Not the first time Apple has been accused by former employees of putting its business interests ahead of its principles ...
— benlovejoy (@benlovejoy) December 31, 2020
Apple pledges to uphold workers' rights and safety, but 10 ex-members of its supplier responsibility team claim it avoided or delayed removing problematic suppliers when doing so would hurt its business. My last investigation of 2020 for @theinformation
— Wayne Ma (@waynema) December 31, 2020
Shocked, not shocked that a company would profit over people.
— Ron Miller (@ron_miller) December 31, 2020
It is part of a series we published this year on Apple’s supply chain. Here is a prior piece..:
— Amir Efrati (@amir) December 31, 2020
My former colleague @waynema has some of the deepest reporting ever on Apple's expansive supply chain in Asia. His latest on Apple dragging its feet to cut ties with a Chinese supplier using underage labor
— Aaron Tilley (@aatilley) December 31, 2020
??? 10 ex-members of the Apple team that monitors manufacturers for violations of labor & safety rules said Apple avoided & delayed cutting ties w/offenders when doing so would hurt business. @waynema
— Amir Efrati (@amir) December 31, 2020
— MA-SA (@jbl375537500) December 31, 2020
Tech Transparency Project と呼ばれる人権団体が公開した調査結果は、Amazon や Tesla とも取引のある中国のアップルのサプライヤーである Lens Technology が、中国政府が強制収容所に追いやったウイグルのイスラム教徒らの強制労働を使用していると告発
애플, 노동법 위반한 것으로 나타난 공급업체와 거래중단 마지못해 하고 가장 심각한 경우조차 수년 걸려
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 31, 2020
- The Information은 애플이 반복적으로 아동 노동력을 사용해 온 수인(Suyin) 일렉트로닉스와 거래를 중단하기까지 3년 걸렸다고 보도
Why do worker abuses keeping showing up in Apple's supply chain? I interviewed 10 ex-members of Apple's supplier responsibility team and drew on its internal documents to explain why it's difficult for Apple to make lasting changes to its supply chain.
— Wayne Ma (@waynema) January 1, 2021
Apple reportedly took years to drop a supplier that used underage labor #tech #feedly #CES2021 #Apple
— Nicolas Babin #CES2021 (@Nicochan33) January 1, 2021
ICYMI: Apple can take years to part ways with rule-breaking suppliers, report claims by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) January 1, 2021
Apple can take years to part ways with rule-breaking suppliers, report claims by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) December 31, 2020
This is the reason we need Identity in the supply chain. @identity
— Phillip B. Shoemaker (@pbsIdentity) January 1, 2021
Apple reportedly took years to drop a supplier that used underage labor via @engadget | The case highlights the labor issues inherent to Big Tech supply chains.
— Liberation Technology (@Liberationtech) January 1, 2021