An Amazon AWS outage is currently impacting our iRobot Home App. Please know that our team is aware and monitoring the situation and hope to get the App back online soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
— iRobot (@iRobot) November 25, 2020
And a good portion of the internet, it seems.https://t.co/xMM0r2W7EZ
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) November 25, 2020
Hello. We are currently unable to remove the A line service alert from our website and app because of the widespread Amazon AWS outage. A trains are no longer running local in Brooklyn. We will continue to post updates here as we have them.
— NYCT Subway. Wear a Mask. (@NYCTSubway) November 25, 2020
The Internet of Things That Don't Work. https://t.co/O3tumDrnDc
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) November 25, 2020
Amazon closed 2% up after a day-long (and still going) AWS outage that took down a good chunk of the internet with it. AWS accounts for more than half of Amazon's operating profits. https://t.co/vP0adaDhCz pic.twitter.com/vJ0u2DhsUK
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) November 25, 2020
Can't wait to read the AWS outage write-up where we once again learn that sometimes humans touch computers
— mechanical turkey (@alicegoldfuss) November 25, 2020
With the AWS outage ongoing, how will they manage to dump all of the service enhancements / announcements that they've been holding back all year but weren't important enough for the keynote?
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) November 25, 2020
An Amazon AWS outage is currently impacting Adobe Spark so you may be having issues accessing/editing your projects. We are actively working with AWS and will report when the issue has subsided. https://t.co/uoHPf44HjL for current Spark status. We apologize for any inconvenience!
— Adobe Spark (@AdobeSpark) November 25, 2020
Some companies I've seen reporting issues due to the AWS outage: Adobe Spark, Anchor, Capital Gazette, Coinbase, DataCamp, Getaround, Glassdoor, Flickr, iRobot, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pocket, RadioLab, Roku, Tampa Bay Times, and Vonage.
— Jay Peters ? (@jaypeters) November 25, 2020
A lot of places rely on AWS!
We are working to resolve this quickly. We are impacted by the widespread AWS outage and hope to get our customers up and running soon. Most streaming should work as expected during this time.
— Roku Support (@RokuSupport) November 25, 2020
@RSS is one of the companies affected by the AWS system outage. Login and uploads not processing. Delivery and distribution of all episodes are unaffected. Public podcast pages are also available. New uploads will resume as soon as the issue is resolved.
— RSS Podcasting (@rss) November 25, 2020
I... can't vacuum... because us-east-1 is down.
— Geoff Belknap (@geoffbelknap) November 25, 2020
Welcome to the future pic.twitter.com/oCNWhaioVg
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) November 25, 2020
[status] Identified: Members are receiving an "Oops, something went wrong" error when trying to log in or create an account due to a current AWS outage. We are monitoring the situation and will continue to share information here as it… https://t.co/drGhoVfYMv
— Flickr Help (@FlickrHelp) November 25, 2020
Can't clean the house for Thanksgiving because the vacuum can't connect to the internet.... https://t.co/GnO0u1Tn1r pic.twitter.com/hGwh8HeZ0A
— Damon Talbot (@damon_talbot) November 25, 2020
before i opened this article i was like “i am betting us-east-1.”
