A few years ago I got *really* into FarmVille. I tended to my farm several times a day, and I even spent money on new crops and level-ups (to my much embarrassment today). @ja_davids thought it was so funny that she doxxed me on my 30th birthday by writing it on my birthday cake. pic.twitter.com/pBzFuJN5pI
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) December 31, 2020
Two huge pieces of tech in gaming and the web are ending today: Adobe Flash and Farmville. Both reviled, but were also massively successful and changed how the web and gaming operate today. HTML5 came from #flash and basically every web game derived from #farmville
— Zoid (@ZoidCTF) December 31, 2020
This is a great story of FarmVille and captures a lot of why it was so inventive and super viral even though it wasn’t first. Mark also does a great job in this thread celebrating the team who made it happen. Congrats to all. Today is the last day to plant corn. https://t.co/GWrnWo6AeK
— Josh Elman ?? (@joshelman) December 31, 2020
2008 Facebook is dead. end of an era. https://t.co/0vs8fpHmCR
— planning meme queen (@lilpastagoblin) December 31, 2020
RIP to FarmVille, shutting down today more than a decade after it became completely inescapable on Facebook. Now its mechanics are everywhere. The internet is now FarmVille and we’re all harvesting. https://t.co/Q70RGlRetf
— Daniel Victor (@bydanielvictor) December 31, 2020
We all logged on, to FarmVille. But we didn’t care that we were causing, Harmville https://t.co/blr6BNWfVy
— Ed Zitron (@edzitron) December 31, 2020
Come for the friendship stay for the dopamine hits. A huge step in the dumbification of society, diverting millions of potentially productive hours to meaningless piles of virtual manure.
— John Linney (@realjohn) December 31, 2020
Tomorrow, Zynga shuts down FarmVille on Facebook after 11 years. I wanted to share the story of how we created it and why it has played such an important role in the evolution of gaming. 1/x
— mark pincus (@markpinc) December 31, 2020
Today is the last day of FarmVille. https://t.co/XvqMJjE7pT
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) December 31, 2020
I'm positive Farmville singlehandedly raised Facebook to a position where it could compete with Twitter & Instagram despite offering nearly nothing https://t.co/snMob8bzZF
— Corvidillow (@corvidillow) December 31, 2020
Thankful to have been a small part of the history of FarmVille. Being among the entrepreneurs and leaders in this journey was a gift of a lifetime. Thank you @markpinc @Chiefpplofficer Steve Chiang and the entire @zynga crew (@ppaniagua @achialtas @nicktornow Scotty K and all) https://t.co/i9ctgHSwP9
— Steve Parkis (@bcSparky) December 31, 2020
Great story on the creation of FarmVille.
— immad (@immad) December 31, 2020
Surprising that Zynga can’t turn the universally recognized brand into a long term gaming franchise rather than shutting it down. https://t.co/qo4KUZa9cX
Pour one out for FarmVille. ?
— Adam Nash (@adamnash) January 1, 2021
Loved the game, and found the labor economics fascinating...https://t.co/PU1fyYI3fp
Also turns out to be the first time (2009) that my name appeared in the WSJ.https://t.co/Ua1KNaQMS9
Thank you @markpinc @zynga for the memories & fun. https://t.co/fHqY6Mv2Wz
Zynga's FarmVille — yes, there are people still playing it — is shutting down. An obituary: https://t.co/6UgTVMCe0x
— Jenny Gross (@jggross) December 31, 2020
around 2010, FarmVille had way more users than Twitter... people endlessly made fun of it, but imagine the better world if FarmVille had won out https://t.co/LqRmSMXN91
— Dr. J.P.B. (alternative stage name) (@jeffbigham) December 31, 2020
Editing secrets: I almost kicked this FarmVille obit back to @bydanielvictor to ask him to write an entire parenthetical subsection about what else this person could have done with $1,000 10 years ago https://t.co/WaIa3NmXpN pic.twitter.com/jctNmEB4Hq
— erin mccann | (@mccanner) December 31, 2020
The death of the original FarmVille is the final punch of 2020.
— Alyssa Zauderer (@Alyssa_Zauderer) December 31, 2020
I am so grateful for the amazing @zynga team behind #FarmVille, and the hundreds of millions of FarmVille players over the years. 16/x
— mark pincus (@markpinc) December 31, 2020
FarmVille marked the first real decline in Facebook as a platform for meaningful interactions. All those players logged into Facebook daily, but the notifications drove others batty. Facebook has struggled ever since to find the right balance between addiction and relevance. https://t.co/fjjpxdrzJA
— Vindu Goel (@vindugoel) December 31, 2020
Thoughts out to my virtual farm for which I'd willingly wake up every Sunday at 7am, go to my father's office for the internet (no internet at home), and harvest and plant 7-day lavenders https://t.co/loXrYPg4hW
— Aamir Siddiqui (@aamirXDA) December 31, 2020
FarmVille shuts down today, but it “lives on in the behaviors it instilled in everyday internet users and the growth-hacking techniques it perfected, now baked into virtually every site, service and app vying for your attention.” https://t.co/HLKVbho6uz
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) December 31, 2020
“Ian Bogost, a game designer and professor at Georgia Tech, said the behaviors FarmVille normalized had made it a pace car for the internet economy of the 2010s.
— Ian Bogost (@ibogost) December 31, 2020
He did not mean that as praise.“https://t.co/gPzMhQr4nv
今日はAdobe Flashがオフィシャルにサポート対象外となりEOL。
— 瀬戸浩次郎 / スタートアップ・アドバイザー (@bTANK14) January 1, 2021
最近のクリエイターにFlashって話しても反応が薄いのですが、20年前https://t.co/xI1FDssn7Eに登場した青池良輔さん制作の「CATMAN」が凄くクールだったよな、、と懐かしく思い出しました。https://t.co/Agdx1Kxh27 @techcrunchより
Tech that died in 2020 https://t.co/PNDamg6IY8 via @pcworld @Victoryabro @gpnp_nic @PVynckier @tveitdal @nigelj08223325 @smaksked @robmay70 @kuriharan @MargaretSiegien @Paul_O_Williams #Google #Nintendo #Microsoft #Facebook
— Peet Tetteroo (@pettet50) December 31, 2020
“The original FarmVille lives on in the behaviors it instilled in everyday internet users and the growth-hacking techniques it perfected, now baked into virtually every site, service and app vying for your attention.” — @bydanielvictor https://t.co/8rjUH9XmqH
— Tech Won't Save Us (@techwontsaveus) January 2, 2021
The behaviorist branch of engagement metrics: “The game itself isn’t promoting a conversation between you and your friends, or encouraging you to spend time together within the game space. It’s really just a mechanic of clicking a button” https://t.co/HA12ZXWMGA
— Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale) January 1, 2021
“Everybody saw a ‘lonely cow’ notification at some point or another, but those were all being shared by their friends who were playing the game,” he said.” https://t.co/5h7scZLl5t
— Danny Groner (@DannyGroner) December 31, 2020
In its death throes, Adobe’s Flash kills off Zynga’s original FarmVille https://t.co/LjNrpHGDVN
— Dean Takahashi (@deantak) January 2, 2021
So long. I harvested a lot of wheat back in the day. In its death throes, Adobe’s Flash kills off Zynga’s original FarmVille https://t.co/LjNrpHGDVN
— Dean Takahashi (@deantak) January 1, 2021