You don’t need to give Twitter much credit for taking out a fire extinguisher in the middle of a raging wildfire, after they’ve happily provided arsonists and pyromaniacs with a steady supply of gasoline, oily rags, and matches for years...
— Librarianshipwreck (@libshipwreck) January 8, 2021
There’s not always a tweet.
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) January 8, 2021
Mike Flynn had taken an "oath" QAnon last year. He and Sidney Powell advised the president on attempts to override the election in the last month. Powell is now being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for $1.3 billion.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
Major players in the Q universe, both now banned from Twitter.
No one should praise Twitter. Had Trump won they would not have done this. Dems have full control and Twitter is scared of being regulated in a way they don’t like. This was easy. > Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump
— James Pindell (@JamesPindell) January 8, 2021
So this confirms it. Republicans working the refs, falsely alleging “anti-conservative bias” is what stopped Twitter & Facebook from policing lies.
— Josh Constine -SignalFire (@JoshConstine) January 9, 2021
No senate control = no fear of regulatory backlash = bans
"Employees also requested an investigation into the past several years of corporate actions that led to Twitter’s role in the insurrection"
— sara ashley o'brien (@saraashleyo) January 8, 2021
Two of these people (Flynn/Powell) were advising the president in the Oval Office a couple weeks ago. The third was retweeted repeatedly by the president in recent weeks to fuel lies about election fraud.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) January 8, 2021
Thank you @twitter for taking this action. We must come together as a country to heal and find a common path forward.
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) January 8, 2021
Honestly don't care about them kicking him off but they should've just frozen his account instead. Changed the password and email. We'd still have "nipples protruding"
— 'Weird Alex' Pareene (@pareene) January 8, 2021
Did I code this bot to elegantly deal with Trump’s account being suspended? Er, let’s wait and find out together I guess.
— Trump Alert (@TrumpsAlert) January 8, 2021
Twitter considering the context, not just content, of Trump's two recent tweets. For instance, the one about not going to inauguration may be "encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the Inauguration would be a 'safe' target, as he will not be attending"
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) January 8, 2021
Ron Watkins, who runs the site where Q from QAnon posts and whom many believe may be Q himself, is now also banned from Twitter.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
He spent the last month targeting private citizens with claims of election fraud. He lives in Japan and runs 8kun, a site born in the Philippines.
BREAKING: Twitter is taking dramatic action on remaining QAnon accounts for breaking their "Coordinated Harmful Activity" rules, some of whom heavily promoted Wednesday's storming of the Capitol.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, 8kun's Ron Watkins banned.
Twitter's statement below:
Credit where credit is due:@jack let hate speech and misinformation reign for 1439, of 1460, days.
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) January 8, 2021
all eyes now turn expectantly to LinkedIn.
— Alex Konrad (@alexrkonrad) January 8, 2021
Twitter will be banning major accounts that push QAnon on the platform after its followers stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, explicitly plotting it for weeks on various social media networks.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
as a former employee @jack, can i just say cut the "protecting the health of the public conversation" bullshit and ban the fascist dictator inciting violence and trying to take over the country already?
— Where the Tweets have no name (@andrewthesmart) January 7, 2021
Twitter's specific reason for banning Trump seems like kind of a stretch. Seems like the next time he tweeted about politics, he was gone — and now here we are
— David Pierce (@pierce) January 8, 2021
Gab and Parler now get to fight to the death over who gets to host Trump.
— Eliot Higgins (@EliotHiggins) January 8, 2021
shout out to these folks at twitter.
— EricaJoy (@EricaJoy) January 8, 2021
trump has done enough damage and if you let him keep the megaphone, he will continue to do more. take away his megaphone @jack.
Let’s be clear, the employees made this happen. Stock markets don’t care and pundits don’t move the needle. The biggest risk facing tech giants is losing talent. Their armchair-libertarian faux-intellectualism is all well and good until engineers don’t want to work there anymore.
