Xiaomi is the next big phone brand to remove the charger from the box https://t.co/PIokHxTIbJ #tech #feedly #CES2021
— Nicolas Babin #CES2021 (@Nicochan33) December 27, 2020
샤오미, 박스에서 충전기 제거하는 차기 메이저 폰 브랜드가 될 것
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 26, 2020
- 애플이 메이저 폰 브랜드 중 박스에서 충전기를 처음으로 제거해
- 샤오미도 "더 환경 친화적" 기기 요구에 대한 답변으로 곧 출시할 Mi 11 폰에 충전기가 포함되지 않을 것이라고 발표해https://t.co/zMuvq5h4sY
Xiaomi Mi 11 won’t come with charger after it mocked Apple for not including a charger https://t.co/oJmGqrRObT >>> https://t.co/2FO2ai4x9M #digitalhealth #industry40 #healthcare #AI #healthtech #mhealth #IoT #wearables pic.twitter.com/N4blLjOC9j
— Dr Timos Papagatsias (@_timos_) December 26, 2020
Xiaomi’s Mi 11 won’t come with charger after it mocked Apple for not including a charger https://t.co/1JLzqH1Mqd via @Verge
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) December 27, 2020