"This is a very positive signal demonstrating that it may not be so easy for Apple to try to bully those who do things that Apple does not approve of." — @chronic https://t.co/n8AQ7wLZl1
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) December 29, 2020
This has long prevented people from visualizing macOS on standard PC hardware. I guess it applies there, too?
— Graham Christensen (@grhmc) December 29, 2020
The natural next step: Amazon offer iOS on the cloud, and you can remote login to your secured iOS devices on your cloud. I am surprised by the ruling, but it opens a whole new world of businesses out there (both monetizing iOS and monetizing all sorts of other software) https://t.co/GGrOX4WV4J
— Miguel de Icaza (@migueldeicaza) December 29, 2020
Apple losing the Corellium case just highlights how tough it’s going to be to argue their case vs antitrust action, Epic Games, Cydia and whatever else pops up next year. There are many things Apple (and its pundits) assume to be true that just won’t survive scrutiny
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) December 29, 2020
And if the logical conclusion of your lawsuit is Windows being a terms of service change away from overnight bankrupting VMware to force everyone to use Azure, and turning security testing of compiled binaries into lawsuits, then sorry, your lawsuit is bad and you should feel bad
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
Wonder if Apple's next step will be to find a way to make such bare bones iPhone virtualization impossible https://t.co/k16tQUVML4
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) December 29, 2020
The weirdest part of this lawsuit is that Apple claimed users of the emulation should have been legally bound to report any bugs they find to Apple.
— Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ (@padresj) December 30, 2020
In other words, Apple wanted the users of another company's software to work for Apple... For free. ?https://t.co/wv6hMYP5Pa
Oh wow. Federal judge throws out Apple's copyright infringement claim against @CorelliumHQ, referring to some of Apple's claims as "puzzling, if not disingenuous". https://t.co/J1Ew5GDum6
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
Unlikely startup success story:
— Lorenzo (he/him) ... is AFK ?? (@lorenzofb) December 28, 2020
Step 1: Build your product in part by using stolen iPhone prototypes that make it easier to reverse engineer iOS.
Step 2: Get sued by Apple for copyright infringement.
Step 3: Win a Forbes award.
Step 4: ?https://t.co/QRQSmXkJgm pic.twitter.com/1XTZpdL0Un
Apple just increased the price they will have to pay for Corellium if they really want to put it out (assuming DMCA case doesn’t create trouble). Genius move! ??????
— fG! (@osxreverser) December 29, 2020
Apple has lost their legal battle against Corellium!https://t.co/fiuyz2O0M9
— iFenix (@iFenixx) December 29, 2020
Might as well have backronym-ed "AFL" to "automatic federal lawsuit" in that scenario. Was such a dangerously broad claim.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
Now just need SCOTUS to push Oracle's similarly obnoxious "Making software that is API-compatible with ours is actually copyright infringement" assertion through a shredder and then life will be grand.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
DMCA claim survives summary judgment stage. So that's still a thing. But the copyright claim trying to exclude binary emulation from fair use was, despite less press (DMCA has a bad rep), equally if not more alarming.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
This just in: @CorelliumHQ wins its copyright battle against Apple, a pretty surprising defeat in what was a very David v Goliath battle. https://t.co/FTmHbeeUnm pic.twitter.com/2IgygKOEcd
— Reed Albergotti (@ReedAlbergotti) December 29, 2020
Turns out step 4 was to win a legal case against Apple. https://t.co/5rQmv3RWoQ
— Lorenzo (he/him) ... is AFK ?? (@lorenzofb) December 29, 2020
For those watching the Apple v. Corellium copyright case, the district court issued a summary judgment opinion today.
— Mark Gray (@emtgray) December 29, 2020
The court found fair use applied to Apple's copyright claims, but the DMCA circumvention claim will go to trial.
Order: https://t.co/80jKaYAgrX https://t.co/XSHYQGoZjF
Pretty big loss for Apple in terms of what it could open up in the future. But this is just round one. https://t.co/xC2h48z1rj
— Michael Gartenberg (@Gartenberg) December 29, 2020
This is a big deal for security research in particular, but also other parts of tech.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
Apple's case was an insanely broad assertion that emulating iOS firmware on something that's not Apple's own hardware violates iOS copyright, rather than covered by "fair use".
Imagine if that argument had prevailed. That emulation of a binary, even for wildly different purposes, such as security testing that binary, is a litigable copyright infringement.
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) December 29, 2020
Chris Wade, cofounder of iOS virtualization company Corellium, pardoned by Trump https://t.co/9MUHilrJag pic.twitter.com/r3O1OoOX82
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) December 29, 2020
Congratulations to @CorelliumHQ for demonstrating that even if you get sued by a $2Tn company when you are just a startup you can still win. https://t.co/0K9LX2kSSB
— Matt Suiche @ #OPCDE2020 (@msuiche) December 30, 2020
Apple has lost its copyright claim against iPhone virtualization company Corellium https://t.co/BmZjQGWatk
— iMore (@iMore) December 29, 2020
Apple Loses Copyright Battle Against Security Startup Corellium https://t.co/yurLcgWio6
— Justin (@xxdesmus) December 30, 2020
Apple Loses Copyright Battle Against Security Startup Corellium https://t.co/GKizsDX2SG
— Slashdot (@slashdot) December 30, 2020
애플, iOS 에뮬레이션 소송에서 보안회사 코렐리엄에게 패소
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 29, 2020
- 미 연방판사 로드니 스미스는 화요일 판결에서 애플 iOS 에뮬레이션의 사용이 공정한 것이라고 말해
- 그러나 판사는 코렐리엄이 디지털 밀레니엄 저작권법을 위반했다는 애플의 주장은 기각하지 않아https://t.co/EaZhqbCGmq
Bummer that you recommend a paywalled article. Here is a free version: Apple loses iOS copyright claim in suit against security firm Corellium https://t.co/upJdKe68tP
— ? Vince L (@0freetime) December 29, 2020