— Chris Sacca ?? (@sacca) January 8, 2021
I wonder if Twitter should have just disabled his ability to tweet instead of nuking the whole account, given how important his historical tweets are (and how much they've been quote-tweeted and embedded)
— Peter Sterne? (@petersterne) January 8, 2021
Just so we're clear, this is an admission that you were ALWAYS capable of doing this and simply chose not to
— brynne ridley (@BrynneRidley) January 8, 2021
Who’s in charge of Parler because that’s where all his support hangs out. I believe at a time when Trump is inciting violence that Parler should recognize the threat too and block his access. If they don’t they’ll be one of the only platforms left and will be complicit.
— Vicki Campbell ?? (@merry123459) January 8, 2021
After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 8, 2021
Not to be obtuse but like.. did this man not partake in multiple financing rounds for Twitter? Wouldn't "I've called and left Jack Dorsey a voicemail" be more effective than tweeting him?
— Kushaan Shah (@kushaanshah) January 7, 2021
Twitter just sent a VERY POWERFUL message to every budding authoritarian: You WILL be held accountable after you're 99.99% done with your time in government and your party has lost control of the legislature
— Sam Biddle (@samfbiddle) January 8, 2021
This tweet is going to set a new record on twitter
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) January 8, 2021
Although Ron Watkins has been banned, his father and 8kun owner Jim Watkins remains on the platform. Jim Watkins has used his Twitter account to promote QAnon.
— Alex Kaplan (@AlKapDC) January 8, 2021
In the context of horrific events this week, we made it clear on Wednesday that additional violations of the Twitter Rules would potentially result in this very course of action.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 8, 2021
Our public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly. It is built on a principle that the people have a right to hold power to account in the open.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 8, 2021
Remember when people chastised Vice President-elect Kamala Harris for calling for this over a year ago? She was exactly right...
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) January 8, 2021
this is the kind of editorial judgement Dorsey & Zuckerberg resisted making (even as they made all kinds of other editorial judgement) for years. they may not want to frame it that way but it’s hard to read it any other way.
— Shannon Bond (@shannonpareil) January 8, 2021
It was the right thing to do. And I’m honestly still kinda in shock that it happened.
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 8, 2021
In permanently suspending Trump's account (and his 88.7 Million followers) Twitter has deprived Trump of a major avenue for monetizing the presidency after he leaves office. Those howls of rage you hear coming from the White House are about $$$, not free speech.
— Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) January 8, 2021
An extraordinary thing to have to admit about a president of the United States. But it was past time. Bravo.
— Scott Monty (@ScottMonty) January 9, 2021
Only 48 hours after they helped incite a coup and weeks after they were calling for martial law. #coolcoolcoolcoolcool
— Melissa Ryan (@MelissaRyan) January 8, 2021
One of many questions about this for @jack & @TwitterSafety:
— Geoffrey A. Fowler (@geoffreyfowler) January 8, 2021
Is a permanent suspension the same thing as a lifetime ban?
President Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter. The Marxist takeover continues.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 8, 2021
This is not to say that banning Trump is the wrong call. I think there’s a very strong case for it. But that case has very little to do with the platforms’ existing rules or prior statements. It’s a subjective, editorial judgment—the kind that media companies make all the time.
— Will Oremus (@WillOremus) January 8, 2021
Will we be able to find his old tweets? Can we give @USNatArchives control of the account for posterity? And for the truth and reconciliation commission.
— Sewell Chan (@sewellchan) January 8, 2021
The President is one of the most powerful people in the world, he has a briefing room and most networks will carry anything he says at the drop of a hat.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) January 8, 2021
This isn't "censoring the president". It's twitter saying "not on my platform".
He still has the nuclear codes though.
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) January 8, 2021
A landmark week in social media’s power — to provoke violence.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) January 8, 2021
And social media company’s power — to deplatform the President of the United States.
The thing he absolutely wants to do the most right now is tweet angrily about being suspended from twitter and he cannot
— Adam Serwer ? (@AdamSerwer) January 8, 2021
Mass suspension of Qanon accounts really hitting Rudy's timeline hard
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) January 8, 2021
Major QAnon accounts that have been banned since this was announced already include:
— Alex Kaplan (@AlKapDC) January 8, 2021
-Praying Medic
-WeTheInevitable (who has ban evaded more than 20 times)
*we* deplatformed Trump on Nov 4th
— ???☕️ (@hunterwalk) January 8, 2021
glad others are catching up....
