Large study from Oxford finds video games linked to......drum roll......increases in happiness and well-being.
— Patrick Markey (@patmarkey) November 16, 2020
— Ann Memmott PGC? (@AnnMemmott) November 16, 2020
After years of telling parents to get their child.young person off video games, it turns out they're generally good for mental wellbeing. [Obviously sensibly thought-through and age-appropriate etc etc].
Game are good for you!
— The National Videogame Museum (@nvmuk) November 16, 2020
We know, we know, this is pretty common knowledge for many of us. But new research from Oxford University has used actual gameplay data for the first time to prove it.
How else are games good for us?
A decent article highlighting research surrounding video games and mental health using real playtime data. Worth a read ?
— Richard ?️?? (@nintenmau5) November 16, 2020
LOL not based on what I’ve seen of Rich Guinn - Video gaming can benefit mental health, find Oxford academics | Games | The Guardian
— UvT (@WasOnceLou) November 16, 2020
*rings mom to tell her I was right all along*
— Motorsport Games (@MSportgames) November 16, 2020
Sure as hell true this year
— Keza MacDonald (@kezamacdonald) November 16, 2020
Video gaming can benefit mental health, find Oxford academics
— Shahid Kamal Ahmad (@shahidkamal) November 16, 2020
With our games we try to find the bond between beauty and madness. And we might be doing it right.
— Tequila Works ? (@TequilaWorks) November 16, 2020
Research based on playing time data showed gamers reported greater wellbeing
— Vishal Gondal (@vishalgondal) November 16, 2020
However excess or gaming or other activities may have an impact on health @nCore_games
?Game on!?
— MQ (@MQmentalhealth) November 16, 2020
Researchers find playing social video games such as #AnimalCrossing have a positive impact on #MentalHealth, with gamers reporting increased #wellbeing. This is the first study of its kind to use actual gameplay data.
Really pleased to see @ShuhBillSkee’s research on video games and well-being getting coverage. It’s huge that Nintendo is actually sharing data to let good research get done; it’s ridiculous that so much policy has been based on so little evidence.
— Tom Chivers (@TomChivers) November 16, 2020
PsyArXiv Preprints | Video game play is positively correlated with well-being
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) November 17, 2020
비디오 게임을 하면 더 행복해질 수 있다는 연구 결과
" well as EA’s shooter Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, found that people who played more games tended to report greater “wellbeing”, casting further doubt on reports that video gaming can harm mental health."#PvZBFN
— Jeff Shaw (@ShawbsBOX) November 16, 2020
Stay Happy
— Tina??オンライン英会話 (@keenonDA) November 17, 2020
The study shows that if you play four hours a day of Animal Crossing, you’re a much happier human being.
— ДЕЙЕНЕРИС ТАТАРИЕН (@brave__pancake) November 17, 2020
Video gaming can benefit mental health, find Oxford academics
— The Guardian: games (@gdngames) November 16, 2020
NBD. Just my old game (Battle for Neighborville) and some indie title called Animal Crossing make the world a happier place. ❤️?
— Amanda Doiron (@AmandaDoiron11) November 17, 2020
There's a billion things our parents claimed were good/bad for us and it was the complete opposite. Add video games to the list.
— Will Brinson (@WillBrinson) November 16, 2020
genuinely playing skyrim almost meditatively atm is really helping my post-psychosis ptsd, i can just about detach myself from intrusive looping thoughts and get some small respite
— Dan Douglas (@dandouglas) November 16, 2020
*stares at message boards, Twitch, reddit and Twitter*
— Fauxtaku (@Fauxtaku) November 16, 2020
Okay, but when?
Video gaming can benefit mental health, find Oxford academics.
— ? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?? (@PaulDeCristofo4) November 16, 2020 playing the same game on ultra can make you richer too ?
— Hanson david (@LeBigzer) November 16, 2020