The iPhone 12 camera doesn't work when swapped between iPhones. A bug? Or is Apple trying to prevent unauthorized repair?
— Kay-Kay Clapp (@kaykayclapp) October 30, 2020
Internal iPhone 12 guides tell techs to run their proprietary, cloud-linked System Configuration app to repair cameras & screens.
This went out late yesterday, but I think it's important: A buggy camera in the new iPhone 12, and leaked internal docs, makes @iFixit reconsider Apple's efforts to cut out independent repair entirely.
— Kevin Purdy (@kevinpurdy) October 30, 2020
After exhaustive testing, comparing notes with multiple repair technicians, and reviewing leaked Apple training documents, we’ve found that the iPhone 12 camera is entirely unreliable when swapped between iPhones:
— iFixit (@iFixit) October 30, 2020
We ran tests, consulted multiple repair technicians, and reviewed Apple’s leaked repair documentation—and we’ve determined that the iPhone 12 camera is entirely unreliable when swapped between iPhones.
— Kay-Kay Clapp (@kaykayclapp) October 30, 2020
.@iFixit has confirmed the @HughJeffreys finding that you can't fix the camera on an iPhone 12 without Apple's blessing. Even as Apple tries to take up the environmental mantle, their attitude toward repair and #RightToRepair undermines all of that.
— Nathan Proctor (@nProctor) October 30, 2020
Big Yikes. I could maaayybe see a case to be made for securing the camera module against swaps because privacy, but that’s a stretch.
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) October 30, 2020
승인된 기술자만 사용할 수 있는 독점 애플 도구 (클라우드 연결 앱?) 없이는 아이폰 12 카메라 수리 불가능
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) October 31, 2020
사설 수리 회사, 가정 DIY 수리 차단 차원 추정
iPhone 12 camera repair impossible w/o proprietary Apple tool - 9to5Mac
iFixit: iPhone 12 카메라 수리, 고유 애플 도구 없이 불가능해
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) October 30, 2020
- 이는 애플이 공인한 기술자에게만 허용되는 애플 고유 도구 없이는 iPhone 12 카메라의 수리 또는 교체가 불가능하다는 뜻
- 이는 집에서 사용자가 직접 또는 서드파티 업체가 수리하는 것을 막기 위한 것
Repair shops might not be able to swap iPhone 12 screens and cameras
— iMore (@iMore) October 30, 2020