Twitter finally banned Trump!
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) January 8, 2021
We did it!
For years people have asked what it would take for Twitter to actually enforce its own rules when it comes to Trump’s account.
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 8, 2021
The answer turned out to be inciting a terrorist attack on the US Capitol.
However, we made it clear going back years that these accounts are not above our rules and cannot use Twitter to incite violence. We will continue to be transparent around our policies and their enforcement.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 8, 2021
— Josh Long (龙之春, जोश, Джош Лонг, جوش لونگ) (@starbuxman) January 8, 2021
4 years too late. But, YES @jack, good! this is great! thank you
deeply impressive how the tech companies constantly triangulate their policies and positions and end up doing the thing that is absolutely the worst for them on both fronts — they abet authoritarianism to all but the bitter end AND give conservatives a reason to crow 'censorship'
— Brian Merchant (@bcmerchant) January 8, 2021
His YouTube page, full of election disinformation, is still up and running.
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) January 8, 2021
FINALLY! @jack told Trump to STFU! ??
— Wanda Sykes (@iamwandasykes) January 8, 2021
Can we put them on a family plan? Don Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Jared, you too Melania...Shut all of those scoundrels down!
Breaking: Twitter is nuking the biggest QAnon accounts for "Coordinated Harmful Activity," some of whom promoted the Capitol riots. General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Ron Watkins, included. Twitter's statement:
— Brandy Zadrozny (@BrandyZadrozny) January 8, 2021
Amazing that @jack is suspending everyone around the person responsible for the coup on Tuesday, but not the person himself.
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) January 8, 2021
This is so incredibly transparent, @Twitter
The account used to ban transgender Americans from the armed forces is gone forever and I’m taking a fuck ton of satisfaction in that right now.
— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) January 8, 2021
thank you for doing the right thing
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 8, 2021
Thinking, as I often do, about the Krassensteins right now
— David Klion (@DavidKlion) January 8, 2021
I think it's the right thing to do, and Twitter should have done it a long time ago. It just looks like Twitter decided to ban him permanently on Wednesday, and just needed to buy a couple of days to make a plan
— David Pierce (@pierce) January 8, 2021
You can believe both that tech companies have far too much power and that Trump getting banned is a very good thing.
— Gravel Institute (@GravelInstitute) January 8, 2021
I mean, honestly, he might consider this worse than impeachment.
— Shane Harris (@shaneharris) January 8, 2021
Twitter just banned the president of the United States. Seismic event.
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) January 8, 2021
I hope @jack listens.
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 8, 2021
Also known as "Full Covfefe."
— Quentin Hardy (@qhardy) January 8, 2021
Now we know the threshold for a world leader to be permanently banned from Twitter: incite a riot inside the main legislative building that leaves 5 people dead.
— William Turton (@WilliamTurton) January 8, 2021
Would be good for Twitter to find a way still to keep Trump’s old tweets online, which are the basis of like millions of news stories which just lost their primary documents.
— Matt Berman (@Mr_Berman) January 8, 2021
The Pearl Harbor of posting
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) January 8, 2021
Remember this?
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) January 8, 2021
looking forward to understanding the difference between a permanent suspension, indefinite suspension, and a lifetime ban
— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) January 8, 2021
Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump, and Facebook’s “indefinite” ban on him, are years too late. Millions have been fed lies and conspiracy theories and given tacit permission to commit acts of hate and violence because the two services dithered so long. They are complicit.
— Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) January 8, 2021
@jack makes it final.
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) January 8, 2021
The account of @realDonaldTrump has been permanently suspended from Twitter due to the risk of further violence. We've also published our policy enforcement analysis - you can read more about our decision here:
— Vijaya Gadde (@vijaya) January 8, 2021
Also in countries beyond the US, conflict zones/election campaigning, @TwitterSafety & @facebook need to demonstrate strong managerial efforts to uphold rights-respecting conduct e.g. scale up resources & human oversight for content governance in diverse languages #bizhumanrights
— Isabel Ebert ??? (@Isabel_Ebert) January 7, 2021
Twitter just banned Trump’s account permanently. Now it should transfer the POTUS account and set policy that this happens once each presidential election is certified, prior to Inauguration Day.
