? The McRib is rolling out nationally for the first time since 2012!!! https://t.co/vKDq9gajj7
— Kate Taylor (@Kate_H_Taylor) October 30, 2020
America needed this...thank you McDonalds...https://t.co/5eOHBDAGWt
— ?Tom? (@NewSovietPoster) October 30, 2020
This has never looked even a little appetizing and I'm pretty sure you're all just being contrarian by pretending to love it. https://t.co/jTeegSB4NY
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) October 30, 2020
#McRib to be nationwide release starting in December https://t.co/vi3Kp1C0UL
— Alan Klein (@mcriblocator) October 30, 2020
Wait, did 2020 just get a little better? [insert mouth-watering emoji here] ?https://t.co/XiHk5lxIz2
— NPPC (@NPPC) October 30, 2020
McDonald's McRib is returning to menus across America for the first time in 8 years, sparking celebration among the obsessive fans of the cult-classic sandwich via @Kate_H_Taylor https://t.co/Dbsqy9KrRz
— Cadie Thompson (@CadieThompson) October 30, 2020
2020 just turned the corner!!!
— Marc Hochman (@MarcHochman) October 30, 2020
McDonald's brings back McRib nationwide for the first time since 2012 https://t.co/pgtHbiyiqI
Your friendly reminder.
— Gabe Bassin (@gabebassin) October 30, 2020
cc: @dollarsanddata pic.twitter.com/0R83guPEbQ
Good lord, the horror of 2020 continueshttps://t.co/bRTppQ7uCb
— Dean Padre Simmer (@mojodean) October 30, 2020
McDonald's McRib to return nationally in 2020, sparking celebration - Business Insider https://t.co/W2ScyqnhC2
— Chris Mattmann (@chrismattmann) October 31, 2020
McDonald's McRib is coming back December 2 and the fucla cheerleading squad is already in line waiting for them.#DontbRuinYourLife https://t.co/znvXUXeob0
— USC Psycho ? (@uscpsycho) October 31, 2020
Why is McDonald’s barbecue taking over the world?https://t.co/JwkSMdokUK
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) October 30, 2020
I can't wait to get extra pickles on my McRibhttps://t.co/nJAdU6VkYh
— Jim Biakabutuka (@SportsJimShow) October 31, 2020
I mean this with no due respect: so fucking what? https://t.co/gVNb8u9kk1
— Black to the Future (@Adjective_J) October 31, 2020
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) October 30, 2020
If you were on Death Row, and asked for a McRib as your last meal, would that stay the execution until McDonald's re-releases it?https://t.co/SqzC44Mcyv
— Jenn Dolari (@dolari) October 30, 2020