Interactive audio and video are quickly on their way to becoming a regular part of the Twitter experience.
— Chris Cantino (@chriscantino) December 11, 2020
And it’s just the beginning of exciting changes coming to this app.
Big news: @squad has been acquired by Twitter! We are thrilled to join the flock! ?
— Esther Crawford ? (@esthercrawford) December 11, 2020
Congratulations @esthercrawford. Thanks for letting @firstround be part of your squad.
— Josh Kopelman ?? (@joshk) December 11, 2020
Not sure they've thought this all through: "The app will be shutting down tomorrow, Twitter confirms, an unwelcome surprise for its user base largely made up of teen girls."
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) December 11, 2020
So excited for @esthercrawford and the @squad team! They have built something really special and I can't wait to see where they take it from here with the good folks at @Twitter.
— Rob Hayes ?? (@robhayes) December 11, 2020
This is such an important message to hear, so it’s courageous Esther put it in screensharing app Squad’s acquisition announcement.
— Josh Constine -SignalFire (@JoshConstine) December 11, 2020
Congrats, & thanks for letting me be your first press!
? Congrats @esthercrawford on the @squad acquisition by Twitter!
— lolitataub (@lolitataub) December 11, 2020
Small acquihire, but interesting csignal. Twitter jumping on the Discord, Clubhouse, Houseparty social Community video chat train
— Jochen Doppelhammer (@jochendo) December 11, 2020
Big day for @squad - we're so proud of this team, you did it! No one has more vision, empathy, and conviction than @esthercrawford, and we've been honored to be part of her journey. Can't wait to see the Squad magic come to @Twitter!
— January Ventures (@January_VC) December 11, 2020
Twitter just acquired Squad, the screen-sharing app popular with teen girls, led by @esthercrawford
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) December 11, 2020
트위터가 스크린 공유 소셜 앱 'Squad' 인수. 사용자가 모바일과 데스크톱 스크린을 공유하고 동시에 화상채팅을 할 수 있는 앱으로, 미국 시간 12월 12일 종료되는걸 보면 아마도 인재 확보가 목적이었던 듯. 트위터 서비스에 이들의 경험이 어떻게 녹아들게 될지 궁금..
— 금동우 (@ehddn1) December 12, 2020