영국, 스코틀랜드 배우 숀 코너리 90세 일기로 사망,
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) October 31, 2020
1987년 《언터처블》로 아카데미 남우조연상 수상, 1996년 세실 B. 드밀 어워드 수상, 2003년 《젠틀맨 리그》를 끝으로 영화계 은퇴
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/eqE5EHk6i3
Not the obituary I wanted to read today.https://t.co/yTX2e11jxs
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) October 31, 2020
One of my first crushes... Rip.https://t.co/kue1X6RnoU
— Antifa Larry M. Retzlaff (@Greyseeker) October 31, 2020
RIP Sean Connery, Scottish actor and former milkman from working class Edinburgh background who became the best James Bond, an Oscar-winner, and an icon of elegance. https://t.co/3yoMjpjCcE
— Dom Phillips (@domphillips) October 31, 2020
2020 can’t shock me anymore. #RIPSeanConnery https://t.co/I2fFyP8Mbd
— VT (@VusiThembekwayo) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery, James Bond actor, dies aged 90 | Film | The Guardian https://t.co/aebpbX8h2p
— Buck Angel® (TRANSSEXUAL) (@BuckAngel) October 31, 2020
Best of the Bonds.https://t.co/tjoYPCE8Qg
— Chris Stephen (@reportingLibya) October 31, 2020
As sore one. RIP Sean Connery..https://t.co/1f3Fnxp2bE
— Porridge Drawers???????????????? (@AwTroon) October 31, 2020
— きぬきぬ (@kineukineu) October 31, 2020
— 映画.com (@eigacom) October 31, 2020
「007」シリーズの #ジェームズボンド 役で一世を風靡した #ショーンコネリー が亡くなったと、彼の家族が明らかにしました。享年90歳。
RIP! Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/gQTAUYw37x
— Hermes Magnus (@hfmagnus5) October 31, 2020
One of Scotland’s best. Rest in peace ??????? Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/VsfxBKnzTp
— Must Visit Scotland ↘️ (@mvscotland) October 31, 2020
As a big fan of the James Bond series. I am saddened by the loss of the most iconic Bond actor of them all. Thank you for the great work you did over your career. Condolences to your family in this time of grief.
— Jeffery A Dove Jr. (@JefferyADoveJr) October 31, 2020
RIP Sir Sean Connery.https://t.co/7xcvInrsCf
RIP, Sean Connery, one of the most charismatic and talented actors in cinema history, who has left us at age 90. https://t.co/DmQCFGLBXQ pic.twitter.com/j4ooqe6xXg
— Ted Gioia (@tedgioia) October 31, 2020
ショーン・コネリー逝去。90歳でした。数十年に及ぶ俳優としてのキャリアは輝きに満ちたものであり、とりわけ初代ジェームズ・ボンドとして記憶されています。ご冥福をお祈りします https://t.co/yhYKN7a9Te ???????
— British Culture in Japan (@britculturejp) October 31, 2020
— 岡部いさく (@Mossie633) October 31, 2020
I'm very sad to learn of Sir Sean Connery's passing. He was my all-time favorite actor, who only became more charming & charismatic as time went by. My heart goes out to his family, friends & the people of #Scotland. JW#RIPSeanConneryhttps://t.co/Y4cFJqycCD
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) ?? (@MOFA_Taiwan) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/TB7LpBQ6Og
— Channing Thomson (@CHANNINGPOSTERS) October 31, 2020
RIP Legendary Scottish Actor Sean Connery dies at 90. Connery was the iconic actor who changed the world through his role as James Bond. He went to perform countless other memorable roles such as his oscar- winning role in The Untouchables. #SeanConnery https://t.co/OFidGh3Ss5
— Hany Ghoraba (@Hanyghoraba) October 31, 2020
You might watch some Bond movies this weekend to remember Scottish legend Sean Connery https://t.co/xlQu8I33V4 but if I might also suggest 4 of my childhood favorites:
— Roddy Grieves (@rmgrieves) October 31, 2020
1) Dragonheart where Connery lended his voice to a CGI dragon way before @andyserkis made that stuff cool: pic.twitter.com/1HAO3MsRLZ
Sir Sean Connery has died at the age of 90, his family has said.
