“We care deeply about what we build and what it’s used for. We are responsible for the technology we bring into the world. And we recognize that its implications reach far beyond the walls of Alphabet.” https://t.co/PbGSV9oUT6
— Jacob Ward (@byjacobward) January 4, 2021
We're Alphabet workers. We’ve been organizing for over a year, & we’re finally ready to share why.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
This morning, we're announcing #AWU, the first union open to *all* workers at any Alphabet company.
Every worker deserves a union—including tech workers.https://t.co/m2Qmjwz32V
google employees unionizing is cool but i have some questions pic.twitter.com/9uXCLbax3D
— brian feldman (@bafeldman) January 4, 2021
Unambiguously good. Doubly so since membership extends to contractors. https://t.co/q6qZpG7rbn
— Heather Alexandra (@transgamerthink) January 4, 2021
What a great way to start 2021. Workers of @google have come together to form a union, affiliated with @CWAUnion. Its is a natural next step after so many other efforts to fix problems- Way to go!
— Christy Hoffman (@CHoffmanUNI) January 4, 2021
Yet problems persist.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
We still have discrimination, harassment, & retaliation at Google. Over half our workforce are TVCs—paid less, w/fewer benefits, for often the exact same work. A few at the top are getting enormously rich while others see nothing of that wealth.
“So far, 226 of us have signed union cards with the @CWAUnion — the first step in winning a recognized bargaining unit under U.S. law. In other words, we are forming a union.”
— Sara Nelson (@FlyingWithSara) January 4, 2021
And we are with you! #1u https://t.co/xz2oIZOs4O
This is right: *all* tech workers deserve a union—drivers, software engineers, security, cafeteria workers, everyone who makes these tech companies move.
— Gig Workers Rising (@GigWorkersRise) January 4, 2021
Solidarity with all the Alphabet workers at #AWU! https://t.co/ubsW1mcpf0
I'm a Google employee and, now, a proud card-carrying member of the Alphabet Workers Union.
— Dr. Alex Hanna (@alexhanna) January 4, 2021
Tech workers need a union because we can't rely on the good graces of tech leaders to do right by us and society. https://t.co/u9Q4CDRqDP
The past few years at Google have been tumultuous: secret military AI projects, multi-million dollar payouts to execs who sexually harassed our coworkers, profiting from hate speech, & more.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
Coworkers who've voiced concerns have even been fired, illegally, as retaliation.
“Google’s director of people operations, said: “We’ve always worked hard to create a supportive and rewarding workplace for our work force. Of course, our employees have protected labor rights that we support.” Ver funny: “rights that we support.” https://t.co/mvP2yhwJP6
— Timnit Gebru (@timnitGebru) January 4, 2021
Today, we’re building on years of organizing efforts at Google to create a formal structure for workers.
— Charlotte Greensit (@cgreensit) January 4, 2021
via @NYTOpinion https://t.co/6M0uLmMUg8
Great news to start off your evening: Communication Workers of America have helped organize the first major union at a tech company open to all workers.
— Edward Ongweso Jr (@bigblackjacobin) January 4, 2021
“The only tactic that has ensured workers are respected and heard is collective action” https://t.co/cEcznQ3UPO
We'll be open to *all* Alphabet workers—full-time employees & TVCs.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
If you're a worker at any Alphabet company, join us.https://t.co/VOBaQ1HGKg
Google workers are unionizing (!!) In the announcement, they're calling out controversial government contracts like Project Maven, and the sudden firing of @timnitGebru in December: https://t.co/8SG8GZKnXL
— Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer) January 4, 2021
Today we are proud to announce our historic partnership with @AlphabetWorkers— the first union for ALL workers at @Google.
