#AppleEvent summary on the new Mac mini with M1 Chip pic.twitter.com/Tblok5RUOS
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) November 10, 2020
Seeing all the ports on the Mac Mini just renews my outrage at the lack of ports on MacBooks.
— Heather Kelly (@heatherkelly) November 10, 2020
It’s easy to forget that the Mac mini, not the MacBook Air, is the entry level Mac. Now $699.
— Neil Cybart (@neilcybart) November 10, 2020
as a 2018 Mac mini owner, dropping from four Thunderbolt ports to two succcckkkssss pic.twitter.com/UAmjEweInS
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) November 10, 2020
Mac mini! while not widely rumored, Apple had used a modified Mac mini to give developers a preview of how their apps would run on Apple silicon.
— Ina Fried (@inafried) November 10, 2020
The previous-generation Mac Mini supported up to 64GB RAM.
— Matthew Hughes (@matthewhughes) November 10, 2020
The new one maxes out at 16GB.
So, forget about running virtual machines. Or Slack and Chrome at the same time.
i wanna know who’s buying a $6,000 monitor for their $600 comptuer pic.twitter.com/NRhFq69lW4
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) November 10, 2020
Confirmed: The new Mac Mini w/ M1 chip *will not* have user upgradable RAM, unlike the previous Intel-based Mac Mini. Like iPhones and iPads, the RAM in the M1 is integrated w/ the processor on the SoC. CC @kwiens
— Stephen Nellis (@StephenNellis) November 10, 2020
Apple announces new Mac Mini https://t.co/NkOITPlcTK
— FutureShift (@futureshift) November 10, 2020
애플, 맥 컴퓨터 용 첫 SoC인 M1 칩 공개
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) November 10, 2020
- 애플, 오늘 첫 애플실리콘 맥과 함께 애플 M1 칩으로 불리는 ARM 기반 SoC 공개
- M1은 통합 메모리 아키텍처와 함께 8 코어 5nm 프로세서
- M1을 사용한 맥 컴퓨터 더 빠른 성능 제공(M1 vs. 별도 CPU, GPU, 램, 다른 부품)https://t.co/iz1fXAXeGE