Ars has confirmed with two investment sources that GameStop will share in the revenues from *purely digital content* derived from any Xbox it sells.
— Kyle Orland (@KyleOrl) October 15, 2020
But those investment sources disagree strongly on just how big a deal this is...
Microsoft still needs physical retailers *just enough* to do a deal like this. I suspect it will be the last time.
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) October 16, 2020 clearly the sell side won’t believe it until it’s too late. $GME $MSFT
— Rod Alzmann (@RodAlzmann) October 15, 2020
Ars has confirmed with two investment sources that GameStop will share in the revenues from *purely digital content* derived from any Xbox it sells.
— Kyle Orland (@KyleOrl) October 15, 2020
But those investment sources disagree strongly on just how big a deal this is...
Microsoft casually saving Gamestops business
— RedGamingTech (@RedGamingTech) October 15, 2020
Microsoft will share digital revenues with GameStop on every Xbox it sells |
— ✖️Astal✖️ (@astaranx) October 15, 2020
If $GME can pull off a similar deal with Sony, last week’s squeeze was only a preview. Shorting this is insane.
— Valuations (@Valuations_) October 15, 2020
TBH, thought this was too good to be true at first. H/T to @DOMOCAPITAL and @RodAlzmann for confirming.
(% is the big remaining question).
GameStop will get a cut of digital revenue from every Xbox it sells
— Engadget Gaming (@engadgetgaming) October 16, 2020