If you think Trump is dangerous why are you cool with him having access to nuclear weapons for the next two weeks? Stop tweeting and remove him from office. https://t.co/PuNmGoKHOU
— Molly Knight (@molly_knight) January 7, 2021
We should not ask ourselves whether social media companies do ‘enough’ but rather why private companies are trusted to be the legitimate party to govern and oversee themselves ↘️ https://t.co/SmpyuSHdND
— Marietje Schaake (@MarietjeSchaake) January 7, 2021
Is it just me or is Trump getting cancelled? https://t.co/ELHfXMVRWt
— Emily Chang (@emilychangtv) January 7, 2021
New: Now @Twitch has disabled Trump’s account, citing “incendiary rhetoric.” pic.twitter.com/QPYHyaLoNo
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 7, 2021
So basically, leave quietly and you get your account back. Do folks think he will suddenly change his posting ways once he leaves office? https://t.co/AbqtIyDM38
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 7, 2021
i have been having convos with people for months about whether trump is, himself, a platform as formidable as some of the platforms he uses (or whether it’s just that the presidency is the powerful platform). i think we’re about to get some answers https://t.co/8QTPWxt69A
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) January 7, 2021
Four years into this mess, let’s not applaud Facebook and Twitter for finally acting against the daily toxic soup of Trump only after a shocking act of treasonous insurrection. They’ve profited from this every day while avoiding accountability. Let’s get real.
— Patrick Gaspard (@patrickgaspard) January 7, 2021
This is called the domino effect pic.twitter.com/qpbEW54RvM
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 7, 2021
Who thinks it's a coincidence that the day Mark Zuckerberg decided to grow a conscience and kick Trump off his platform is the same day the election ousting Trump from power was certified? These men are both directly responsible for yesterday's events + neither has a moral spine. https://t.co/kGsjATZy3N
— Tara McGowan (@taraemcg) January 7, 2021
from earlier, some justification from Monica Bickert, head of Policy, on why they acted against trump now instead of in the past. note the difference on implicit vs explicit: pic.twitter.com/Vk2TV0Fawq
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) January 7, 2021
Facebook and Twitter are profoundly culpable. A future at their mercy is intolerable. They must permanently end Trump’s access to the global info bloodstream. Jan 20 is not enough. They don’t have to love democracy, just cravenly respond to new political winds. @FBoversight 2/3
— Shoshana Zuboff (@shoshanazuboff) January 7, 2021
A company like Facebook is so big and so powerful that the most useful framework for understanding how it behaves is geopolitics (that is, Facebook is like a country) https://t.co/8eMr5NsG3X
— Christopher Mims (@mims) January 7, 2021
I worked w/ Facebook to combat disinformation & hate on social media platforms before Trump was elected. We organized 5 great hackathons around the world. As soon as Trump was elected, the funding was cut. Why? They wanted to cater to Trump's agenda & priorities.
— Wajahat "Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic" Ali (@WajahatAli) January 7, 2021
4 years wasted.
This. Nice Trump ban Facebook and Twitter, but what are you going to do with the over 60 million people who don't live in base reality? https://t.co/AVS21zuYOQ
— Alexia Bonatsos (@alexia) January 7, 2021
Two weeks before his term ends, the president is being deplatformed. He's indefinitely banned from Facebook and Instagram, his Twitter access is suspended and Shopify just shut down his campaign's online store.
— Chris Megerian (@ChrisMegerian) January 7, 2021
Facebook really impeached Trump before the Senate would.
— Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) January 7, 2021
The same Facebook that weaponized the Trump era to grow its market value by 120%, helping its founder gain $43 billion since Trump took office.
don’t worry Don, there’s always Mix... ah https://t.co/2h5eI5cO9z
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) January 7, 2021
One Facebook worker to me on Trump's indefinite suspension from the platform: "All it took was an armed insurrection of the cap building and two weeks left of his presidency."
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
- they found out all the regulatory bodies would be led by democrats
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) January 7, 2021
I am worried that pushing Trump off Twitter/Facebook will make him decamp to Parler, which will become an even nuttier echo chamber where he's never contradicted, and he will foment a movement of millions of delusional right-wingers, overlooked by the mainstream until too late.
