Five takeaways from Airbnb’s IPO filing
— Financial Times (@FT) November 17, 2020
Five takeaways from Airbnb’s IPO filing via @financialtimes
— Ajay Bagga (@Ajay_Bagga) November 17, 2020
Airbnb reports that ✨building a community✨ is their primary differentiating factor from its competitors and lists it as their top two core strengths (host and guest communities).
— David Spinks (@DavidSpinks) November 16, 2020
The word community appears 166 times in the IPO prospectus.
Airbnb S-1 IPO filing drops, plans to trade under ABNB symbol
— Ophir Gottlieb (@OphirGottlieb) November 17, 2020
Airbnb releases public IPO filing; seeks Nasdaq listing under ticker ABNB
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) November 16, 2020
$ABNB Airbnb is now officially in the IPO pipeline.
— HedgeMind (@HedgeMind) November 17, 2020
Plus two more, $DASH and $AI, to watch.
More work to do...
에어비앤비가 상장신청 서류 제출. 지난 분기 매출 1.34B에 219M 흑자. 매출은 전년동기 대비 19% 하락했으나 올초 구조조정을 통해 흑자전환. 어쨌든 코로나 위기에도 올해 IPO를 달성하게 될 듯.
— 에스티마 (@estima7) November 16, 2020
Airbnb S-1 IPO filing drops, plans to trade under ABNB symbol
— Philipp Kloeckner (@pip_net) November 17, 2020
How the summertime recovery went for Airbnb:
— Cory Weinberg (@coryweinberg) November 16, 2020
Revenue fell 18% YoY in Q3.
That's significantly better than BKNG (-46%) and Expedia (-58%)
Is it better to be Uber and see your numbers get ugly (but your stock price go up) the year after the IPO because of a pandemic-related travel freeze...
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) November 16, 2020
or to be Airbnb pitching your IPO in the middle of a pandemic-related travel freeze.
Not sure!
Airbnb seeks to raise $1 billion on the Nasdaq under the ticker “ABNB”. It has more than 4 million hosts that have earned cumulatively $110 billion from 825 million guests.
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) November 16, 2020
Airbnb has $4.5bn in cash & equivalents on the balance sheet, will be fine through this dark winter and well into next year. #airbnbipo
— Rafat Ali, Media Owner & Operator (@rafat) November 16, 2020
The "ride the VC money till the cows come home and our competitors die trying" is alive and well.
— Brad Sams (@bdsams) November 16, 2020
In 2019, Airbnb generated Gross Booking Value of $38 billion, a 29% YoY increase from 2018; plus revenue of $4.8 billion, a 32% YoY increase from 2018.
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) November 16, 2020
In the nine months of 2020, however, it had $18 billion GBV, down 39% YoY, and $2.5 billion revenue, down 32% YoY.
This is interesting: Airbnb published execs' performance measures.
— Cory Weinberg (@coryweinberg) November 16, 2020
H1 2019: only 52% achievement on Homes growth
Then it spent a bunch of money on growth...
H2 2019: 0% achievement on profitability because it was below the mid-year outlook
Curious why Airbnb ($ABNB) seems to show a profit every Q3, but mostly losses in other quarters?
— Matt Rosoff (@MattRosoff) November 16, 2020
Airbnb reports that ✨building a community✨ is their primary differentiating factor from its competitors and lists it as their top two core strengths (host and guest communities).
— David Spinks (@DavidSpinks) November 16, 2020
The word community appears 166 times in the IPO prospectus.
Few startups have had as wild of a year as Airbnb. Congrats to @bchesky, @jgebbia and team on executing through a crisis and continuing to build an epic company.
— Aaron Levie (@levie) November 16, 2020
How did Airbnb juice its margins?
— Cory Weinberg (@coryweinberg) November 16, 2020
Q3 2019: Airbnb spent 26 cents on sales/marketing for every $1 of revenue.
Q3 2020: Airbnb spent 8 cents on sales/marketing for every $1 of revenue.
IPO filings reveal crazy things. Airbnb's shows COVID's big hit on its biz and that... fatalities, sexual violence, hidden cameras and racial discrimination are issues. In fact, Airbnb booted 1.4M people for refusing to sign its "Nondiscrimination Policy"
— Dara Kerr (@darakerr) November 17, 2020
— 根岸 奈津美 | STRIVE (@negishinatsumi) November 17, 2020
Equity Shot: Airbnb's IPO is finally here via @techcrunch
Our story on Airbnb's IPO filing:
— erin griffith (@eringriffith) November 16, 2020
JUST IN: Airbnb files for a $1 billion IPO, which is expected to price in December.
— Axios (@axios) November 16, 2020
Airbnb files for its long-awaited IPO
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) November 16, 2020
Airbnb has revealed for the first time the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on its business, as it prepares for a stock market debut in December.
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) November 17, 2020
Here are five takeaways from its IPO filing
UNITED STATES - Despite the cheery headline, things don't look good for #Airbnb. “The Covid-19 pandemic ... have materially adversely impacted and will continue to materially adversely impact our business, results of operations, and financial condition..."
— Miteymiss (@Miteymiss) November 17, 2020