NEW: Dozens of leaked documents from Amazon’s Global Security Operations Center reveal the company’s reliance on a spy firm to monitor on warehouse workers and the extensive tracking of labor unions, environmental activists, and other social movements.
— Lorenzo (he/him) (@lorenzofb) November 23, 2020
With Amazon using a global intelligence operation and actual Pinkertons to spy on and intimidate its workforce, Uber/Lyft spending $100s of millions to crush labor protections, it should be clearer than ever that these companies' most important 'innovation' is exploiting workers
— Brian Merchant (@bcmerchant) November 23, 2020
Same shit, different century. The union-buster playbook is always the same. But workers will teach Bezos what we taught his predecessors in the coal mines and the steel mills and the auto factories: Solidarity will win in the end. #1u
— Sara Nelson (@FlyingWithSara) November 23, 2020
Robber-baron monopolies and the Pinkertons it’s literally the same shit as a century and a half back.
— armajeddon (@sabotthecat) November 23, 2020
If there is any remaining doubt that Amazon's ambition is to be an old school monopoly run by a modern robber baron whose success depends on crushing labor, just consider this: They hire the literal Pinkertons to suppress workers. The PINKERTONS.
— Brian Merchant (@bcmerchant) November 23, 2020
amazon keeps going down the checklist of ‘things morally bankrupt companies do when they have too much power‘. next it’s going to be, “announcing a partnership with corecivic (formerly corrections corporation of america) to provide work opportunities to marginalized communities”
— citizen of hellworld (@dellsystem) November 23, 2020
but an economist told me they haven't broken the law
— Marshall Steinbaum ? (@Econ_Marshall) November 23, 2020
NEW: Dozens of docs leaked to @LaurenKGurley reveal a vast Amazon surveillance operation:
— Edward Ongweso Jr (@bigblackjacobin) November 23, 2020
1) spying on workers w Pinkertons
2) surveilling labor unions
3) surveilling @Greenpeace & @GretaThunberg's group
4) surveilling France's gilets jaunes movement
?the Pinkerton Detective Agency ?
— Lorena Gonzalez (@LorenaSGonzalez) November 23, 2020
Wow, I figured the author meant "Pinkerton operatives" as a sort of generic euphemism for union buster spies, but nope
— Nekk-o'-Lantern (@Nekkowe) November 23, 2020
It is literally THE Pinkerton "We're The Ones From The Homestead Massacre" Detective Agency
Amazon spokesperson just said this is completely normal
— ???????? (@deerhoof) November 23, 2020
The richest man in the world employs a department of spies to monitor the political activity of his lowest paid workers.
— Max Berger (@maxberger) November 23, 2020
Amazon making fake social media profiles to monitor workers.
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) November 23, 2020
One document says private spies were "inserted" into an Amazon warehouse
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) November 23, 2020
New: leaked docs from inside Amazon’s Global Security Operations Center reveal company’s use of Pinkerton operatives—private intel—to spy on workers and the extensive monitoring of labor unions, environmental activists, and other social movements
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) November 23, 2020
Man we’re outsourcing everything these days
— John Leavitt ? (@LeavittAlone) November 23, 2020
No matter how good the PR team spins this, Jeff Bezos + Amazon are using Pinkerton spies to surveil organized labor around the world.
— Karishma Mehta for Virginia House of Delegates (@karishma4va) November 23, 2020
These leaked documents and reporting by @LaurenKGurley are enough to prove that we cannot [must not] take this threat to our democracy lightly.
Pinkertons! Did they spy on union meetings sporting bowler hats and handlebar mustaches
— Steven Lemongello (@SteveLemongello) November 23, 2020
SCOOP: Deep investigation by @LaurenKGurley based on trove of leaked documents show Amazon hired literal Pinkertons to spy on workers. It also surveils unions, social movements, environmental groups including @GretaThunberg & @Greenpeace
— Jason Koebler (@jason_koebler) November 23, 2020
Amazon sees environmental activism as a threat to its business, judging by leaked intel intelligence reports
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) November 23, 2020
Past time to find any possible Amazon alternative.
— Levi Damien (@LeviDamien) November 23, 2020
The documents offer an unprecedented look inside the security and surveillance apparatus of a company that has vigorously attempted to tamp down employee dissent and has previously been caught smearing employees who attempted to organize their colleagues
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) November 23, 2020
Having spied on and killed Americans striking for better pay and conditions, that the Pinkertons still go by the name Pinkerton really says a lot about the market for for “risk management.” I mean, even Blackwater changed their name.
— Joe Radinovich (@joeradinovich) November 23, 2020
Amazon has hired Pinkerton operatives—yes *those* Pinkertons—to gather intelligence on warehouse workers.
— VICE (@VICE) November 23, 2020
This leak to @LaurenKGurley makes it impossible to ignore: @amazon is a Bad Company.
— Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) November 23, 2020
Amazon reportedly hired Pinkerton spies to monitor unionization efforts
— New York Post (@nypost) November 23, 2020
Amazon reportedly hired Pinkerton spies to monitor unionization efforts via @nypost
— Beri (@sniffydogs) November 24, 2020
Amazon reportedly hired Pinkerton spies to monitor unionization efforts via @nypost
— jasmin st claire (@jasminstclaire) November 23, 2020
"It is not enough for #AMZN to abuse its dominant market power & face antitrust charges by the EU, now they are exporting 19th century American union busting tactics to Europe” said @CHoffmanUNI to @VICE
— UNI Global Union (@uniglobalunion) November 23, 2020
The more things change the more they stay the same.