— Nathan J Robinson (@NathanJRobinson) January 7, 2021
this is what i wrote in 2018 about the Alex Jones deplatforming...feels so similar to the approach of Trump. just a refusal to see where this was going and then...once it becomes too bad...total reversals. what a waste of all our time. https://t.co/yzvoV05Nao
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) January 7, 2021
THREAD: As the founding head of @TwitterGov, I have long been a vocal defender of @Twitter’s permissiveness of @realDonaldTrump’s otherwise-violations of Twitter Rules (1/11)
— Adam Sharp (@AdamS) January 7, 2021
late in day but White House comment on Facebook’s Trump ban is below, for those wondering. From spox Judd deere: pic.twitter.com/22HxpXXIun
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) January 7, 2021
We've assessed two policy violations against President Trump's Page which will result in a 24-hour feature block, meaning he will lose the ability to post on the platform during that time.
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) January 7, 2021
It turns out they just needed to take away his Twitter and Facebook for him to concede the election he lost two months ago. https://t.co/s7IOqVAJES
— Jack Nicas (@jacknicas) January 8, 2021
It’s purely a coincidence that Facebook finally banned Trump the day after Democrats took full control of the government, don’t even think about that
— Jeff Bercovici (@jeffbercovici) January 7, 2021
"These measures may be just the start. I spoke with several employees at Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday who said that they expected their companies to ban Mr. Trump’s accounts permanently." https://t.co/UcpxSHNn3Y
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) January 7, 2021
This action came years too late. https://t.co/B5v4QBTsYO
— Joe Madison (@MadisonSiriusXM) January 7, 2021
I wrote about The Bans, where Trump goes from here (Parler?), and what losing his megaphones will mean for his political figure. https://t.co/N5pbZTDvJj
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) January 7, 2021
This is the longest worker comment I've seen on Zuckerberg's internal post about temporarily suspending Trump. It's also the most critical. pic.twitter.com/7zAxwi79pU
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
At Facebook's all hands meeting happening right now, Mark Zuckerberg called yesterday's event's "an insurrection." He says he is appalled. He mentions that he is ashamed at how white rioters were treated versus Black protestors earlier this year. This thread will follow the call.
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
On Facebook's internal workplace forum, employees are reacting ecstatically to Zuckerberg's post, which is the same one he made publicly. Some of the reactions:
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
"Thanks Mark. Proud to work here."
"[Prayer hands emoji]"
there isn't really gonna be a time when we can all look back and laugh at this so we might as well do it now: it's funny as hell that Trump has essentially been soft-25th Amendment'd and it was done principally and to greatest effect by taking away his Facebook and Twitter
— Nathan Bernhardt (@jonbernhardt) January 7, 2021
You forgot to mention that we, at Facebook and Instagram, have been clear for years that we believe regulation around harmful content would be a good thing. That gets tricky when elected officials start violating rules, but is still an idea worth pursuing.
— Adam Mosseri ? (@mosseri) January 7, 2021
Right on cue, Zuckerberg announces changes to the Q&A format. It is now being led by someone from the Facebook comms team and the questions are pre-recorded by employees. This is the company moving away from internal transparency.
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
Former moderator here; with heavy emphasis on former. Dude violated the rules there *all* the time; as moderators we constantly marked his posts for deletion. But higher-ups decided money was more important than democracy.
— Chase Wolf ✊?✊?✊? ?️? (@Chase_WolfBTG) January 7, 2021
Jack, Zuck, et. all need held accountable. https://t.co/iyUyRqOFCo
It's worth noting that Zuckerberg and his executives have not once mentioned the "Stop The Steal" or secession groups that organized on Facebook's platforms ahead of Wednesday's insurrection.
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
“Now that all of the horses are out of the corral, and the Capital has been trashed, and people are dead, and the presence of white nationalism is permanently embedded in our body politic, we at Facebook kinda feel like, hey, man, not cool. Two week suspension.” https://t.co/42kil3ZTkE
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) January 7, 2021
1pm, @jack arrives @twitter
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) January 7, 2021
1:30: board call
"Even @facebook looks less shitty than us"
"I'd rather not be remembered as the director who enabled this."
"We can't just label his damn tweets"
"Jack, are you asleep?"