— CODE-CWA (@CODE_CWA) January 4, 2021
Workers have been building the Alphabet Workers Union for a while, and we're excited for what's to come.https://t.co/TZ7yH3dqdB
It's significant that Google's new union will try & bring together full-time employees with Google's Temporary, Vendor or Contractor (TVC) contract workforce, which actually outnumbers Google's full time staff. https://t.co/mGMJjqZMkn
— Avi Asher-Schapiro (@AASchapiro) January 4, 2021
Our executive chair & vice chair in the NYT this morning, explaining why we're building on past organizing at Google & starting #AWU.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
"We are joining together—temps, vendors, contractors, and full-time employees—to create a unified worker voice."https://t.co/Xozmq6NwVE
The union will be open to all 120,000 workers at Alphabet, including contractors known as 'TVCs' who make up half of Google's workforce but are not afforded the same benefits and rights as Google employees. https://t.co/wq4Q5E2jVY
— VICE News (@VICENews) January 4, 2021
"We care deeply about what we build and what it’s used for. We are responsible for the technology we bring into the world." https://t.co/fjib2wFbXZ
— Denise Balkissoon (@balkissoon) January 4, 2021
NEW: A group of more than 200 employees at Google's parent company announced they've signed union cards with the Communications Workers of America, forming the Alphabet Workers Union. https://t.co/thoj3FySZF
— Axios (@axios) January 4, 2021
BREAKING: Google workers have publicly launched a labor union open to all Google employees and contractors workers for the first time in the company’s history. I wrote about it: https://t.co/Qe2HD7kiEf
— Lauren Kaori Gurley (@LaurenKGurley) January 4, 2021
Wow: Google employees have unionized.
— Rachel E. Greenspan (@rach_greenspan) January 4, 2021
"This is historic—the first union at a major tech company by and for all tech workers" https://t.co/2euy0WVeOj
Google Workers Publicly Launch Union - VICE https://t.co/NBz97FTQTU
— Ben Smith (@benyt) January 4, 2021
To those Googlers working in the semantic technology space, the fact that Google's "union avoidance firm" of choice is called "IRI Consultants" must be doubling unsettling. https://t.co/ImHTInX4Iy
— Aaron Bradley (@aaranged) January 4, 2021
Workers at Google have publicly launched a labor union open to all of the company's 120,000+ employees. https://t.co/rUigD0TH33
— kottke.org (@kottke) January 4, 2021
“Workers who have joined say they will launch campaigns going forward which could include a campaign to hold a union election. Under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, Google cannot interfere or retaliate against workers who sign union cards.” https://t.co/M3b8EvdBY2
— Mar Hicks (@histoftech) January 4, 2021
More than 200 Google workers are forming a union: “We joined Alphabet because we wanted to build technology that improves the world. Yet time and again, company leaders have put profits ahead of our concerns.”
— Meg Graham (@megancgraham) January 4, 2021
Via @robotodd https://t.co/eDg5IQnRMb
dubious headline; big news https://t.co/Zbh90Tirpi
— Moira Weigel (@moiragweigel) January 4, 2021
Google workers form union amid ongoing feuds with execs https://t.co/eStpKhsvMx
— CNBC (@CNBC) January 4, 2021
Apolitical Kesavan Maman : Unions are the reason why corporates are not coming to Kerala.
— The Saudade Guy (@arunrajpaul) January 4, 2021
Meanwhile in Google:https://t.co/AHNoFNv9mI
— 伊丹和弘@マリサポ兼記者 (@itami_k) January 4, 2021
— mei (@mei98862477) January 4, 2021
I'm out here like, yes @StaceyAbrams better had been mentioned. And yes, she IS laughing. Bow. ? #TrumpTapes https://t.co/bzWbD0EfT0
— Lachi ™ ? (@lachimusic) January 4, 2021
Link to the full transcripthttps://t.co/q151utVrUQ
— wen kroy ?4? (@heyn0ww) January 3, 2021
“What happened at Lekki Toll Gate has all the traits of the Nigerian authorities’ pattern of a cover-up whenever their defence and security forces commit unlawful killings."
— Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (@MaziNnamdlKanu) November 4, 2020
We demand answers from the Nigerian government! #LekkiMassacre #EndSARS https://t.co/puOpCI3mab
— doraemon0349 (@doraemon0349) January 4, 2021
The Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News and Analysis https://t.co/NSWngxYCwn
But it comes at a high price: to gain official legal recognition, more than 50% of eligible workers must join the union. By including more workers, the union is setting a higher bar for official status. https://t.co/QjVkkM5hXC
— Cory Doctorow #BLM (@doctorow) January 4, 2021
This union is a a critical step in an industry where labor has become increasingly organized. https://t.co/9wbJr7bvyp
— VICE (@VICE) January 4, 2021
"We care deeply about what we build and what it’s used for. We are responsible for the technology we bring into the world. And we recognize that its implications reach far beyond the walls of Alphabet." -- @coworkerfund committee member Chewy Shaw https://t.co/gJnUt7YtEz
— The Solidarity Fund by Coworker (@coworkerfund) January 4, 2021
Our executive chair & vice chair in the NYT this morning, explaining why we're building on past organizing at Google & starting #AWU.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
"We are joining together—temps, vendors, contractors, and full-time employees—to create a unified worker voice."https://t.co/Xozmq6NwVE
Some of the luckiest workers the world has ever seen are unhappy that Google is not 100% fantasyland.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) January 4, 2021
None are protesting Google's profiting from Communist Chinese brutality or censorship of fellow Americans.