— Liz (Lizzy 김혜성) ? (@zen4ever2us) October 31, 2020
The Scottish actor was best known for his portrayal of James Bond, being the first to bring the role to the big screen and appearing in seven of the spy thrillers. #EveryVoice
What sad news to wake up to:https://t.co/2ns3IS7Hdl
— Tico Romao (@TicoRomao) October 31, 2020
ショーン・コネリーが亡くなった。ボンド、ジェームス・ボンド。スコットランド独立派としても有名だった。合掌。Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/m7g6NAAYUd
— OKUYAMA Masashi ┃奥山真司 (@masatheman) October 31, 2020
Ugh Sean Connery passed away... Rest In Peace sir. You will always remain a legend https://t.co/KuDrP7CHUj pic.twitter.com/0DksIhfdqf
— Andy Signore (@andysignore) October 31, 2020
So this infernal year we lost Emma Peel AND James Bond.https://t.co/A01VIBV30A
— David Cole (@DavidColeStein) October 31, 2020
BREAKING: Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/z26mYpfUdN
— Nick ? (@tweetbrk) October 31, 2020
— NitNot ❘ (@__MV_llestari__) October 31, 2020
See you in another lifehttps://t.co/537NLftcsC
#Bond star #SeanConnery, has passed away at the age of 90.https://t.co/A1O1PPdlwO#RIPSeanConnery #SeanConneryRIP #SeanConnery007 #SriLanka #LKA #lka pic.twitter.com/EJ4X6VkbTB
— Roel Raymond (@kataclysmichaos) October 31, 2020
Oh 2020... you keep letting us know how much you suck. https://t.co/TAyYxD3S9F
— leils (@leils) October 31, 2020
ショーン・コネリーが亡くなったとのこと。90歳とのこと。初代007であり、Henry Jones Sr.であり、スコットランド独立を求めた人でもあった。R.I.P.https://t.co/9lMxH54lYt
— Kazuto Suzuki (@KS_1013) October 31, 2020
RIP Sean Connery... the only Bond. From Scotland with Love and a broken heart ???????? https://t.co/jfMVXp0o8u
— Cary Elwes (@Cary_Elwes) October 31, 2020
Everyone has their favorite Bond, mine was Connery #RIP
— JeffMG (@JeffMG68) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/yB1HCXGqE5
The name is Bond, James Bond. The all time great 007 with the inimitable Scottish drawl, RIP Sir Sean. #SeanConnery dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/C6zmpN3JUu
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) October 31, 2020
RIP Sean Conneryhttps://t.co/9adAcKrRpw pic.twitter.com/VWTcN4wqdo
— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) October 31, 2020
ショーン・コネリーは根っからのスコティッシュで、母国がイギリスから独立するまで母国の土を踏まないとしてアメリカに住み続けた男だった。遂に彼の望みは果たされないままでしたね。>>Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/MUy1Ui3hEo
— ふぁじっこあなみ (@mice_fuz_anami) October 31, 2020
ジェニファーコネリーがアカデミー賞女優になる前の十代の美少女アイドルの当時「ショーンコネリーさんと親戚ですか」と質問したバカな日本の芸能記者がいた。彼女に「違う姓ですよ」と言われてたけど、綴りが異なるし、Yの前がR と L の違いだ。https://t.co/mVxdIK6Ehh
— 井上靜 Joe Inoue (@ruhiginoue) November 1, 2020
ショーンコネリーはスコットランド分離独立の投票に賛成を呼びかけていた。あれだけ活躍しても勲章をもらえなかったのは民族運動に熱心だったからで、それは良くないと受賞させた時、エリザベス女王の前に民族衣装を着て行った。 Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/mVxdIK6Ehh
— 井上靜 Joe Inoue (@ruhiginoue) November 1, 2020
Very sad to hear one of my favorite actors of all time died. RIP Sean Connery. True legend. Thoughts and prayers to all your family. So ready for 2020 to be over. https://t.co/CmupzgnTFX
— Jared Tate ©️ (@jaredctate) October 31, 2020
Oh! ?
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/9lXdfjeXXF
RIP Sir Sean Connery. A star and an icon beloved by many, including my very own parents. So much so, they named their son after him.https://t.co/yM4llFpXun
— Sean Johnson (@seancwjohnson) October 31, 2020
#SeanConnery: #JamesBond actor dies aged 90https://t.co/rvy1pWq0Nn#Portugal #Alentejo #LuxuryLifeStyle #winetasting
— HFR Boutique Resort & SPA (@HerdadeFozdaRep) October 31, 2020
— Haunted Rider (@TheEZRider) October 31, 2020
Dr. Jones Sr.
Celebrity Jeopardy (okay maybe not that last one)
However you remember him he's a legend.
R.I.P ?https://t.co/eqhXSuR2hM
Well played Sir Sean Connery. You were the hero of my generation. Shall remain so. Artists never die.
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News https://t.co/SGP09xTj66
RIP Mr. Bond ❤️?https://t.co/wcBQpQdX6w
— Jay Oliva (@jayoliva1) October 31, 2020
Sad day. R.I.P Sean Connery https://t.co/OLXVhMKdPs
— Matt Ryan (@mattryanreal) October 31, 2020
Paying tribute to an actor I adored. Loved his role in King Arthur and others. May you rest in everlasting peace Sean Connery???
— Meghna (@meghn888888) October 31, 2020
Thank you Roxana for the share?
Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 https://t.co/TvRKdHGjHi
Good bye sir #SeanConnery, your movie The Rock was one of my favourites https://t.co/vwmukRJw0k
— Asad Ali Toor (@AsadAToor) November 1, 2020