Prediction: By COB, @potus account suspended
We believe the risks of allowing President Trump to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great, so we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks. pic.twitter.com/JkyGOTYB1Z
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) January 7, 2021
to hear twitter and facebook tell it, their actions are mostly passive adherence to rules, or, at most, active enforcement. never has this absurdity been so obvious: they make the rules! they enforce the rules! and yet their hands are always tied until suddenly they're not
— John Herrman (@jwherrman) January 7, 2021
Accordingly, @Twitter should follow @Facebook’s lead and suspend @realDonaldTrump’s account. (10/11)
— Adam Sharp (@AdamS) January 7, 2021
Former Twitter-Er clearly lays out case for why twitter has done what has so far but why it should block trump now. https://t.co/wJs1HQCRVA
— Ina Fried (@inafried) January 7, 2021
You can like or dislike the fact that FB’s decision-making process appears to be nested within US politics.
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) January 7, 2021
But you can’t get around the fact that FB assuaged Trump for most of his term and gave him the boot at the moment that his political power crashed.
Facebook just banned Trump!
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) January 7, 2021
Retweet and tell @Twitter and @jack--
Suspending Trump for a FEW HOURS for inciting a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol is NOT ENOUGH.
Stop letting Trump use Twitter to incite violence and undermine democracy!#BanTrumpSaveDemocracy pic.twitter.com/Z6rlbcYVOD
Read this by @kevinroose who has been out front on this topic for a long time @NYTimes https://t.co/0CYIf249N7
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) January 7, 2021
Facebook restricts Trump’s account indefinitely.
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 7, 2021
Good. pic.twitter.com/FsM4Si11Mk
No one gets credit for finding their conscience with 325 hours left in Trump's presidency
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) January 7, 2021
JUST IN: Former first lady Michelle Obama calls on tech companies to permanently ban President Trump from their platforms and put policies in place “to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection.” pic.twitter.com/QLR7h2M1rF
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 7, 2021
Reminder: A thing about FB's 2-week Trump ban:
— CeciliaKang (@ceciliakang) January 7, 2021
If Trump declares a 2024 run on inauguration day, he will remain a public figure and he will be afforded broad political speech privileges on Facebook.
So there's that
Sure, but I think it’s notable that after all the process and scaffolding they built to assure people that this was not just CEOs Reacting To Stuff, it is, in fact, just CEOs Reacting To Stuff.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) January 7, 2021
“Banning” Trump for two weeks is the equivalent of kneeling down to end a football game. This isn’t something heroic, it’s the easiest call in the world to let the “clock” win it for you. It’s the right call, but let’s not get carried away that it was a hard one.
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) January 7, 2021
here's our story on Facebook banning Trump.
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) January 7, 2021
more stuff still going on internally, so keep an eye on it as we update throughout the day. i'll tweet stuff that plops out here, too
w/ @kateconger @sheeraf @daiwaka https://t.co/GSG2fLDOcf
We are locking President Trump’s Instagram account for 24 hours as well. https://t.co/HpA79eSbMe
— Adam Mosseri ? (@mosseri) January 7, 2021
This gives Facebook/tech/Zuck THE MOST POWER. If he can shut the president up/off he can shut any of us up/off
— Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata) January 7, 2021
So Trump has access to the nuclear codes but he can't Tweet or post to Facebook.
— Andrew Ross Sorkin (@andrewrsorkin) January 7, 2021
Hi! I worked at Facebook on misinfo. This is an incredibly courageous step by the company.
— Mary Minno Ioannidis (@marycminno) January 7, 2021
I hope your coverage includes perspectives from the many employees both past and present who applaud this decision.
It’s Zuckerberg escaping responsibility, and reality. https://t.co/2eZI0fIRZL
— Ian Sherr (@iansherr) January 7, 2021
America does what is good for itself. If Africa requests to block it's version of Trump, Facebook will be lecturing Africa about freedom of expression. https://t.co/R69PYrMZnc
— Ethiopian Think Tank (@EthiopianThinkT) January 7, 2021
so he could have done this years ago.
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) January 7, 2021
what a colossal coward https://t.co/0kY34tZjhy
It just took 10 years to take an editorial decision that great newspapers editor make on a daily basis. Welcome to the media world. https://t.co/Wt0g1Cqays
— Patrick Kervern (@pkervern) January 8, 2021
NEW: FB removes the President from the platform past the transition date. Full post: https://t.co/d5qVjVVPGC pic.twitter.com/00zeYsZaLm
— Matthew Smith (@MattSmithKIRO7) January 7, 2021
Remember that one time Zuckerberg livestreamed the Q&A to the public, and then just... never did again? https://t.co/d1nFnLH6kd
— James Titcomb (@jamestitcomb) January 7, 2021
i am worried that this whole thing is being absorbed into the security state & will be used to come down harder on left movements but "if facebook can ban trump they can ban anybody" is a weird take. they could already do that! leftists have been visited by feds over posts! what!