Tell it to the ✋.https://t.co/OxHeATyzyf
Here's our take on why we are starting a Union at Alphabet and Google: https://t.co/lEmdOgP7vJ
— Chewy Shaw (@Chewy_Shaw) January 4, 2021
Google workers go public with union drive: ‘So far, 226 of us have signed union cards with the Communications Workers of America’ https://t.co/aom94uaDJv
— Dave Jamieson (@jamieson) January 4, 2021
“So far, 226 of us have signed union cards with the @CWAUnion — the first step in winning a recognized bargaining unit under U.S. law. In other words, we are forming a union.”
— Sara Nelson (@FlyingWithSara) January 4, 2021
And we are with you! #1u https://t.co/xz2oIZOs4O
— Mx Kookie (@spacekookie) January 4, 2021
“We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For.” -@AlphabetWorkers #GoogleUnion #AlphabetUnion
— Google Walkout For Real Change (@GoogleWalkout) January 4, 2021
On Nov. 1, 2018, at 11:10 am, some 20k Alphabet employees stopped working & walked off the job around the world. 1/24https://t.co/9f0SJgwiZ7
Google workers are forming a union! #1u #Solidarity
— Change To Win (@Change2Win) January 4, 2021
“Today, we’re building on years of organizing efforts at Google to create a formal structure for workers.”https://t.co/IkpslGy6hn
In their own words: https://t.co/piXbX8SuRz
— o...k (@kateconger) January 4, 2021
Interesting turn of events. They went with the CWA, not AFL-CIO (phew) Also interesting that they're including vendors and cleaners. THAT will actually do some good in terms of wages. Concerns to follow... https://t.co/Z8J3rkYMuj
— Liana (censored) Kerzner (@redlianak) January 4, 2021
“Our union will be open to all Alphabet workers, regardless of classification. About half of the workers at Google are temps, vendors or contractors.” https://t.co/agryqb1jmB
— Matt Pearce ? (@mattdpearce) January 4, 2021
We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For. https://t.co/3uJR2tRZJc
— Kim Pearson (@professorkim) January 4, 2021
More than 200 Google workers form a union https://t.co/OyTUMmyTKU pic.twitter.com/aF8yGzNj56
— New York Post (@nypost) January 4, 2021
2021 off to a good start. More happy news like this please:
— Dan Fox (@DanFoxTO) January 4, 2021
Google workers have formed a union https://t.co/eq86mqeyDC
Google workers have formed a union https://t.co/shpuwPsFBm via @engadget
— Liberation Technology (@Liberationtech) January 4, 2021
“ This is historic—the first union at a major tech company by and for all tech workers,” said Dylan Baker, Software Engineer. “We will elect representatives, we will make decisions democratically, we will pay dues”https://t.co/p9oQhnO9Uq
— Timnit Gebru (@timnitGebru) January 4, 2021
— Rachel "very beautiful, very powerful" Kelly ? (@wholemilk) January 4, 2021
Google, Alphabet employees to form union https://t.co/1zpEWhWker #FoxBusiness
— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) January 4, 2021
We're Alphabet workers. We’ve been organizing for over a year, & we’re finally ready to share why.
— Alphabet Workers Union (@AlphabetWorkers) January 4, 2021
This morning, we're announcing #AWU, the first union open to *all* workers at any Alphabet company.
Every worker deserves a union—including tech workers.https://t.co/m2Qmjwz32V
Today we are proud to announce our historic partnership with @AlphabetWorkers— the first union for ALL workers at @Google.
— CODE-CWA (@CODE_CWA) January 4, 2021
Workers have been building the Alphabet Workers Union for a while, and we're excited for what's to come.https://t.co/TZ7yH3dqdB
Change is coming. Google's new union sends a strong message that "could have huge impacts not just for the workers, but for the broader issues that we are all thinking about in terms of tech power in society"https://t.co/K5e5GG8rWi
— Ellen K. Pao (@ekp) January 4, 2021
Momentarily breaking twitter hiatus to say: hell yeah! ?
