"Please use an older save file to continue playing and try to keep a lower amount of items and crafting materials."
— KY ⒶN☭OM ❤?Himbo Carelord #NoJusticeNoPeace (@Ky_AnCom) December 20, 2020
The fact that save files can corrupt if over 8MB is inexcusable in an RPG, especially when "caused" by inventory sizes.https://t.co/UrQ6WgYDTJ
A glitch has been discovered in Cyberpunk 2077 where if your save file size becomes more than 8MB, it becomes permanently corrupted. So far, no fix has been offered despite a 45GB update and two 17GB patches.
— Emmen Gaming (@EmmenGaming) December 21, 2020
Read more: https://t.co/H3hXu24uSm#emmenmv #Cyberpunk2077 pic.twitter.com/PKw0XjS89z
— Veeshop (@VeeshopVS) December 21, 2020
Cyberpunk 2077: Save Files Over 8MB May Become Permanently Corrupt: Cyberpunk 2077 players should be aware that if their save files are bigger than 8MB, they may become… https://t.co/x7cYHIDiGM | https://t.co/9AaTTqXITl | https://t.co/mfR4u1I3JG #gaming #news #entertainment pic.twitter.com/cbewuMu0TE
— eStream Studios (@eStream_Studios) December 20, 2020
— ꓄ꀎꂚꂟꏂꋪꋬ꒐꒒ꍌꀎꂚ (@TunDeRailGun394) December 20, 2020
I couldn't return my copy of Cyberpunk 2077 through Steam and CDPR's process to help refund consumers is no help outside of those who bought physical.
— Committed Critics (@CommittedCrits) December 23, 2020
And no, this isn't an example of Physical > Digital (Trust me, I'm a physical media junkie).
Cyberpunk 2077 developer sued for allegedly lying about unfinished game https://t.co/YdYXSzMN1l pic.twitter.com/UleMmCQwcs
— New York Post (@nypost) December 25, 2020
I finished reviewing Cyberpunk, a game it feels like it's never the right time to talk about even though all we do is scream about it https://t.co/vRK7cyOUjp
— Riley MacLeod (@rcmacleod) December 24, 2020
extremely big mood from @rcmacleod’s phenomenal cyberpunk 2077 review https://t.co/fl2ABgm8PY pic.twitter.com/erYzizOOAe
— Nathan Grayson (@Vahn16) December 24, 2020
A class-action lawsuit has been filed against CD Projekt claiming that the publisher "made false and/or misleading statements" about Cyberpunk 2077's performance. https://t.co/EscN8XI9Qc pic.twitter.com/DUOeKL99Y4
— IGN (@IGN) December 25, 2020
A new lawsuit claims that CD Projekt has "made false and/or misleading statements" and/or failed to disclose that "Cyberpunk 2077 was virtually unplayable on the current-generation Xbox or PlayStation systems due to an enormous number of bugs." https://t.co/THinCd4dQw pic.twitter.com/HrT2hNxU4e
— IGN (@IGN) December 25, 2020
And now CD Projekt Red is getting a class action lawsuit filed against it from investors.
— Ant ?LAAAAST CHRISTMAS (@AGramuglia) December 25, 2020
....this company is doomed.https://t.co/kKP3vdFfQ1
I really wouldn't hold my breath about this being the lawsuit that hold developers accountable. CD Projekt is considerably smaller than EA.https://t.co/5WfGer4Jit
— Matt Trinh (@matttrinh) December 25, 2020
Cyberpunk 2077: Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against CD Projekt S.A.: New York-based Rosen Law Firm has filed a class-action lawsuit against Cyberpunk 2077's publisher CD… https://t.co/RoperuC153 | https://t.co/9AaTTqXITl | https://t.co/mfR4u1I3JG #gaming #news #entertainment pic.twitter.com/dJhDYV5F98
— eStream Studios (@eStream_Studios) December 25, 2020