— Lana ? (@mechapoetic) January 8, 2021
Now Facebook won’t have to deal with a Republican-led Congress attacking it for anti-conservative bias, it suddenly got so brave!
— Josh Constine -SignalFire (@JoshConstine) January 7, 2021
Courage would’ve been doing what’s right despite the backlash
The dams on Silicon Valley are breaking, @MichelleObama adds her voice ↘️ https://t.co/scotAigFdU
— Marietje Schaake (@MarietjeSchaake) January 7, 2021
I am glad to see @facebook & @instagram ban the President from their platforms through the end of his presidency. I am once again urging @jack to immediately suspend the @realDonaldTrump @Twitter account for the next 13 days in the interest of public safety. @TwitterSafety https://t.co/dXpp4SNeMr
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) January 7, 2021
"Twitter isn't real life", but the platform policy conversation that is mostly incubated here and that dominates policy circles continues to be worryingly moralistic and simple.
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) January 7, 2021
There is no easy answer to "how should billionaire CEOs protect us from reality-star politicians?"
Facebook officially silences the President of the United States. For better or worse, this will be remembered as a turning point in the battle for control over digital speech. https://t.co/RBfoIn4ENE
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) January 7, 2021
Seems odd to do this AFTER Trump and his allies have spent months using Facebook to foment yesterday’s attempted coup.
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) January 7, 2021
But it comes the day after Republicans lost control of Congress. https://t.co/S9WqbWbTx7
BREAKING: Facebook blocks Trump from accessing his accounts indefinitely, per Zuckerberg. "We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great." https://t.co/8iXbkgDV9O pic.twitter.com/IGmHkieG8L
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) January 7, 2021
The debates on here are beyond simplistic especially as there are some 3rd rails people ignore. These entities have no accountability or incentive to stop spreading misinformation
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) January 7, 2021
• politicians
• OANN/Fox/NewsMax/etc
The idea it’s a social media problem is willful blindness.
"The Real Facebook Oversight Board, a collective of Facebook critics from academia, business and politics, said the mob assault on the Capitol 'showed that Facebook is not fit to police itself.'" https://t.co/NNfMAfjFos
— The Real Facebook Oversight Board (@FBoversight) January 7, 2021
Can just one of them say ‘sorry, we tried to do the right thing but we really failed’ ? https://t.co/hTs9ODb9u6
— emily bell (@emilybell) January 7, 2021
Zuckerberg announces Trump will be blocked from posting for *at least* the next two weeks "until the peaceful transition of power is complete." https://t.co/fgW3bxsica pic.twitter.com/2XvA6Zi45W
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) January 7, 2021
Given the exceptional circumstances, and the fact that the President has decided to condone rather than condemn yesterday’s violence at the Capital, we are extending the block we have placed on his accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks.
— Adam Mosseri ? (@mosseri) January 7, 2021
NEW: Homeland Security Chair Bennie Thompson is the latest lawmaker to call on Facebook and Twitter to permanently ban President Donald Trump: pic.twitter.com/WDPtUwRTF3
— Makena Kelly (@kellymakena) January 7, 2021
An edit, for Mark, for accuracy: "Over the past several years, Facebook has reinterpreted and rewritten its rules to allow Donald Trump to continue to use its platform."
— Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) January 7, 2021
Everyone who works for Facebook, especially the policy side, knows this is what's been going on. pic.twitter.com/Wn3KZNpqm1
Zuckerberg passes call off to FB execs Monika Bickert and Guy Rosen. FB will be removing posts celebrating yesterday's events. Much of this stuff isn't new and was announced Weds. They're continuing to call the block on Trump's accounts "indefinite" at least thru inauguration.
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) January 7, 2021
In the wake of US #CapitolRiots, MEPs say the Digital Services Act #DSA should double down on the spread of conspiratorial content & @VeraJourova told us the code of practice against disinformation could be used as a risk-mitigating metric in the rules: https://t.co/T7c85CLCeZ
— Samuel Stolton (@SamuelStolton) January 8, 2021
The riots have been fuelled by online conspiracy theories so successful they have subverted the trust of many in basic democratic institutions.
