This is weird. Autonomy is the future of transportation, why you wouldn't own that is beyond me.
— techAU (@techAU) November 13, 2020
— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) November 13, 2020
Uber selling it's self-driving unit would be like Amazon selling it's AWS unit in 2010.
— Chris Maddern (@chrismaddern) November 13, 2020
Completely missing the future of the business.
우버, 자사 자율주행 부문 매각 위해 협상 중
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) November 14, 2020
- 루머, 자율주행 스타트업 오로라가 우버의 ATG를 인수할 수 있어
- 협상, 10월부터 진행돼
- 작년 토요타, 소프트뱅크, 덴소가 우버 ATG에 분사를 목표로 72.5억 달러 가치평가에 10억 달러 투자
- 한편 오로라는 아마존이 투자
Self driving cars is an example of an entire industry being hoodwinked by a technology demo. Uber wasted a lot of time, money & reputation chasing a vision that’s decades away from materially changing their business.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) November 14, 2020
A reminder to always question the hype
— Mizuki.Takahara|JAFCO Group (@mizuki_takahara) November 14, 2020
— Shinpei Kato (加藤真平) (@ShinpeiKato) November 14, 2020
#Uber in talks to sell ATG #selfdriving unit to Aurora #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Travel #BigData #tech #Robots #mobility #transport
— guidaautonoma (@guidaautonoma) November 14, 2020
OnCe UbEr hAs rObOt TaXiS tHeY WiLl bE PrOfItAbLe.
— Soul Cab ?? #BlackLivesMatter #NoOnProp22 (@TheSoulCab) November 14, 2020
우버가 자율주행 부문을 다른 자율주행 업체인 Aurora Innovation에 매각하기 위해 협상 중이라는 기사
— H. Kim (@metavital) November 15, 2020
ウーバーが、自動運転部門をオーロラに売却するとの噂。 / Uber in talks to sell ATG self-driving unit to Aurora – TechCrunch (TechCrunch) #NewsPicks
— MichiKaifu【新著「シリコンバレーの金儲け」】 (@MichiKaifu) November 14, 2020
.@Uber in talks to sell their autonomous driving unit, @UberATG to @aurora_inno - @kirstenkorosec via @TechCrunch
— Kit Mueller ?? (@kitmueller) November 14, 2020
Uber looking at potentially selling their cash guzzling self-driving car unit Uber ATG - which has many of its operations in Toronto.
— Thomas Goldsmith (@thomasgoldsmith) November 14, 2020
Highlights just how far away we are from the mass deployment of autonomous vehicles.