애플, 베타 채널에 iOS 14.2 Release Candidate(출시 후보) 배포. 일정보다 후속 버전 배포가 늦어져 베타 4 사용자는 업데이트 팝업 공격을 받기도 했죠. https://t.co/pxHQd7LlOh
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) October 30, 2020
Apple added a secret button to your iPhone, and you may not have even noticed. https://t.co/OgRMYFA90R
— Ankur Agarwal (@annkur) October 31, 2020
Apple added a secret button to your iPhone, and you may not have even noticed https://t.co/qyiCw1i3nZ via @Verge
— Bojan Tunguz (@tunguz) October 31, 2020
Apple added a secret button to your iPhone, and you may not have even noticed - The Verge https://t.co/DkBwtdm2Mn
— ?Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork? (@EvanKirstel) October 30, 2020
Apple added a secret button to your iPhone, and you may not have even noticed https://t.co/AIY6dtaxUX pic.twitter.com/OofCqBcUVp
— The Verge (@verge) October 30, 2020
iOS 14.2 부터 에어팟도 배터리 충전 최적화 기능 추가되는군요
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) October 31, 2020
Apple releases iOS 14.2 GM with fix for ‘new iOS update’ alert and more - 9to5Mac https://t.co/9xxaogiuNB
애플, '새로운 iOS 업데이트' 알림 등 수정한 iOS 14.2 GM 배포
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) October 30, 2020
- 애플, 오늘 개발자 베타 테스터와 일반 베타 테스터에 새로운 iOS 14.2 GM을 배포해
- 이는 특히 존재하지 않는 "새로운 iOS 업데이트가 사용 가능합니다. iOS 베타에서 업데이트해 주세요"라는 알림을 수정해https://t.co/Q0Z5rAHbDM
An historic moment! Apple did tell us they were moving away from loaded terms in their developer terminology and API design, so Golden Master is no more https://t.co/PfLORsaffs
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) October 30, 2020
Just a note about the iOS 14.2 build that was released today: Apple is calling it a “release candidate” (RC) instead of “gold master” (GM)
— Brandon Butch (@BrandonButch) October 30, 2020
So there is a possibility of seeing maybe an RC2 release before final ? pic.twitter.com/Bf18ZgOJ1i
It looks like Apple has officially phased out the term “GM” in favor of “Release Candidate” pic.twitter.com/9LdNKmFNoP
— Guilherme Rambo (@_inside) October 30, 2020
Apple calls this "Release Candidate", not GM. https://t.co/JjbSFsjTxP
— iSpeedtestOS (@iSpeedtestOS) October 30, 2020
So that's why https://t.co/h8Be38yam9
— Jason (@smashpOp) October 30, 2020
News:@Apple will no longer call nearly complete builds of #iOS, #watchOS, or #macOS the "GM" or Golden Master, but instead will name them "Release Candidate".https://t.co/CRREL5oMNj#Apple #AppleNews pic.twitter.com/spuE3SfoCN
— Apple Terminal (@AppleTerminal) October 30, 2020
iOS 14.2 golden master is out. A few interesting notes that stood out to me: support for the MagSafe Leather Sleeve is in, which suggests a launch sooner than later. AirPods are getting battery optimization for the first time. And headphone level alerts when sound is too high.
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) October 30, 2020
iOS and iPadOS 14.2 GM is now available for developers and public beta testers, fixing the "A new iOS update is now available"-bug. pic.twitter.com/jFc47BIAFq
— iOS News And More (@iosnewsandmore) October 30, 2020
iOS 14.2 makes it possible for Secure ShellFish to show download progress in the Files app. https://t.co/qmXeeemgUl
— Secure ShellFish (@ShellFishApp) October 30, 2020
Apple has released iOS 14.2 Golden Master fixing the annoying ‘A new iOS update is now available. Please update from the iOS 14 beta.’ alert. pic.twitter.com/kRhrf7xP8P
— Radar Reports (@RadarReports_) October 30, 2020
iPhoneの背面を2回、もしくは3回タップすると戻れるBack Tapの隠し機能があるんやで。設定のAccessibilityから確認できます。
— Chihiro???@米国携帯アメスマ (@chihiroshinzaki) November 1, 2020
Apple added a secret button to your iPhone, and you may not have even noticed #SmartNews https://t.co/KZssTXTNwo
Holy crap, it works! https://t.co/0VkTsYgiN2
— ???? (@mikeinspace) November 1, 2020
애플, iPhone에 비밀 버튼 추가해 그러나 사용자들 인지하지 못했을 수 있어
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) November 1, 2020
- 애플, 지난 달 iOS 14에 '뒷면 탭'으로 불리는 새 버튼을 추가해
- '뒷면 탭'은 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 간의 경계를 모호하게 만드는 매력적인 새 "버튼"을 폰에 추가해https://t.co/LMfFhy7Tsq