Why would someone do this?https://t.co/Y7i9Pevybf
— Pool Noodle 2 : Electric Boogaloo (@BlueRussian35) December 31, 2020
Hospital employee deliberately destroys #CovidVaccine. Now who would do something like that? https://t.co/lutMKj18k1
— W. M. (@Minuteman04) December 31, 2020
awful https://t.co/Ac5CijxfES
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) December 31, 2020
An employee that left COVID-19 vaccines out of a refrigerator at Aurora's Grafton medical center has been fired for doing so intentionally. https://t.co/DWhnzVtXbY
— 620wtmj (@620wtmj) December 31, 2020
Wisconsin hospital employee 'intentionally' removed COVID-19 vaccine from refrigeration https://t.co/2JubIGDpFo #FoxNews
— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) December 31, 2020
Why would anyone do this unless they were politically motivated and how many more of these people are working within the US health system undetected? - Wisconsin health worker 'deliberately spoiled 500 Covid vaccine doses' https://t.co/r80A5A7lPm
— trevorw1953 (@trevorw1953) December 31, 2020
Bet this genius is a fan of Levin or OAN. Maybe both? Stop tinfoil “news” from spreading, Wis. //Wisconsin police arrest hospital worker suspected of intentionally spoiling Covid vaccine doses | World news | The Guardian https://t.co/K44dhfVu0m
— Aldous J Pennyfarthing #GoodbyeAsshat (@AJPennyfarthing) January 1, 2021
Cant help but wonder about the motive of this pharmacist. Was he hoping to cause harm to those who received the spoiled doses, in an attempt to discredit the vaccine as safe? Absolutely despicable criminal act!https://t.co/gdXf766VyD
— Pam Woodard (@Pop3Pam) December 31, 2020