As the year comes to a close, we're looking back at some of the smiles that Amazonians and our partners were able to deliver throughout 2020. ?
— Amazon (@amazon) December 28, 2020
Learn more:
"An Amazon employee is tested for coronavirus every 10 seconds."
— Philipp Kloeckner (@pip_net) December 29, 2020
(Also, in the same timespan $AMZN fulfilment centers spitted out 2,000 SKUs)
Congrats & huge thanks to our team members around the world for all you did to make this happen!
— Jay Carney (@JayCarney) December 28, 2020
I found the single @awscloud paragraph buried within, and it is quite the doozy.
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) December 29, 2020
Amazon says during this holiday season, third-party sales grew 50% globally, compared to the same time period in 2019. Expects Q4 revenue between $112B and $121B
— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) December 29, 2020
$AMZN delivered 1.5B packages this holiday season. 2017, 18 & 19 the company released holiday sales numbers on 12/26. Black Friday weekend came Tuesday 12/1. Full numbers soon hopefully
— Nick (@NStocks96) December 28, 2020
아마존, 홀리데이 기간 중 15억개 이상 제품 판매하고 글로벌 서드파티 매출 50% 증가
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 29, 2020
- 아마존은 오늘 블로그 게시를 통해 기록을 경신한 홀리데이 시즌을 가졌고 15억개 이상의 장난감, 가정 제품, 미용 및 개인 관리 제품, 전자기기 등을 배송했다고 말해