— Josh Constine -SignalFire (@JoshConstine) January 8, 2021
Hear that noise?
— Graham Cluley (@gcluley) January 8, 2021
That’s the sound of thousands of journalists desperately scrabbling to make Parler accounts to see what Donald Trump says next...
The day has finally come
— AJ Joshi Ⓥ (@AJ) January 8, 2021
We made twitter great again.
Goodbye Trump and good riddance.
I was an early Twitter user, wrote a cover story for Time in 2009 about how the platform was going to change the world--but even with all that, I couldn't have imagined how consequential this action would be historically. Good for them. And good riddance, @realdonaldtrump.
— Steven Johnson (@stevenbjohnson) January 8, 2021
Trump, just ask @MittRomney for his Pierre Delecto Twitter password.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) January 8, 2021
What happens when you take away a child's favorite toy? The world is about to find out.
— JerryRigEverything (@ZacksJerryRig) January 8, 2021
I think @jack & @twitter managed @realDonaldTrump insanity as best the could—perhaps even perfectly.
— (@Jason) January 8, 2021
Trump knew how to dance along the lines of acceptable for years, like a mob boss talking on a bugged phone line, but eventually he lost his mind (due to being a loser).
? ?
The ball is in your court, Zuckerberg.
— The Real Facebook Oversight Board (@FBoversight) January 8, 2021
So many folks spent the last day asking "What if Twitter bans Trump?"
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) January 8, 2021
My prediction was that the obvious happens - on social, he creates a Parler account (I personally think the frog platform is prob still a bridge too far), but that he also just leverages OANN/Newsmax.
Disgusting. Big Tech wants to cancel all 75M @realDonaldTrump supporters.
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) January 8, 2021
If you don’t think they’re coming for you next, you’re wrong.
“Twitter bans President Trump”
Waiting for series of Trump thoughts filtered through Eric, which will be like trying to figure out what Pol Pot is saying by hearing the interpretive barks of a labradoodle
— BannedHat (@Popehat) January 8, 2021
In regard to the ongoing situation in Washington, D.C., we are working proactively to protect the health of the public conversation occurring on the service and will take action on any content that violates the Twitter Rules.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 6, 2021
Also interesting that Twitter and Facebook decided to get aggressive at enforcing their policies on Donald Trump the very same day Democrats won full control of Washington.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) January 8, 2021
Good! As with impeachment, there’s a limited window to recognize that unless we do what’s necessary, and quickly, we will let the same things happen again.
— Jason Goldman (@goldman) January 8, 2021
Twitter blocking Trump now is like all of his enablers resigning days before their job ends
— Jen Rubio (@jennifer) January 8, 2021
So proud of Sacca for calling out his colleagues. It got Jack to finally do the right thing.
— Debbie Larry-Izamoje (@DeeLarry_) January 7, 2021
X22 Report, which may have rivaled QAnon76 for the most followers of remaining QAnon accounts on Twitter (more than a half million), has also been banned.
— Alex Kaplan (@AlKapDC) January 8, 2021
Is he just going to sign up again as RealDonald921908230?
— Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently bans President Trump
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) January 8, 2021
They really did it.
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) January 8, 2021
It happened. The president of the United States is permanently suspended from Twitter.
— Taylor Hatmaker (@tayhatmaker) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently bans President Trump via @techcrunch by @tayhatmaker
— Mike Butcher (@mikebutcher) January 9, 2021
He can no longer do damage to the English language . Covfefe.
— Titus (@TitusNation) January 8, 2021
— YOSHI/webマーケター@未来コオコク (@miraikokoku) January 8, 2021
Donald Trump's Twitter account permanently deleted.
