Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologises to Thierry Breton after an internal Google document laid out a plan to attack the EU commissioner via @financialtimes
— Stig Ørskov (@orskov) November 13, 2020
Sounds like Breton and Google have kissed and made up
— Samuel Stolton (@SamuelStolton) November 13, 2020
Google, or how to make friends in Brussels the really clever way
— Pierre Briançon (@pierrebri) November 13, 2020
No, @FT, your headline is false. @sundarpichai didn't apologize. An apology would be: "I'm sorry we did this." What Pichai actually said was: "I am sorry it happened that way." That's just another way of saying: "I feel bad that we got caught."
— Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) November 13, 2020
Sundar Pichai: “The document was never shown to me”. Great leadership from Google...
— Tommaso Valletti (@TomValletti) November 13, 2020
Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to attack EU via @financialtimes
Google’s parent company Alphabet CEO @sundarpichai apologised to @ThierryBreton after an internal document laid out a plan to attack the EU commissioner, and promised that such tactics were “not the way we operate” &“wasn’t aware of it” via @financialtimes
— Umberto GAMBINI ??????????????? (@UGambini) November 13, 2020
Um... If it's true that Alphabet's CEO didn't know about this, that's not exonerating, it's alarming because it means the company is making plans to attack regulatory authority without even internal oversight.
— Irenes (many) (@ireneista) November 13, 2020
Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai has apologised to Europe's industry chief Thierry Breton over a leaked internal document proposing ways to counter the EU's tough new rules for technology companies
— Economic Times (@EconomicTimes) November 13, 2020
The chief executive of Google’s parent company Alphabet has apologised to Thierry Breton after an internal document laid out a plan to attack the EU commissioner, and promised that such tactics were “not the way we operate”. @financialtimes @JavierespFT
— Anne-Sylvaine Chassany (@ChassNews) November 13, 2020
No, @FT, your headline is false. @sundarpichai didn't apologize. An apology would be: "I'm sorry we did this." What Pichai actually said was: "I am sorry it happened that way." That's just another way of saying: "I feel bad that we got caught."
— Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) November 13, 2020
Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to target EU commissioner via @financialtimes
— Sam Fleming (FT) (@Sam1Fleming) November 13, 2020
Sundar Pichai: “The document was never shown to me”. Great leadership from Google...
— Tommaso Valletti (@TomValletti) November 13, 2020
Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to attack EU via @financialtimes
FT: Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to attack EU.
— Javier Espinoza (@JavierespFT) November 13, 2020
Sundar Pichai says he was unaware of plan for ‘pushback’ against French commissioner
Google’s parent company Alphabet CEO @sundarpichai apologised to @ThierryBreton after an internal document laid out a plan to attack the EU commissioner, and promised that such tactics were “not the way we operate” &“wasn’t aware of it” via @financialtimes
— Umberto GAMBINI ??????????????? (@UGambini) November 13, 2020
Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to attack EU
— Financial Times (@FT) November 13, 2020
For #Google this is an epic fail and maybe a sign of weakness, at least at public affairs level via @financialtimes
— Innocenzo Genna (@InnoGenna) November 13, 2020
FT: "The chief executive of Google’s parent company Alphabet has apologised to Thierry Breton after an internal document laid out a plan to attack the EU commissioner, and promised that such tactics were “not the way we operate”.”
— Chris Hoofnagle (@hoofnagle) November 13, 2020
Google apologises to Thierry Breton over plan to target EU commissioner via @financialtimes Mr Pichai said he also became aware of it when it became public in the media. He said: “I am sorry it happened that way.”
— Rob van Kranenburg (@robvank) November 13, 2020