Roughly what I expected would be the case. It’s pretty embarrassing when you can run translated code faster than native. Shows why there was a need to make a transition
— Jon Masters ?☠️ (@jonmasters) November 16, 2020
Rosetta is incredibly impressive work.
— Steven Sinofsky (@stevesi) November 15, 2020
BUT this is not indicative of the broad experience using emulated software.
Interesting if this can hold up in real-world usage of emulated x86 stuff...
— Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) November 16, 2020
The Internet never fails to make me smile.
— Daniel Cuthbert (@dcuthbert) November 16, 2020
Apple M1 benchmark comes out
person decides they need hard facts as they arent convinced
Original designer of Ultrasparc V reorder unit responds.
Yeah this is wild.
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) November 15, 2020
I love that Apple’s M1 can easily shrug off a 20% performance hit just to emulate x86_64 and still be faster than the Intel chips in the rest of Apple’s lineup
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) November 15, 2020
Oh, buddy. Bear in mind that Rosetta perf will decrease drastically for anything you can’t translate ahead-of-time, like e.g. emulation or software video encode/decode, or super-optimized Intel code, but for general app usage you won’t even notice you’re running on Rosetta at all
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) November 15, 2020
애플실리콘 M1 칩, x86 에뮬레이팅에서조차도 싱글코어에서 여전히 다른 모든 맥보다 더 빨라
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) November 16, 2020
- M1 칩 구동 맥북 에어(8GB 램)의 새로운 로제타 2 긱벤치 싱글코어 및 멀티코어 점수는 각각 1313과 5888
- 싱글코어 로제타 2 점수, 고유 애플실리콘 코드 성능의 78-79% 성취
This is ridiculous. M1 is outperforming every Mac even when it has to emulate x86.
— Tuomas Artman (@artman) November 16, 2020
2日前のニュースですが、M1チップはGTX1050TiやRadeon RX560を上回る性能らしいです(๑•̀д•́๑)エェ
— NANA?令和2年生? (@NANA_CoRRiENTE) November 16, 2020
Apple's M1 SoC Shreds GeForce GTX 1050 Ti in New Graphics Benchmark
M1 Mac mini faster than all Intel Macs in single-core benchmarks by @killianbell
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 16, 2020
ICYMI: M1 Mac mini faster than all Intel Macs in single-core benchmarks by @killianbell
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) November 16, 2020