— The Sun Apologies (@SunApology) January 8, 2021
! BREAKING: Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump’s account
— Emma Kinery (@EmmaKinery) January 8, 2021
Twitter Permanently Suspends Donald Trump from Social Network. #SoMe #twitter
— John Nosta (@JohnNosta) January 8, 2021
Twitter Permanently Suspends Donald Trump from Social Network
— Francine Lacqua (@flacqua) January 8, 2021
MORE: Twitter permanently bans President Trump’s personal account
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) January 8, 2021
Just thinking about all the permanently broken links and embeds across thousands of stories
— Nick Turner (@NewsyNick) January 8, 2021
Twitter Permanently Suspends Donald Trump from Social Network
— Raymundo Tenorio (@raymundotenorio) January 8, 2021
? Twitter Permanently Suspends Donald Trump from Social Network - Bloomberg
— PiQ (@PriapusIQ) January 8, 2021
Our story, with @MikeIsaac
— o...k (@kateconger) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump from the service for incitement to violence.
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) January 8, 2021
w/ @kateconger
— 福田充 Mitsuru Fukuda (@fukuda326) January 9, 2021
Praying for the Resistance grifters who tweet replies to Trump
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) January 9, 2021
now this is the news i've been waiting more than four years for ...
— Jon Bonné (@jbonne) January 8, 2021
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) January 8, 2021
.@playtwo .@glennkirschner2 .@CheriJacobus .@B52Malmet Bravo @Twitter a truly Patriotic and necessary act.
— ChattJazz (@ChattJazz) January 8, 2021
Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump
Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump
— Eva Piquer i Vinent (@EvaPiquer) January 9, 2021
Does he have Parler account yet?
— Shanlon Wu (@shanlonwu) January 8, 2021
BREAKING: Twitter, the president’s preferred megaphone, cited “the risk of further incitement for violence.” via @nytimes
— Latino USA (@LatinoUSA) January 8, 2021
— Tadashi Nagasawa@『70年代ロックとアメリカの風景』1/29発売予定 (@Sonopapa) January 8, 2021
Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump
Bam. Trump's Twitter Account Permanently Suspended
— Maurice? (@MauriceRuffin) January 9, 2021
Twitter just permanently suspended Donald Trump from the platform, citing “the risk of further incitement for violence.” Permanently. Suspended.
— Matthew Smith (@matthewfsmith) January 8, 2021
BREAKING: Twitter has permanently banned President Trump from the platform, citing "risk of further incitement of violence."
— NPR (@NPR) January 8, 2021
Trump's Twitter account, which had more than 88 million followers, was removed following the company's warning the president it would happen if he did not stop abusing the platform.
— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) January 8, 2021
He’s gone.... from Twitter.
— George StroumbouloPHÒulos ? (@strombo) January 9, 2021
What and who(m) he represents are still there, and on other apps.
It existed before him and will continue after him.
Thanks, @jack. Now, impeach the president. I ask each of my US Senators: @SenJeffMerkley and @RonWyden to do what we elected you to do: uphold the US Constitution. It's in your hands and as an Oregonian, I support you.
— ahw: we are home (@alexwilliams) January 8, 2021
“Employees also requested an investigation into the past several years of corporate actions that led to Twitter’s role in the insurrection.”
— Jacqui Cheng, PhD Blogger School of Hard Knocks (@ejacqui) January 8, 2021
Thank you @jack @Twitter
— Still Vigilant Grandma ??? (@midlifewomanon1) January 8, 2021
“Hundreds of Twitter employees demanded in a letter Friday that the company’s leaders permanently suspend Donald Trump’s Twitter account because of his actions surrounding the storming of the US Capitol Tuesday, calling the company’s response insufficient”
— David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) January 8, 2021
This comes after 100s of employees at Twitter internally petitioned the company today to suspend Trump's account
— april glaser (@aprilaser) January 8, 2021
Well, that escalated slowly over the last nine years
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) January 9, 2021
BREAKING: Hundreds of Twitter employees sign letter asking Jack Dorsey to permanently suspend Trump’s account
— Jesse Damiani (@JesseDamiani) January 8, 2021
“Despite our efforts to serve the public conversation, as Trump’s megaphone, we helped fuel the deadly events of January 6th,” employees wrote.
“Despite our efforts to serve the public conversation, as Trump’s megaphone, we helped fuel the deadly events of January 6th,” the employees wrote.
— Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) January 8, 2021
Turd Boss Deletes The Twitter Account for the President of the United States. That may be popular in China but not in America...! #TurdBoss #ChinaBoy
— Dark Journalist (@darkjournalist) January 8, 2021
Hundreds of Twitter employees demanded in a letter written this week that the company’s leaders permanently suspend’s Twitter account because of his actions surrounding the storming of the U.S. Capitol Tuesday
— Eugene Scott (@Eugene_Scott) January 8, 2021
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) January 8, 2021
BREAKING: Twitter says it has "permanently suspended" President Trump's account "due to the risk of further incitement of violence."
— All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) January 8, 2021
A Twitter employee told NBC News that “leadership took a beating” at a meeting with employees this morning, who pleaded with executives to delete Trump's account.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 9, 2021
“A lot of us are so happy, and so proud to work for a company that did the right thing."
Trump’s Twitter account is PERMANENTLY suspended. ? ? ?
— Nick Knudsen ?? (@NickKnudsenUS) January 8, 2021
One of the primary sources of disinformation harming our democracy has been shut down.
This is VERY good news. Bravo, @Twitter.
Here's one Twitter employee in the company Slack as the Capitol was being stormed on Wednesday, asking what it would take for President Trump's account to be banned.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
"I think 'don’t foment coups' is a fairly bright line to draw,'" the employee said.
Well, that escalated slowly!
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) January 8, 2021
BREAKING—"After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence," @TwitterSafety
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) January 8, 2021
“After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” the company said in a tweet.
— Josh Mankiewicz (@JoshMankiewicz) January 8, 2021
About 5 years too late, Twitter permanently suspends Donald Trump. via @nbcnews
— Not Very ChristmIzzy ? (@IzzyKamikaze) January 8, 2021
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump
— Rick Tyler-Still Right (@rickwtyler) January 8, 2021
They really did it.
— Brandy Zadrozny (@BrandyZadrozny) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump
— Dr. Franklin T. Wilson (@DrFrankWilson) January 8, 2021
— Alex (@aroseblush) January 8, 2021
???Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump ???
Thank you #Twitter
— ???? #LockHimUpNow #PenceFailedAgain (@dinosaursindc) January 9, 2021
I am sure he will be impeached and jailed on, one or other pretext in coming days. If they don't call him mad and silence him, he will expose them more and more after Jan 20th. via @techcrunch
— Kanimozhi (@kanimozhi) January 9, 2021
“Detroit-based tech justice advocate @Combsthepoet said she opposes use of facial recognition for the U.S. Capitol breach investigation.”
— malkia devich-cyril (@culturejedi) January 9, 2021
“It’s taken entirely too long for these companies to de-platform #whitesupremacist users,” Devich-Cyril said. “On the contrary, they’ve given them aid and comfort, and we’ve seen the result.”
— malkia devich-cyril (@culturejedi) January 9, 2021
Fight for the Future founder @evan_greer made a similar plea in a Fast Company op-ed Friday titled “You can’t fight fascism by expanding the police state.”
— malkia devich-cyril (@culturejedi) January 9, 2021
The future of tech policy after an attempted coup.
— Fabrizio Bustamante #CES2021 (@Fabriziobustama) January 9, 2021
By @VentureBeat#AI #Politics #Tech #USA #IoT #ArtificialIntelligence
Cc: @PawlowskiMario @baski_LA@gvalan @MargaretSiegien @archonsec @JolaBurnett @AudreyDesisto @JBarbosaPR @debraruh @DrJDrooghaag
Of course Jack Dorsey is on an island right now
— sarah emerson (@SarahNEmerson) January 9, 2021
ツイッターは「permanent」永久停止、FBは「indefinitely」無期限、でこの2つは違う。>Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump
— yonemako (@yonemako) January 9, 2021
Trump scoffed at the idea he'd be banned, but after Jan. 6 violence, days of meetings and outcry from employees, Twitter finally took action. w/@MikeIsaac @maggieNYT @katierosman @MaggieAstor
— o...k (@kateconger) January 9, 2021
Oh Happy Day! ?
— The Calitaliano Kid ? ???? #CoupInProgress (@moved2italy) January 9, 2021
Jack Dorsey is on a remote island as the company he runs bans Donald Trump, his campaign, and deletes tweets from @POTUS?
— Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) January 9, 2021
The Trump-Twitter news is moving fast. @pierce and the @protocol team has all the latest.
— Tim Grieve (@timgrieve) January 9, 2021
Twitter is now basically chasing Trump around, trying to keep him from posting
— David Pierce (@pierce) January 9, 2021
After his account was permanently banned by Twitter, President Trump attempted to tweet from the @POTUS account.
— NPR (@NPR) January 9, 2021
The 4 tweets were swiftly removed.
Friendly perhaps pedantic reminder: there is no First Amendment issue with Twitter's permanent suspension of Trump (or anyone else).
— First Amendment Coalition (@FACoalition) January 9, 2021
Statement below from FAC Executive Director David Snyder.
In an internal letter addressed to CEO Jack Dorsey and his top executives, roughly 350 Twitter employees asked for a clear account of the company’s decision-making process regarding the President’s tweets the day that a pro-Trump mob breached the Capitol.
— Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) January 8, 2021
As much as I enjoy Trump being silenced, this is not how it should work. Zuckerberg and Dorsey can't be the deciders on free speech, even if they made the right decision.
— Amir Goldberg (@amirgoldb) January 9, 2021
The decision should be made by legislators - another reason to break up tech.
Twitter permanently suspends Trump’s account
— Antonio Vieira Santos #CES2021 (@AkwyZ) January 8, 2021
@BetaDigitalLtd @IanLJones98 @RitupaGhosh @Nicochan33 @NevilleGaunt @sallyeaves @ShiCooks @CurieuxExplorer @baski_LA @avrohomg @lyakovet @DeepLearn007 @IngridVasiliu @sulefati7 @BetaMoroney @arlenenewbigg
"We play an unprecedented role in civil society and the world’s eyes are upon us. Our decisions this week will cement our place in history, for better or worse."
— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) January 8, 2021
I was sent internal Slack messages from Twitter employees on Wednesday urging the company's moderation team to ban the president. Several of them said they long defended Trump's right to stay on the platform, but no longer could.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
We are free of the orange ghoul on Twitter at last!
— Ms. Butterflyyy ? float like ? sting like a? (@MsButterflyyy) January 8, 2021
Trump is finally permanently suspended on Twitter! ?
I think I hear harps playing ?
— Bombshell DAILY ? (@BombshellDAILY) January 9, 2021
Further violence is provoked.
Twitter permanently suspends Donald Trump account. I understood why they resisted until now, despite his prior violations, given the fact that he was president, but consistency is so important to values and public policy. Still, better late than never.
— Nicholas A. Christakis (@NAChristakis) January 8, 2021
NEW: Twitter Permanently Bans President Trump
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) January 8, 2021
Check here for updates.
Twitter permanently band President Donald Trump
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) January 8, 2021
I'm sorry to lose many good friends, but I can no longer passively support such arrogant high-handedness & farcical over-reach. Perhaps I will find some of you again on other (better) platforms. Thanks for much food for thought. This is my last.
— Janice Fiamengo (@JaniceFiamengo) January 9, 2021
Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump
— Pam Resists (@ResisterForever) January 8, 2021
Nobody has been making life miserable for Jack & Zuck about Trump & hate on their platforms more than @rashadrobinson and the 7 mil members of @ColorOfChange. I'm gonna snatch back some BlackJoy tonight and celebrate this win. It matters.
— Heather McGhee (@hmcghee) January 8, 2021
BREAKING: Twitter permanently bans President Donald Trump
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) January 8, 2021
CONFIRMED: @twitter has banned Donald Trump.
— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) January 8, 2021
#BREAKING Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump
— Natasha Fatah (@NatashaFatah) January 8, 2021
Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) January 9, 2021
any attempts by trump to evade the ban using @POTUS or @WhiteHouse will be removed, twitter tells me
— chris mills rodrigo (@chrisismills) January 9, 2021
Long overdue.
— Nebraska Democratic Party (@NebraskaDems) January 9, 2021
Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account.
Well, one really good thing has come of this week.
— Lori Ann Burd (@LoriAnnBurd) January 8, 2021