Net result is higher COGS and slower 5G speeds / coverage. Seems like a bad strategy. Due to Tracphone?
— TheThomasPaulson (@thethomaspauls1) January 5, 2021
Verizon indefinitely delays 3G network shutdown | Light Reading まさかの最後にトヨタの話が出てるw コネクテッドカーってなると、自動車自体がケータイみたいな感じだもんな。各地域の電波状況についても知らないといけないってめっちゃ大変そう。。。
— めぐもり | Fact Driven Designer | キレイなデータであふれた社会に (@megu3mori8) January 6, 2021
Verizon indefinitely delays 3G network shutdown
— Rich DeMuro (@richontech) January 5, 2021
Verizon Isn’t Shutting Down 3G Just Yet.
— Droid Life (@droid_life) January 5, 2021
— Mike Dano (@mikeddano) January 6, 2021
After this article was published, Verizon clarified that it's working to shutter its 3G network as soon as possible. Verizon disputed the notion that it would continue to operate its 3G network well into the future.