In the top two levels of engineers there were no Black employees. At the third level down, only two of the 58 engineers were Black. One of those was the lowest paid employee in the group, by a wide margin. He made $19k less than the next lowest paid engineer at the same level.
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) December 29, 2020
Entirely consistent if you can't talk politics in the office you also can't talk nor address wage discrepancy for black and women employees
— Zavain Dar (@zavaindar) December 29, 2020
A personal anecdote, my homeboy and I interviewed at Coinbase around the same time and were both extended offers (both declined). When it came to salary, they offered him $10k more than me and we couldn't figure out why. He's a white dude, btw. And we have the same amount of exp.
— Iheanyi Ekechukwu (@kwuchu) December 29, 2020
Important phrase there being “similar jobs” (which plenty of the twits in the replies apparently can’t understand). That’s Coinbase, where they decided that “politics” isn’t important and should focus on “the mission”. When a bro tells you who they are…
— Charles Arthur (@charlesarthur) December 30, 2020
“When she factored in stock options for Coinbase’s employees—often an important part of pay at start-ups—the compensation for women and men was roughly the same”
— Suhail (@Suhail) December 30, 2020
In conclusion: women are paid slightly more in stock options for a company about to go public & might make more? ?
Alt theory: Management did decide politics was important, in fact so important that it must be forcefully eradicated from the company to maximize value extraction from human resources.
— Kontra (@counternotions) December 30, 2020
(Today's the Hump Day not the Charity Day.)
No one trusts your data analysis, Popper. Most of the executives at Coinbase are women and people of color!
— (@balajis) December 30, 2020
If anyone wants to send me comparable data for the NYT, my DMs are open.
— (@jonst0kes) December 30, 2020
Coinbase's 'we don't do politics' declaration is turning out to be the most political thing they've done.
— Jamaal Glenn (@JamaalGlenn) December 29, 2020
It's also put a huge spotlight on everything thing they do.
No doubt the NYT was sent this precisely because of that spotlight.
Should have just kept their mouths shut.
NEW: We were sent a trove of inside data on what Coinbase pays its employees.
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) December 29, 2020
We had an economist crunch the numbers.
The upshot: women and Black employees across the company earned far less than their colleagues in similar jobs.
The New York Times now covers tech as a political and societal issues beat rather than as a business and innovation beat.
— Moon ? Dudas (@mdudas) December 30, 2020
I feel hoodwinked by Coinbase since I actually agree with a policy of separating politics from work (i.e. don’t want pro Trump or Biden discussions in the office) but it seems they primarily did it as a way to quash employees raising questions in the wake of #BlackLivesMatter
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) December 29, 2020
“The data, recently obtained by The New York Times, indicated that women at Coinbase were paid an average of $13,000, or 8 percent, less than men at a comparable jobs and ranks within the company”
— erin mccann | (@mccanner) December 29, 2020
There has been a massive change in how the @nytimes covers tech over the past 5 years.
— Moon ? Dudas (@mdudas) December 30, 2020
One only needs to look at how they've covered @coinbase in 2020 vs 2013-2015.
color me SHOCKED that coinbase would pay women and minorities less
— Tracy Chou (@triketora) December 29, 2020
Just because you don’t want to talk about it doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist
— Ian Schafer (@ischafer) December 30, 2020
NY Timesのレポートは、Coinbaseでの賃金差別の歴史を主張しています
— コイン海外速報 -仮想通貨ニュース- (@CoinNewsFlash) December 30, 2020
— Crypto Granny (@susietrader) December 30, 2020
that figures - this guy is loaded & his greed underpays people - no wonder I really dislike COINBASE
he looks like a WASP
— masa - lifeforearth (仲津正朗) (@mrmasa88) December 30, 2020
Coinbase Underpaid Women, Black Employees, NY Times Reports - CoinDesk
Oh no, what is Coinbase going to do if SJWs no longer want to work over there because it won't let them peddle their deranged politics in the office, this is terrible ?
— Philippe Lemoine (@phl43) December 30, 2020
NYT says women and blacks are paid less at Coinbase. Buried deep in the article: no control for experience and education, as they do for others, much less other factors.
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) December 30, 2020
Includes menacing quotes from lawyers.
This is not news, it's stamping out dissent.
Also proud of myself for ditching Coinbase in the middle of interviewing
— Game 6 Klay? (@Sportaphile) December 30, 2020
The S-1 on Coinbase company is going to be a real trip. Considering their business model basically the US version of Macau casinos, gambling as a front for money laundering.
— Stephen Diehl (@smdiehl) December 30, 2020
Cryptocurrency Start-Up Underpaid Women and Black Employees, Data Shows by nytimestech 2020-12-29 22:10:02
— Fintechbot (@FintechBot) December 29, 2020
— Crypto Granny (@susietrader) December 30, 2020
I am disgusted by this
Cryptocurrency Start-Up Underpaid Women and Black Employees, Data Shows
— BlackStudies at Duke (@DukeAAAS) December 30, 2020
Internal pay data shows Coinbase underpaid women and Black employees: at least 60 employees left after their CEO instituted a ban on political activism earlier this year
— (@waxy) December 30, 2020
Who could have predicted that the "no politics at work" white guy would run a company that systematically paid Black employees and women less for the same jobs?
— Laurie Voss (@seldo) December 30, 2020
Surprise! The company with an bad leader treats people badly! The company with a leader who demands his employees keep politics out of work is both racist and misogynist. Gotta go fetch my shocked face.
— Ben Macguire (@blueben) December 30, 2020
Here is the original story for those who are still interested.
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) December 30, 2020