I’ve only seen one writer, @eric_seufert, give thoughtful analysis of how Apple’s iOS 14 privacy changes will impact the app advertising landscape.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) December 25, 2020
Every other journalist has basically been regurgitating talking points from the same players.https://t.co/MeA6NHS6cC
Well, you know Facebook is lying, but this is a good breakdown of *how* they are lying. https://t.co/qAIX7pRwdI
— abolish the elf on the shelf in your heart & head (@hypervisible) December 24, 2020
.@Facebook claims that @Apple’s iOS14 privacy update, which allows users to opt out of in-app tracking, will hurt small businesses. But FB's argument is not just self-interested—it is plain wrong and completely misleading to the public. My thoughts @Wired https://t.co/UmpSDwUlrF
— Dipayan Ghosh (@ghoshd7) December 24, 2020
If people were happy with the way Facebook runs their business, it wouldn’t be full of “copy and paste this so that Facebook doesn’t own your photos before 19/6/2021” posts. People already know basically what Facebook does, and they kind of tolerate it. Apple is shining a light.
— David Eden-Sangwell - iCave (@iCave_Dave) December 24, 2020
애플, iOS 14.4 베타부터 새로운 개인정보 보호 위한 추적 허용/거부 확인 안내창 팝업 시작
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) December 24, 2020
모든 앱 일괄 거부할 수 있으면 좋겠군요
Apple's New Privacy-Focused Tracking Prompt Begins Appearing for iOS 14 Users [Updated] - MacRumors https://t.co/lUQ7HJ2mbW
I’ve only seen one writer, @eric_seufert, give thoughtful analysis of how Apple’s iOS 14 privacy changes will impact the app advertising landscape.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) December 25, 2020
Every other journalist has basically been regurgitating talking points from the same players.https://t.co/MeA6NHS6cC
2021 predictions for mobile marketing https://t.co/0llZjphmHN
— Eric Seufert (@eric_seufert) December 22, 2020
2021 predictions for mobile marketing https://t.co/0llZjphmHN
— Eric Seufert (@eric_seufert) December 21, 2020
Just published on @MobileDevMemo: 2021 predictions for mobile marketing (part one) https://t.co/0llZjphmHN
— Eric Seufert (@eric_seufert) December 21, 2020
2021 predictions for mobile marketing (1/2)https://t.co/pcliPcZEw4
— Thomasbcn (@Thomasbcn) December 21, 2020
@ghoshd7 is spot on. Facebook’s motives aren’t altruistic https://t.co/FSXhWtBMW4 @WIRED
— Girish Bhat (@GirishB) December 25, 2020
Facebook’s iOS Changes Aren’t Bad for Small Businesses, according to Wired https://t.co/erlzWjiKpv
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) December 25, 2020
Sorry, Facebook. iOS Changes Aren't Bad for Small Businesses https://t.co/YLFUusVQrj #tech #feedly #CES2021
— Nicolas Babin #CES2021 (@Nicochan33) December 25, 2020
A good piece from Wired drilling down on precisely this: how *does* Facebook use surveillance to help small businesses? https://t.co/7xjRYs5vpS
— alex hern (@alexhern) December 25, 2020
Facebook‘s lobbying stuff is always so funny. “Ah yeah our planetwide panopticon and low-level psychosis machine helps... small business. To thrive” https://t.co/Aq51hSEnrJ
— henno (@jrhennessy) December 26, 2020
“Nice Try, Facebook. iOS Changes Aren’t Bad for Small Businesses” https://t.co/xt5yxXBgC1 pic.twitter.com/mHQfZlPhmh
— Dan Frakes (@DanFrakes) December 26, 2020