Everyone likes to dunk on Stadia and, if you listen to the angry YouTube crowd, it's more than dead. But I wonder sometimes if there's more there than meets the eye. https://t.co/ydvK2g9qUQ
— Ian Sherr (@iansherr) November 19, 2020
This is a manifestation of the evolution of mobile platforms away from gatekeepers that I describe in the three-part series published earlier this month (1/X) https://t.co/iOpeLxztkF
— Eric Seufert (@eric_seufert) November 19, 2020
Anddd here is Google announcing its own cloud gaming iOS web app, with public testing of Stadia via Safari in the coming weeks. Just hours after Nvidia announced its launch of the GeForce Now iOS web app in beta. https://t.co/JCUmGINLZR
— Nick Statt (@nickstatt) November 19, 2020
As you might have heard, the first phase of iOS support is coming to Stadia! Stay tuned for more to come. https://t.co/RECHwxl5Iz pic.twitter.com/Yj8bFaAG3R
— Stadia (@GoogleStadia) November 19, 2020
Google Stadia turns one year old today.
— Sean Hollister (@StarFire2258) November 19, 2020
Here's how far it's come. https://t.co/0RCUzk1FUX
It's coming to iOS. https://t.co/QHv7iiGgux
And Google wants to be your Cyberpunk 2077 machine so bad, it'll throw in the hardware for free https://t.co/M0snBQsWZx
Stadium is getting sherlocked by Google and I couldn't be any happier. https://t.co/wFKTdShoWP
— Zach (@zmknox) November 19, 2020
Google is creating a web app to bring @GoogleStadia to the iPhone and iPad https://t.co/F0rxbnRqTM
— iMore (@iMore) November 20, 2020
ICYMI: Google Stadia cloud gaming service coming to iPhone and iPad at last https://t.co/9AEavoJ8RN by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/D4R6r6QrFN
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 20, 2020
Google Stadia cloud gaming service coming to iPhone and iPad at last https://t.co/9AEavoJ8RN by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/hrJlYxOnUD
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 19, 2020
구글, 스태디아 향후 몇주 내로 iOS 에서 사파리에서 웹앱 (PWA) 으로 지원 예정
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) November 19, 2020
아마존, 엔비디아, 마이크로소프트, 구글 모두 웹앱으로 iOS 에서 클라우드 게임 시작하는군요
Stadia will be playable on iOS via Safari in coming 'weeks' - 9to5Google https://t.co/qLeMgvSbLm
Stadia will be playable on iOS via Safari in the coming ‘weeks’ https://t.co/Kx0gp2jc2x by @iamdamienwilde
— 9to5Mac.com (@9to5mac) November 19, 2020
Stadia가 PWA 형태로 '수 주 내'로 iOS에 제공될 것이라고. https://t.co/e8ev3kwjLG
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) November 19, 2020