The Huawei ban did short term damage. The Dragon learnt its lesson. 10-15 years later, it'll all pay off.
— Shivam Vahia (@ShivamVahia) November 1, 2020
Huawei reportedly plans its own semiconductor plant in Shanghai that would not use US technology. It wants to work around US export controls to secure supplies for its core 5G telecom infrastructure business.
— Chad P. Bown (@ChadBown) November 1, 2020
By @KathrinHille, @YuanfenYang & @QianerLiu
Welcome to the world of unintended consequences...
— John Markoff (@markoff) November 1, 2020
"Plant will initially make low-end 45nm chips. But #Huawei wants 28nm by end of next yr, allowing it to make smart TVs & IoT devices. Goal is 20nm chips by late '22, which cld be used to make most #5G equipmt & allow biz to continue even w/US sanctions"
— China Beige Book (@ChinaBeigeBook) November 1, 2020
AMD is already at 7nm but I suppose you have to start somewhere
— Dr. Dankman (@Dankwone) November 1, 2020
They can’t do business with the US, so they’re going to have to do it without. Our @ft scoop on Huawei’s plans for “de-Americanising” part of China’s chip industry @KathrinHille @QianerLiu
— Yuan Yang (@YuanfenYang) November 1, 2020
Huawei develops plan for chip plant to help beat US sanctions | @FinancialTimes Shanghai facility aimed at breaking Chinese company’s dependence on American technology (autocrazie vanno)
— daniele manca (@Daniele_Manca) November 1, 2020
? Huawei plans to build a chip plant in Shanghai without using American technology
— Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag (JD) (@DrJDrooghaag) November 1, 2020
? #5G @BillMew @IanMCalvert @AkwyZ @Victoryabro @edwindiender @FrRonconi
Huawei plans to build a chip plant in Shanghai without using American technology, the Financial Times reported.
— Bloomberg Next China (@next_china) November 1, 2020
Oh I am sure it will have US Technology, it will just be unlicensed US technology
— Bryan Beal ? (@bryanrbeal) November 1, 2020
— touya (@touya_huji) November 2, 2020
Huawei reportedly bets on Shanghai chip plant to overcome US trade ban via @engadget
FT: 화웨이, 미국 제재를 극복하기 위해 상하이에 칩 공장 설립 계획 세워
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) November 1, 2020
- 이는 파트너인 상하이 IC R&D 센터가 운영하고 이 공장은 2021년 후반까지 28nm 칩으로 이동하기 전에 구식 45nm 공정 기반 칩 생산 시작할 것
- 이는 TV 및 IoT 용 칩을 생산하기에 충분한 것
Huawei will be able to source domestically 28 nanometer technology for its TVs and surveillance equipment as a "group of companies" is building a specific production line without using US equipment, but apparently with European and Japanese equipment
— Mathieu Duchâtel (@mtdtl) October 30, 2020