LG’s new “QNED” TVs will have up to nearly 30,000 tiny LEDs behind the screen https://t.co/cmZPpiQGmt pic.twitter.com/BgglJaidiJ
— The Verge (@verge) December 29, 2020
LG’s new “QNED” TVs will have up to nearly 30,000 tiny LEDs behind the screen https://t.co/Zei0jeHxDU
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) December 29, 2020
LG’s new ‘QNED’ TVs will have up to nearly 30,000 tiny LEDs behind the screen https://t.co/infHL4SJ4k #digitalhealth #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #IoT #industry40 #AI #mhealth #healthtech pic.twitter.com/qImRl5Oykr
— Dr Timos Papagatsias (@_timos_) December 29, 2020
yo dawg we heard you like OLEDs so we put thousands of OLEDs in your OLEDs https://t.co/0sirnKaoEy
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) December 29, 2020
LG QNED Mini-LED TVs with quantum dots are its best non-OLED TVs for 2021 https://t.co/bEXq7Y3Eug
— ずるずるむけポン (@Zrumuke) December 29, 2020
LG QNED Mini-LED TVs with quantum dots are its best non-OLED TVs for 2021 https://t.co/ntDy5nh2cJ
— David Katzmaier (@dkatzmaier) December 29, 2020
LG, 2021 년 미니 LED TV 신제품 발표 https://t.co/0RlopphLb9
— editoy (@editoy) December 30, 2020
Ok do these acronyms actually stand for anything anymorehttps://t.co/2nPemFkFK5
— TechLinked (@TechLinkedYT) December 29, 2020
LG will add 8K QNED TVs to its lineup in 2021 https://t.co/Fce6WW71u6 #tech #feedly #CES2021
— Nicolas Babin #CES2021 (@Nicochan33) December 29, 2020