— ? (@mikerugnetta) January 4, 2021
“Our goals go beyond the workplace questions of, ‘Are people getting paid enough?’ Our issues are going much broader,” he said. “It is a time where a union is an answer to these problems.”https://t.co/H5IDFGXApg
Hey everyone, here's what I spent my quarantine on: https://t.co/sLosxgaAj0
— Chewy Shaw (@Chewy_Shaw) January 4, 2021
NOTE: Organizing efforts at Google took off after reports of sexual harassment, specifically when Andy Rubin got millions$$ to leave the company under a cloud of allegations. >>The way orgs handle harassment/discrimination is a big deal https://t.co/BU2Jk4luWc
— Emily Peck (@EmilyRPeck) January 4, 2021
Speaking of my colleagues, here's our op-ed in the @nytimes so you can hear about our effort in our own voice: https://t.co/j0qSr488Du
— Raksha 4 Abolition (@raxsha) January 4, 2021
Solidarity from @LALabor! ✊ #1u
— Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO (@LALabor) January 4, 2021
"So far, 226 of us have signed union cards with the Communications Workers of America — the first step in winning a recognized bargaining unit under U.S. law. In other words, we are forming a union." - @AlphabetWorkers https://t.co/jw0ZtHmvE3
Opinion | We're Google Workers. And We're Forming a Union. - The New York Times https://t.co/NSEO8kYyts
— Paul Knox #MedicareForAll (@popsknox) January 4, 2021
Unions are the backbone of a stronger and fairer economy, and a ladder to the middle class. Congratulations to @AlphabetWorkers on joining with @CWAUnion to organize an inclusive union at @Google.https://t.co/98zf4bUeVx
— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) January 4, 2021
Amazing that @theinformation reporting on Andy Rubin's sexual misconduct, followed by great followup reporting from @nytimes, has resulted in unionization at Google, forever changing tech labor.https://t.co/jYZi0poxOP
— Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin) January 4, 2021
For those who still think there is such a thing as a "good" multinational corporation. https://t.co/exohyW4OwU
— Massimo Pigliucci (@mpigliucci) January 4, 2021
Welcome @AlphabetWorkers to @CWAUnion , @CWADistrict1 , @CWA_NJ. We stand with you. Solidarity Forever. <3
— HettyEqualityRosenstein (@HettyRosenstein) January 4, 2021
We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For. https://t.co/TEYhU54mwf
Our affiliate @CWAUnion bringing the ? this morning.
— Labor Against Racism and War (@LaborFightsBack) January 4, 2021
“Our bosses have collaborated with repressive governments around the world... and profited from ads by a hate group.
This isn’t the company we want to work for.”https://t.co/HldKSNQfN0
Relatively toothless union but still, this is huge https://t.co/DB9QqyWe8l
— Adrianne Jeffries (@adrjeffries) January 4, 2021
Extremely proud of my husband for being one of the over 200 Google workers organizing to give workers a voice in the tech behemoth that is Alphabet https://t.co/N52WtS9GuC
— Lauren Shull (@gramnegativity) January 4, 2021
찾아보니, 특히 TVC(temps, vendors, and contractors)라고 불리는 비정규직 노동자를 포괄한다는 것도 인상적이다.
— 겨울철쭉__박준형 (@191710) January 5, 2021
(다만 아래 포스팅에서는 NLRB 승인을 추구하지 않는다고 써있지만, 사실은 소수노조라 교섭권은 없는 상황으로 보임)https://t.co/4EMSELbFRj
Glorious Revolution! ⚒️https://t.co/Q2YOK2KMqw
— TechLinked (@TechLinkedYT) January 4, 2021
(This account is not taking a political stance and this post is just for the memes everyone calm down)
So they’ve basically created a Facebook group? https://t.co/dvzmBFNFZp pic.twitter.com/2JVaFRqWij
— parker (@pt) January 4, 2021
This is HUGE for a variety of reasons. Well done to workers at #Google for forming a union. @Google should voluntarily recognise the union at the right time. If it goes to an election, the company must pledge to stay neutral and not campaign against it. https://t.co/QhPu6k2khE
— Ruwan Subasinghe (@RuwanSubasinghe) January 4, 2021
Google Workers Publicly Launch Union https://t.co/1OnpCQkY6L
— Nando (@nandorvila) January 4, 2021
On Monday, Google employees and contractors in the United States announced the creation of a labor union with the Communication Workers of America. https://t.co/9wbJr7bvyp
— VICE (@VICE) January 5, 2021
Will the new AOC led generation pull the mighty down and destroy the tech world? https://t.co/H5sCVceC29
— The Thinking Hat ?? (@ThinkinHashtag) January 4, 2021
Google workers form union https://t.co/2in2tJOVZ4
— James Hirsen (@thejimjams) January 4, 2021
“What happened at Lekki Toll Gate has all the traits of the Nigerian authorities’ pattern of a cover-up whenever their defence and security forces commit unlawful killings."
— Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (@MaziNnamdiKanu) November 3, 2020
We demand answers from the Nigerian government! #LekkiMassacre #EndSARS https://t.co/EASYFDWY6L
We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For. https://t.co/lBwgKnZHUy
— Steve Keen (@ProfSteveKeen) January 5, 2021
Live by the Woke sword. Die by the Woke cutlass.https://t.co/w838DwBeXi
— Sreemoy Talukdar (@sreemoytalukdar) January 4, 2021
Unions. Now. Everywhere. https://t.co/4JaVkF3M3t
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) January 5, 2021
When giant corporations like Google have too much power, it’s bad for innovation, bad for consumers—and bad for their workers. I’m standing in solidarity with Google workers as they fight back by unionizing. https://t.co/hDUocvnU14
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) January 4, 2021
Many employees have called out @Google for POC workplace discrimination. Now 200+ staffers are unionizing to demand structural change! Corporations cannot continue to silence victims of discrimination. We must join together and give voice to the voiceless!https://t.co/4z5pQ7VDYc
— Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) January 4, 2021
— 田澤安弘 | のっぽろカウンセリング研究室 (@mUfJIESA1GpyNxm) January 5, 2021
We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For. https://t.co/hFKV2uYx0s
We Built Google. This Is Not the Company We Want to Work For. https://t.co/x2ojSUzltw
— Wajahat "Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic" Ali (@WajahatAli) January 5, 2021
"Our company’s motto used to be 'Don’t be evil.' An organized work force will help us live up to it.#UnionStrong #canlab https://t.co/zwK8OqRNsN
— PSAC-AFPC (@psac_afpc) January 5, 2021
Aaaand we're unionized. I am so tears-of-joy appreciative and proud of my colleagues and teammates, especially @dylnbkr. Thank you guys.https://t.co/eBTQi59KDK
— MMitchell (@mmitchell_ai) January 4, 2021
Google workers unionizing is a very interesting incident. I’m not sure what this means for the future of the Big Five and tech and large https://t.co/alnv0e3aF4
— Given Edward (@GIVENALITY) January 4, 2021
I offer zero opinion
— File411 (@File411) January 4, 2021
all is not well in Alphabet Land
Workers at Google & other Alphabet cos
“announcing the creation of the Alphabet Workers Union with support from the Communications Workers of America —the first of its kind in the company’s history”https://t.co/ge4jKeSbmR
Employees are unionizing at Google, where the median worker made $246,804 in 2019. (via: @WIRED, @TeamCavuto, @DavidAsmanfox) https://t.co/yWi5JqPz4c
— Jonathan Hoenig (@JonathanHoenig) January 4, 2021
✊? More than 200 US Google employees form a workers’ union https://t.co/neV1q0Vrmn
— Steve Faulkner (@stevefaulkner) January 4, 2021
USA: Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism-Times https://t.co/EhDWttoEEQ
— LabourStart (@labourstart) January 4, 2021
I read on the internet that the Google union is an example of white privilege. The person on the left is an officer of the union; the one on the right was fired by Google and is one of the reasons they’re forming a union.https://t.co/RY4kv3LhvP pic.twitter.com/YbRh8r2f15
— Doug Henwood (@DougHenwood) January 5, 2021
BREAKING: @Google employees just unionized, a historic win that will empower #tech workers across the country!
— UFCW (@UFCW) January 4, 2021
This @AlphabetWorkers victory is the latest in a wave of tech activism showing no CEO can silence workers who stand together. #1u #UnionStrong https://t.co/XtJv9Xr23p
Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism https://t.co/Mcr7mxnZPb
— Frank Graves (@VoiceOfFranky) January 5, 2021
— 柴田 淳-みんなのブロックチェーン/IoT/Python(日/中/韓国語版)発売中 (@ats) January 5, 2021