This is interesting. Not sure if acquihire or if they want to take the product further but in any case investing into ChromeOS makes me happy :)
— Juhani Lehtimäki (@lehtimaeki) December 15, 2020
H/T @jasperamorgan
That is quite nice!
— KΞNNY?? (@kennethrohde) December 15, 2020
☁️ Google acquires CloudReady OS that turns old PCs into Chromebooks w/ plans to make official offering I have always loved CloudReady and am interested to see where this goes! #GSuiteEDU #GoogleEDU #edtechchat #chromebook @neverware
— Eric Curts (@ericcurts) December 16, 2020
Cloudready by Neverware can transform your aging old slow PC into a speedy ChromeOS machine.
— Chris Betcher (@betchaboy) December 15, 2020
And Google now owns Cloudready.
Google quietly buys company that turns your old Windows 7 PC into Chrome OS machine by @LiamT
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) December 16, 2020
Join me for a tasty beaker of wishful thinking, won't ya?
— JR Raphael (@JRRaphael) December 15, 2020
Google acquires company that turns old PCs into speedy Chromebooks
— XDA (@xdadevelopers) December 16, 2020
This *seems* like great news.
— Eric Lawrence ? (@ericlaw) December 16, 2020
Google quietly buys company that turns your old Windows 7 PC into Chrome OS machine via @ZDNet & @LiamT
— Michael Niehaus (@mniehaus) December 17, 2020
Google quietly buys company that turns your old Windows 7 PC into Chrome OS machine via @ZDNet & @LiamT Great move for #Windows users who want to make the most of their old machines with #ChromeOS
— Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (@sjvn) December 16, 2020