Cyberattacks on healthcare institutions responding to the COVID-19 pandemic are unconscionable. We need world leaders to come together & condemn this behavior by affirming and enforcing international laws to protect frontline workers & critical research.
— Brad Smith (@BradSmi) November 13, 2020
New: Microsoft says hackers backed by Russia and North Korea have targeted COVID-19 vaccine makers. Microsoft said it blocked the majority of the attacks, but acknowledged some were successful.
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) November 13, 2020
Here it is! First corporate victim of debunked information about a "first death following ransomware infection" (that didn't happen but the Microsoft PR/Comms team was slow in appreciating it)
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) November 13, 2020
Nation-state cyberattacks on health care professionals and people working to save humanity from #COVID19 must be answered. @Microsoft has a new report on three attackers, out today at the @ParisPeaceForum.
— Tarah (@tarah) November 13, 2020
Call from @TomBurt45 of Microsoft for greater action against criminal and state healthcare threats. As numbers climb and healthcare capacity is overwhelmed this becomes more serious.
— John Hultquist (@JohnHultquist) November 13, 2020
New blog from Microsoft details ongoing activity targeting COVID-19 researchers and vaccine development. Also goes hard on the need for international laws to protect healthcare facilities from cyberattacks. ?
— Selena (@selenalarson) November 13, 2020
Out now: Microsoft has detected cyberattacks from three nation-state actors targeting seven prominent companies directly involved in researching vaccines and treatments for Covid-19. Learn more here:
— Nikolas Ott (@NikolasOtt) November 13, 2020
Russian and North Korean hackers have recently targeted seven "prominent companies" researching coronavirus treatments and vaccines, and in some cases the attacks were successful, Microsoft said today.
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) November 13, 2020
New-Microsoft says it detected cyberattacks from three nation-state actors targeting 7 companies involved in COVID vaccines and treatments in Canada, France, India, S Korea and US. Attacks came from Strontium (Russian group) and two groups from N Korea
— Gordon Corera (@gordoncorera) November 13, 2020
Microsoft, this is just embarrassing. There are plenty of reasons to make a solid case for leaving the carenet alone without having to lie.
— thaddeus e. grugq (@thegrugq) November 13, 2020
Microsoft framing what appears to be espionage/intelligence collection as 'cyberattacks' on vaccine researchers is unhelpful. Conflating espionage with sabotage is just going to serve to make people more frightened than is necessary:
— Jamie MacColl (@jamiemaccoll) November 13, 2020
In recent months, Microsoft has detected cyberattacks out of Russia and North Korea targeting 7 companies involved in researching COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.
— J.R. Reed (@JRReed) November 13, 2020
Cyberattacks targeting the healthcare sector are unconscionable and should be condemned by all civilized society. Today, we’re sharing an update on recent nation-state attacks targeting companies combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.
— Tom Burt (@TomBurt45) November 13, 2020
Foreign hackers are targeting COVID-19 vaccine makers, Microsoft warns
— New York Post (@nypost) November 13, 2020
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers #Cybersecurity #security
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) November 14, 2020
NEW: Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) November 13, 2020
They name:
-Strontium (APT28)
-Zinc (Lazarus)
-Cerium (new???)
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) November 14, 2020
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers
— 久住英二(くすみえいじ) (@KusumiEiji) November 14, 2020
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers #CyberSecurity
— ?Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork? (@EvanKirstel) November 14, 2020
Microsoft has detected hacking attacks from state sponsored actors on companies involved in developing Covid-19 vaccine, including in India.
— ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@every1isan0n) November 14, 2020
It's time the govt. wakes up to the threat that how vulnerable are critical infrastructure is in.
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers #healthcare #Cybersecurity
— Paula Piccard ?? ?? (@Paula_Piccard) November 14, 2020
Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers #cybernews #CyberSec
— Moix Security (@moixsec) November 13, 2020
Microsoft says it detected three state-sponsored hacking operations that have launched #cyberattacks on at least 7 prominent companies involved in #COVID19 vaccines research and treatments! #CyberAware #cyberexposure #exploit #thre…
— CIA Secure, Inc (@CiaSecure) November 14, 2020
#cybersecurity #infosec VIA @ZackWhittaker Microsoft says hackers backed by Russia and North Korea targeted COVID-19 vaccine makers? @KaiGrunwitz @DrJDrooghaag @digitalcloudgal @chuckdbrooks @mclynd @BillMew @avrohomg @gvalan @evankirstel
— Archon Security (@archonsec) November 13, 2020
Microsoft says hackers backed by Russia and North Korea targeted COVID-19 vaccine makers via Zack Whittaker #ML #AI #Analytics #Automation #BigData
— Dr. Gerald Bader,PhD (@gerald_bader) November 13, 2020
Microsoft says hackers backed by Russia and North Korea targeted COVID-19 vaccine makers via @techcrunch
— 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) (@780thC) November 13, 2020
? Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers#cybersecurity #COVID19 #microsoft #apt
— Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag (JD) ? (@DrJDrooghaag) November 14, 2020
@BillMew @archonsec @Fabriziobustama
Microsoft says hackers backed by Russia and North Korea targeted COVID-19 vaccine makers via @techcrunch@peterfgallagher#Tech #Technology #Business #IT #AI#LeadershipOfChange #ChangeManagement #4IRChange@consultinga2B@LeadershipofCha#Economy
— Peter F Gallagher (@peterfgallagher) November 15, 2020