here's @chriswelch's review of the AirPods Max, which are very good, save for their dumbass case and silly price (I personally think they look stupid too, like padded toilet seats on your ears, but alas)https://t.co/LgizIsuIzF
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) December 16, 2020
AirPods Max review! For $550, you get superb design, great sound, A+ noise cancellation, and spatial audio. Is that enough?
— Chris Welch (@chriswelch) December 16, 2020
(Oh, you also get that shamefully bad case.)
Can’t thank @BeccaFarsace enough for making this video what it is. https://t.co/7NhpucaWHb
NEW VIDEO - AirPods Max Review: Luxury Listening!https://t.co/BhhjbvDzVo pic.twitter.com/p4OAOdomXu
— Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) December 16, 2020
チャンネル登録者数1320万人のMKBHDが、1stインプレッションから手のひらを返し、AirPods Maxをベタ褒め。これでしばらく売り切れ継続間違いなし。ただし、ケースについては”STUPID. I hate everything about this.”と(笑)
— Takuji Hashizume (@takujihashizume) December 16, 2020
AirPods Max Review: Luxury Listening! https://t.co/XAjOCqjjkC pic.twitter.com/SgkySmYx5T
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) December 16, 2020
The Verge의 AirPods 맥스 리뷰: "사치품 가격에 호화로운 사운드," 평점 8.5/10
- 아주 사치스러운 디자인
- 빼어나고 균형잡힌 음질
- 아주 효과적인 노이즈캔슬링
- 신뢰할 수 있고 아주 간단한 컨트롤
- 몰입형 엔터테인먼트를 위한 입체 음향https://t.co/do66G1fBxp
Just @MKBHD with the subtle visual clue that time is money.
— Raph Ndem (@runitralph) December 16, 2020
Did you catch it?https://t.co/NAdk2PxsVq#AirPodsMax pic.twitter.com/fWOS5Owqa6