— Kris Peeters (@peeters_kris1) January 8, 2021
We must improve transparency & enforcement, especially on how disinformation is shared & amplified.@EPPGroup https://t.co/jltiJLRsT4
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say https://t.co/KYjOXmc9Np
— Daniel Innerarity (@daniInnerarity) January 8, 2021
Trump social media bans come too late, experts say https://t.co/5NjCGAayqm
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) January 8, 2021
"Over the past decade, tech platforms have been reluctant to moderate Trump’s posts, even as he repeatedly violated hate speech regulations" - @kari_paul https://t.co/Y7B2VQSkM0
— Lie Detectors (@LieDetectorsOrg) January 8, 2021
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say. ?? Understatement of 2021!! Made an excellent case study for my dissertation though ?https://t.co/sYpPtLjquh
— Beckie Kinsella (@BeckieKinsella) January 8, 2021
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say https://t.co/zqo3eQ97RC
— The Progressive Mind (@Libertea2012) January 8, 2021
BREAKING: Facebook & Instagram will block President Trump's accounts "indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete," CEO Zuckerberg says https://t.co/c1uaS5W8FQ
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) January 7, 2021
Hail the paragons of free speech, liberty & democracy !!https://t.co/LKaCHNH8V9
— Nandini ?? (@NAN_DINI_) January 8, 2021
Facebook will block Trump from posting at least for the remainder of his term || Via: CNBC https://t.co/KQ5aGUBQdT
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) January 8, 2021
Facebook will block Trump from posting for the remainder of his term https://t.co/chbnCQ2Jqe
— CNBC (@CNBC) January 7, 2021
Facebook, Twitter and Google face mounting pressure for tougher policies and more forcefully purging misleading content and accounts — including those of President Trump https://t.co/gpslnwQQy1
— Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) January 8, 2021
“They must have known.” @FightExtremism advisor @alexRitzmann spoke with @EURACTIV in the wake of the riot in Washington, as EU lawmakers mull tougher law for online material: https://t.co/0sCyGOkiPT
— CEP (@FightExtremism) January 8, 2021
.@FightExtremism advisor @alexRitzmann brings up excellent point—relying on platforms to ‘lean back and wait’ is insufficient for tackling extremist exploitation of social media. EU has led in legislation against online radicalization: https://t.co/QCCmIHMygO
— David Ibsen (@dlibsen) January 8, 2021
In wake of U.S. riots, EU lawmakers call for tougher anti-disinformation laws.#DefendDemocracy #EUvsDisinfo #CapitolRiots https://t.co/jq6IzXaCyn pic.twitter.com/2LL0eMGC8n
— Defend Democracy (@DefendDemocracy) January 8, 2021
— Bombshell DAILY ? (@BombshellDAILY) January 9, 2021
Relaxing security violations for the President alone resulted in violence. Twitter is partly to blame for allowing the hate speech, and abusive rhetoric to foment. @jack #culpability #speech @twittersecurity @NSAGov @cia @FBI https://t.co/fwFERJ3xWv
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say || Via: Guardian https://t.co/pBP0iULesm
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) January 9, 2021
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say || Via Guardian https://t.co/pBP0iULesm
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) January 9, 2021
The disastrous aftermath of ignoring false scripting, fake news, and propaganda. Not unlike how WW 2 began....https://t.co/ROWMLyKqkL
— Diane Greig (@dianegreigphd) January 9, 2021
"Trump’s leverage of social media to spread propaganda has gone largely unchecked amid a vacuum of laws regulating government speech on social media" https://t.co/MeR0Y7g6z6
— Kari Paul (@kari_paul) January 8, 2021
'Four years of propaganda': Trump social media bans come too late, experts say | Via Guardian https://t.co/pBP0iULesm
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) January 8, 2021
The #Facebook damage is done. But now we know. https://t.co/D4HKiXwfBM
— act.tv (@actdottv) January 8, 2021
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) January 7, 2021
‘Facebook will block Trump from posting at least for the remainder of his term’
— RynheartTheReluctant (@TheRynheart) January 7, 2021
Meanwhile, there are ongoing calls for violence on the Mercer-funded Parler app. Speech which incites imminent lawless action is not protected. https://t.co/kx8V2ATork