Germans don’t allow people to espouse pro-Nazi rhetoric.
— Susan of Texas (@SusanofTexas) January 11, 2021
When Germany is concerned about what you're doing, you know you're in big trouble.
— The First (@TheFirstonTV) January 11, 2021
She's not infallible like some people seem to think
— Hyde T. Voltyge (@HydeVoltyge) January 11, 2021
Inciting violence doesn't fall under "freedom of opinion," this is a precedent known for a long time in American jurisprudential doctrine under "shouting fire in a crowded theater."
An embarrassing defense from Merkel.
Angela Merkel disagrees with deplatforming of Trump. I am sympathetic, but circumstances are exceptional:
— Roger McNamee (@Moonalice) January 11, 2021
- insurrection was an armed assault on government
- platforms empowered insurrection and feel pressure to limit their legal jeopardy, as more attacks are being planned.
The president desperately wishes he could tweet about this right of this chief foreign leader rivals taking his side.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) January 11, 2021
WTF I love Angela Merkel now
— President-Erect Victor (@lordvictor) January 11, 2021
Not really but I'm glad she can see this with a perspective outside the sphere controlled by Google and Facebook mindspaces.
"Problematic" - that's what German Chancellor Angela Merkel thinks about the moves to suspend US President Donald Trump from Twitter and Facebook. Her spokesman explains why:
— DW Politics (@dw_politics) January 11, 2021
What makes Merkel's comments particularly striking -- apart from her well-reported acrimony with Trump -- is, as @AliceFromQueens noted, Europe generally and Germany specifically have far less permissive free speech traditions than the US. Yet even Merkel finds this alarming.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 11, 2021
Suddenly European leaders are concerned about online censorship.
— Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) January 11, 2021
Angela Merkel thinks Trump's Twitter suspension is 'problematic'
— Chris Stein (@chrissteinplays) January 11, 2021
A lot of people are going to be super unhappy with West Coast high tech as the de facto arbiter of free speech
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 11, 2021
How many of the articles talking about Merkel's statement totally and completely ignore that at the same time Merkel says this, her government is participating in an effort to force internet companies to take down "online harms" within 24 hours?
— Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) January 11, 2021
AFP: Germany's Angela Merkel believes ban on Trump's Twitter account is "problematic" because freedom of opinion should not be determined by online platform bosses
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) January 11, 2021
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has blasted Twitter's decision to permanently suspend President Trump's account.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) January 11, 2021
"The chancellor considers it problematic that the president’s accounts have been permanently suspended.”
Germany sees what’s happening in the US as problematic.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) January 11, 2021
Let that sink in.....
The left loves to quote the ACLU and Angela Merkel. I wonder why they are ignoring these champions of freedom and individual rights today?
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) January 11, 2021
Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over Trump ban
Russian dissident Alexei Navalny echoes criticisms
Germany’s chancellor called the ban a ‘problematic’ breach of the ‘fundamental right to free speech’ and said the US government should take on the responsibility for regulating hate speech instead
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) January 11, 2021
Somehow I feel like the people saying "see? even Angela Merkel thinks trump's ban is bad!" would not prefer her solution.
— Elizabeth May (@_ElizabethMay) January 11, 2021
Angela Merkel criticized Twitter's decision to ban Trump and said that the US gov't should follow Germany’s lead in adopting laws that restrict online incitement, rather than leaving it up to platforms such as Twitter&Facebook to make up their own rules.
— Oliver Stuenkel ?? (@OliverStuenkel) January 11, 2021
Even European leaders think banning the President of the United States from Social Media is a terrible idea.
— Ale Resnik (@AleResnik) January 11, 2021
Agreed. The right of free speech shd be limited when it encourages incitement etc. But it should be done through laws restricting it, not by private companies.
— Annette Dittert (@annettedittert) January 11, 2021
Just to be clear- Angela Merkel & the Europeans are NOT totally against limits to #freespeech - their concern is who should have the power to do it. They don’t like it being in the hands of corporations like Twitter. They think elected govt should decide.
— Magda Szubanski AO (@MagdaSzubanski) January 11, 2021
ツイッターに広がる波紋:トランプ氏のアカウント永久凍結をメルケル首相が批判(Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over Trump ban:FT)
— 滝田洋一(日本経済新聞) (@yoichitakita) January 11, 2021
When did Russian dissident Alexei Navalny become a Trumper?
