinanwar_) February 2, 2021
If systematic rapes in prison camps for ethnic minorities is not enough, then what would be needed for CCP apologists around the world to question the modus operandi of the regime or for that matter to question the Olympic being held in Beijing next year? https://t.co/w6002Bs0or
— Jojje Olsson (@jojjeols) February 3, 2021
This BBC report is horrifying. https://t.co/vs4sSV2s38
— Mike Carlton (@MikeCarlton01) February 3, 2021