— EricaJoy (@EricaJoy) November 25, 2020
nailed it. https://t.co/i9cfm0VJQ6
Brilliant industrial policy on Clinton/Bush/Obama's part. Centralize points of failure. https://t.co/KKsNacuVOC
— Zephyr Teachout (@ZephyrTeachout) November 25, 2020
Hi Blake. Yes, we are indeed down due to the current AWS issues. Our team is working hard to bring our site back online ASAP. We'll also be sure to pause our article recommendations until we're back. Thanks for your patience! https://t.co/Jdoe6ylqTJ
— Pocket (@Pocket) November 25, 2020
that’s what u get for buying surveillance state tech on purpose https://t.co/rPuJVLEk6w
— ? (@gum_mp3) November 25, 2020
Maybe running half the internet off the same cloud service wasn’t such a great idea after all ? https://t.co/dGP2cTWE4C
— DHH (@dhh) November 25, 2020
AWS' outage has been going on for at least a couple of hours. The AWS status page (https://t.co/briv9pqhgg) says that "for the issue affecting the Kinesis Data Streams API in the US-EAST-1 Region" it has identified the cause and is working on a fix.https://t.co/qrVVwBvc4N
— Jay Peters ? (@jaypeters) November 25, 2020
When those “Realistic Disaster Scenarios” start getting real... https://t.co/4YBriOT81j
— JD Long (@CMastication) November 25, 2020
Amazon Web Services outage has taken down a chunk of the Internet!!@Dfinity solution: smart contracts don't live in 1 data center, and don't stop.
— Dominic Williams (@dominic_w) November 25, 2020
The *unbounded* Internet Computer blockchain will address this hyperscale data center fragility v soon...https://t.co/HxcBNiKXUu
"Amazon Web Services is currently having an outage, taking a chunk of the internet down with it. That means any app, site or service that relies on #AWS might also be down, too. (As I found out the hard way this morning when my Roomba refused to connect)" https://t.co/yJscj6AgE3
— Amber Mac (@ambermac) November 25, 2020
The “cloud” only works for true life or death apps w/ 6 “nines” true uptime (not an avg.) — imagine hearing “sorry, can’t analyze your spouse’s aneurysm for a few hours” ?
— Matt Ocko (@mattocko) November 25, 2020
W/ multiple annual outages ea, MSFT, AWS, Goog have a *long* way to go https://t.co/iBEK8tA3Dt
We have to decentralize the web and its core infrastructure. Responsibility over profit. https://t.co/SnqxxMxB70
— Esra'a (@ealshafei) November 25, 2020
AWS outage kills Black Friday sales for many Amazon merchants, causing billions of dollars in lost revenue https://t.co/b7czVROYyH
— CloudEXPO ® (@CloudExpo) November 25, 2020
Probably took out some exchanges too
— ???? ??? (@BankXRP) November 25, 2020
Amazon Web Services outage takes a portion of the internet down with it https://t.co/gEC0SxCVfj
Amazon Web Services outage takes a portion of the internet down with it #Aws #cloud https://t.co/9XKteKFp4k
— Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork (@EvanKirstel) November 25, 2020
— keicho (@keicho_llc) November 25, 2020
Amazon Web Services outage takes a portion of the internet down with it https://t.co/q5CGAzwysl via @techcrunch
AWS fell down
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) November 25, 2020
Other online services are reporting head bumps... cause that's how the internet works these dayshttps://t.co/0ogjkXOzit
AWS outage impacts thousands of online services https://t.co/pOsZX9Ackb
— Peter Zaitsev (@PeterZaitsev) November 25, 2020
AWS outage impacts thousands of online services https://t.co/Alrc760IJj by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) November 25, 2020
Concentration magnifies glitches and turns them into catastrophehttps://t.co/cfuMm6dgGZ
— David Dayen (@ddayen) November 25, 2020
So #multicloud really is a thing... https://t.co/GT97zCdatc
— Mat Keep (@matkeep) November 25, 2020
AWS is broken, but Netflix seems to be unaffected so far. Company learnt its lesson from that monster Xmas outage a couple years back -- AWS starts the holiday weekend with sustained outages https://t.co/nNFNAK3JgV
— Janko Roettgers (@jank0) November 25, 2020
— パソコン教室・キュリオステーション志木店【公式】 (@curioshiki) November 26, 2020
This outage is a perfect place to ask: is your cloud-based service using all the available redundancy features of the cloud platform? (Yes, it will cost more, but what is your SLA requirement?) Using only single availability zone without auto-switchover?https://t.co/f0eVXZiUYP
— Kauto Huopio (@kautoh) November 26, 2020