1. Another interesting privacy case being brought forward by @NOYBeu (@maxschrems organisation) today: Filing a complaint against the Apple ad ID, as it does not have a valid consent. This will be very interesting. Why should you care, you say? https://t.co/UYsFMxttD6 #GDPR
— Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad (@finnmyrstad) November 16, 2020
? We filed complaints against Apple's tracking code "IDFA" which allows Apple and all apps on the phone to track a user and combine information about online and mobile behaviour.
— noyb (@NOYBeu) November 16, 2020
https://t.co/5iiNgE0rUR pic.twitter.com/bZSGKdKGdj
Oooh, @maxschrems is going after @apple for IDFA - in-ter-est-ing... https://t.co/OahgeSJoIH
— Mark Nottingham (@mnot) November 16, 2020
Apple’s ad tracking is the target of two complaints by a privacy advocate whose earlier legal battles are forcing Facebook to change the way it transfers data https://t.co/aYHNTXvQmv via @technology with @aoifewhite101
— Stéphanie Bodoni (@StephanieBodoni) November 16, 2020
Max Schrems is back with another privacy complaint. This time over Apple's iPhone user tracking, which has had its opt-in feature delayed to appease advertisers. https://t.co/DDpiQJ67Nn
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) November 16, 2020
Apple hit with two privacy complaints in Europe over its mobile tracking tool for advertisers https://t.co/9Hh1i644TZ
— CNBC Tech (@CNBCtech) November 16, 2020
Apple faces two privacy complaints in Europe. This is interesting as 1) it comes from @maxschrems' @NOYBeu who have led some landmark cases in recent years and 2) it's all about IDFA, Apple's mobile tracking tool for advertisers https://t.co/0YTGeN3xAL
— Ryan Browne (@Ryan_Browne_) November 16, 2020
개인 정보 보호 그룹, 광고주를 위한 Apple의 기기 식별자 서비스를 대상으로 유럽에서 법적 제소 https://t.co/OPuz5gIiBo
— editoy (@editoy) November 17, 2020
An activist's complaint against Apple shines a light onto its consumer behavior tracking practices. (via @Reuters) https://t.co/NCGpvPar3y pic.twitter.com/ylTxzLBNYJ
— IPVanish (@IPVanish) November 16, 2020