I mean this sincerely- we should fire every last senator and replace them with term limits. And it doesn’t matter what party they are. Look around wherever you live and really ask yourself if this is the best use of their time and resources right now. Fucking Facebook.
— jon (@jonsmack220) October 23, 2020
Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC announces Twitter, Facebook CEOs to testify voluntarily on Nov. 17, 2020.
— Taylor Reidy (@taylor_reidy) October 23, 2020
Hearing to focus on censorship, suppression of @nypost articles and provide an important review of the companies' handling of the 2020 election.https://t.co/3lrjQ7E30P
Time for Silicon Valley Oligarchs To Answer To the American People pic.twitter.com/qGu2nWqMiT
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) October 23, 2020
미 상원 사법위원회: Facebook과 트위터 CEO 11월 17일 소환키로. 대통령 후보자에 관한 특정 뉴스를 편향되게 취급했다는 주장에 대해 질의하기 위함. 이는 다음 주에 있을 통신품위법 230항 관련 소환과는 별개의 사안. https://t.co/5ISAXyhNvZ
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) October 24, 2020
Facebook and Twitter CEOs to testify before Congress in November on how they handled the election via Taylor Hatmaker https://t.co/M4VOpaSpZP #ML #AI #Analytics #Automation #BigData pic.twitter.com/9DsAlp0dBS
— Dr. Gerald Bader,PhD (@gerald_bader) October 24, 2020
Facebook and Twitter CEOs to testify before Congress in November on how they handled the election https://t.co/oWaOuJwiuH #twitter #socialmedia
— Tweepsmap (@tweepsmap) October 23, 2020
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Nov. 17, the panel announced today. https://t.co/e0gQbPJRYP
— Axios (@axios) October 23, 2020
#Government #Policy Facebook and Twitter CEOs to testify before Congress in November on how they handled the election https://t.co/jlylcoiTuO | https://t.co/wFTqORtpip pic.twitter.com/zjaHgWdoml
— eStream Studios (@eStream_Studios) October 23, 2020