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) January 11, 2021
“This precedent will be exploited by enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice.’”
When did France’s finance minister become a Trumper?
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) January 11, 2021
“Digital regulation should not be done by the digital oligarchy itself . . . Regulation of the digital arena is a matter for the sovereign people, governments and the judiciary.”
— 桜?Sakura (@Himbeer2011) January 11, 2021
Angela Merkel, German chancellor, has sharply criticised Twitter’s decision to ban US president Donald Trump, calling it a “problematic” breach of the “fundamental right to free speech”.
— Espen Gaarder Haug (@EGHaug) January 11, 2021
Yes, Angela Merkel But, she also
— Jim Jones (@GreatBigTable) January 11, 2021
said this: said this:
Germany has more controlled speech than the US. She is saying that speech regulation has to be at the government level.
That's the discussion, then.
EU will start controlling Big Tech by law. They were waiting for it and now they have it. They have penalized all big tech in the past.
— Arun Pudur (@arunpudur) January 11, 2021
Germany's Merkel: Trump's Twitter eviction 'problematic'
India still waiting?
Angela Merkel slams twitter's decision to ban Trump
— Torben Mark Pedersen (@torbenmarkp) January 11, 2021
Most people around the world are probably not looking at events in the US the same way that US liberals are.
— Thom? (@wokus_dei) January 11, 2021
Merkel is right. Clearly, the time has come to establish an independent online watchdog that has oversight over social media platforms.
— Nicholas Drummond (@nicholadrummond) January 11, 2021
Is no UK politician willing to question this?
— David Scott (@Albion_Rover) January 11, 2021
Angela Merkel finds Twitter halt of Trump account 'problematic'
— 三浦瑠麗 Lully MIURA (@lullymiura) January 12, 2021
Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over Trump ban
— 三春充希(はる)⭐Mitsuki MIHARU (@miraisyakai) January 12, 2021
— Shin Hori (@ShinHori1) January 12, 2021
(米国は法規制が乏しく企業任せになってることへの批判→ @financialtimes
日経 @nikkei の誤訳が諸悪の根源だけど、欧州の言論法理は差別・煽動を「許さない」ことは国際法・国際関係をちょっとでも齧っていれば常識。
— 渡邉葉 (@YoWatShiinaEsq) January 12, 2021
— 想田和弘 「精神0」公開中 (@KazuhiroSoda) January 12, 2021
Angela Merkel attacks Twitter over Trump ban
— Yuko Watanabe 渡邊 裕子????? (@ywny) January 12, 2021
— ほのぼのさん (@2003Zgf) January 12, 2021
— ほのぼのさん (@2003Zgf) January 12, 2021
— 星 暁雄 (@AkioHoshi) January 12, 2021
Well, actually....
— Kim-Mai Cutler (@kimmaicutler) January 12, 2021
“Ms Merkel said through her spokesman that the US government should follow Germany’s lead in adopting laws that restrict online incitement, rather than leaving it up to platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to make up their own rules.”
第一段落だけ読んで「メルケルは表現の自由戦士だ!」と思うのは早とちりで、第二段落以降の「ドイツのようにヘイト・スピーチ規制法をきっちり定め、民間企業も従わせるべき。恣意的なのはよろしくない」が彼女の論旨だし、EU的志向。 via @financialtimes
— suzuky (@suzuky) January 12, 2021
— Michito Tsuruoka / 鶴岡路人 (@MichitoTsuruoka) January 12, 2021
Germany's Merkel: Trump's Twitter eviction 'problematic'
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 12, 2021
seems kinda big
— curtmills (@CurtMills) January 12, 2021
is merkle feeling ok? defending trump and free speech ?
— WE GOT A PROBLEM (@problem_we) January 12, 2021
Merkel finds Twitter halt of Trump account 'problematic'
— 瑞鳳殿 (@Righteousness03) January 11, 2021
— ?☠️伊藤????浩志?☠️ (@LuckyDogEco) January 11, 2021
"The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance"
— Rowl Baba (@RowlBaba) January 11, 2021
Wow even Trump critics disagree with suspension?Deep down we all know these tech giants are setting wrong precedent. We are moving towards Chinese model?♂️