Google continues to do interesting machine learning things with its camera software. @NicoleWetsman on the latest: reading your heart rate or respiratory rate using the already-existing camera in Pixel phones.
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) February 4, 2021
this is wild — google says it can accurately measure heart rate from putting your finger over your phone’s camera
— Jake Kastrenakes (@jake_k) February 4, 2021
*Soothing Computer Voice* "According to your heart rate it seems you don't love me anymore..."
— Jeff Delgado (@Jeff_Delgado) February 4, 2021
When will the Pixel 6 be announced?
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) February 4, 2021
Google taps your phone cameras to measure your respiratory rate and heart rate
— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) February 4, 2021
"Starting next month, Pixel owners will be able to use their phone cameras to measure their pulse and breath rates via Google Fit."
Starting next month, Google Fit will allow you to measure your heart rate and respiratory rate using just your phone’s camera. These features will be available in the Google Fit app for Pixel phones, with plans to expand to more Android devices.
— Derek Ross (@derekmross) February 4, 2021
Google Fit will soon use smartphone cameras to log heart rate and respiratory rate via @MobiHealthNews
— Daniel McCaffrey (@demccaffrey) February 4, 2021
Take a pulse on health and wellness with your phone
— irael zambrano (@Zambrano_Jose_) February 4, 2021
Google announces new AI-powered heart and breathing monitors for Pixel phones (story by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 4, 2021
Google Fit Gets Heart and Respiratory Rate Feature on Pixel Phones.
— Droid Life (@droid_life) February 4, 2021
Google Fit update to turn Pixel phones into more advanced health tools
— XDA (@xdadevelopers) February 4, 2021
Take your time, Google
— Marco Altini (@altini_marco) February 4, 2021
Google Just Turned Your Phone's Camera Into a Weirdly Advanced Health Tracker via @gizmodo
Pixel phones will be able to read your heart rate with their cameras
— The Verge (@verge) February 4, 2021
Google Fit will soon use smartphone cameras to log heart rate and respiratory rate #digitalhealth #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #mhealth #AI #industry40 #IoT #healthtech
— Dr Timos Papagatsias (@_timos_) February 4, 2021
Google announces new AI-powered heart and breathing monitors for Pixel phones (story by @thomas_macaulay)
— TNW (@thenextweb) February 5, 2021
Super cool! I can't wait to try this once it starts rolling out to Pixels! #TeamPixel @9to5Google: Google Fit can measure heart & respiratory rate using your phone’s cameras, starting on Pixel.
— Stephanie Carls (@stephelisecarls) February 4, 2021
Googleがスマホカメラのみで呼吸数&心拍数を計測するウェルネス用アプリをリリースするそう?上半身の体動から呼吸を、指先の色調変化から心拍を検出するとな…スマートウォッチがなくても使えて、Google Fit経由で提供。いやはやウェルネス領域は群雄割拠ですね…!?
— H. Kawaguchi (@h_kawag) February 4, 2021
Google Pixelでカメラだけを使って心拍数と呼吸数を測定する機能が追加されるとのこと。もちろんFDAの認証は受けておらず医学用途では使えないです。 #healthcare #feedly
— 小林宏彰@VC (@KobyMd) February 4, 2021
Google to offer heart and respiratory rate measurements using just your smartphone’s camera – TechCrunch
— Katie Baca-Motes ? (@BacaMotes) February 5, 2021
#UWAllen's Shwetak Patel, Google's Director of Health Technologies - Google to offer heart and respiratory rate measurements using just your smartphone's camera via @techcrunch
— Ed Lazowska (@lazowska) February 4, 2021
Wow! Google Fit Now Measures Heart and Breath Rate with Your Phone #digitalhealth #healthtech @IrmaRaste @eViRaHealth @GoogleFitness
— Evan Kirstel (@EvanKirstel) February 5, 2021
Pixel phones will be able to read your heart rate with their cameras
— The Verge (@verge) February 5, 2021