— Peter Joseph (@ZeitgeistFilm) November 24, 2020
Leaked documents reveal a vast and international @Amazon espionage operation. Used Pinkertons for the op.
— Anonymous ? (@YourAnonCentral) November 23, 2020
Spied on:
▪️ warehouse workers
▪️ labor unions
▪️ @Greenpeace
▪️ @GretaThunberg's group Friday For Future
▪️ France's gilets jaunes movement
Thinking about the brave Amazon workers in Alabama who just filed for their union election. I hope they know that the world is watching, and how inspired by and excited we are for them #UnionYES @RWDSU #Solidarity
— Tovarisch (@nwbtcw) November 24, 2020
VICE: Leaked documents from Amazon’s Global Security Operations Center "reveal the company’s reliance on Pinkerton operatives to spy on warehouse workers and the extensive monitoring of labor unions, environmental activists, and other social movements."
— Hamza Shaban (@hshaban) November 23, 2020
Amazon relying on the Pinkertons really is par for the course for the industry.
— Industrial Workers of the World (@iww) November 23, 2020
it's wild how everyone compares Jeff Bezos to a cartoonish mustache-twirling robber baron and then his company just doubles down by literally hiring Pinkertons to bust unions
— ? Four Seasons Total Trans Babe-ing ? (@zenalbatross) November 24, 2020
Leaked documents reveal that Amazon has been surveilling labor and environmental activists.
— PEN America (@PENamerica) November 24, 2020
'member when @Amazon said the quiet part loud by posting a job description for military experienced spies?
— Athena ? (@athenaforall) November 23, 2020
Now from inside Amazon, a devastating leak exposes its work to spy on and control workers and community activists.
By @LaurenKGurley for @VICE
Scoop: I was leaked dozens of secret documents from Amazon's Global Security Operations Center detailing the company's reliance on Pinkerton spies, and monitoring of labor unions, @Greenpeace and @GretaThunberg's @Fridays4future, and France's Yellow Vests.
— Lauren Kaori Gurley (@LaurenKGurley) November 23, 2020
— Srećko Horvat (@HorvatSrecko) November 23, 2020
The truth about #Amazon:
1) spying on workers by Pinkerton/Securitas AB
2) surveilling labor unions
3) monitoring @Greenpeace & @GretaThunberg
4) monitoring France's Yellow Vests movement
Amazon has hired Pinkerton operatives—yes *those* Pinkertons—to gather intelligence on warehouse workers.
— VICE (@VICE) November 23, 2020
I love how companies in their "fight" against unions and regulations prove the need for both.
— Black to the Future (@Adjective_J) November 24, 2020
It’s simple: @Amazon needs to stop undermining its workers’ legal right to organize.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) November 24, 2020
"A trove of more than two dozen internal #Amazon reports reveal in stark detail the company's obsessive monitoring of organized labor & social & environmental movements in Europe"
— UNI Europa (@UNI_Europa) November 23, 2020
Fresh evidence reveals the scale of Amazon's abuse ?
Secret @Amazon Reports Expose Company Spying on Labor, Environmental Groups it just never ends with the shenanigans This company needs to be demonopolized ASAP the anti-trust Congress needs to hold them accountable like the UK #BoycottAmazon #cancelprime
— Christian Smalls (@Shut_downAmazon) November 23, 2020
Leaked documents reveal Amazon's reliance on Pinkerton operatives to spy on workers and its extensive monitoring of labor unions and social movements.
— Motherboard (@motherboard) November 23, 2020
I wish we would boycott this business and its services. They even hired Pinkerton Security & Investagators to spy on his employees. Plus the work conditions.. he was shamed into paying them a living wage. #BoycottAmazon
— Liv£ £voLv£ Lif£ (@LiveEvolveLife) November 24, 2020
My mouth fell open reading this.
— Mehreen Kasana (@mehreenkasana) November 24, 2020
A year ago we joined Amazon workers at a warehouse to protest wage and tax cheat culture.
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) November 24, 2020
Now a @motherboard investigation reveals how Amazon intelligence analysts monitor opposition, including our visit.
Bullies don’t like to be called out.
Pinkerton, the firm that sent violent goon squads in to smash up union activity 100 years ago in the US, is still in operation. Now it's hired by Amazon to spy on its workers and on environmental activists in Europe, a leaked report reveals
— Jonathan Cook (@Jonathan_K_Cook) November 25, 2020
Amazon is spying on workers, unions, and citizens around the world.
— Progressive International (@ProgIntl) November 23, 2020
Why? Because Jeff Bezos is scared — scared that we will organize and mobilize to collect on the debts that Amazon owes to society.
Well, we've got news for Bezos: Change is coming. Soon.
BREAKING: Secret Amazon reports expose the company’s surveillance of Labor Unions, Environmental Activists, and other Social Movements. Reporting by @LaurenKGurley.
— Ryan Knight ? (@ProudSocialist) November 23, 2020
Amazon (the company) has become a dark state, complete with spies, stalking and military intel analysts
— Julian Oliver (@julian0liver) November 23, 2020
Amazon’s Surveillance of Labor & Environmental Groups - “to track protests and other labor organizing activity, Amazon intelligence agents create social media accounts without photos and track the online activity of workers leading organizing efforts” ??
— ariadne vromen (@AriadneVromen) November 24, 2020
Leaked Amazon docs reveal the company’s reliance on Pinkerton operatives to spy on warehouse workers and the extensive monitoring of labor unions, environmental activists, and other social movements. #InvestigateAmazon
— Fight for the Future (@fightfortheftr) November 25, 2020