Twitter block seems to hit the regular URL but not the Amp version
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) October 14, 2020
Folks cheering this have the ability to see about 2 inches in front of their face.
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) October 14, 2020
Holy bleeping bleep. Facebook explicitly admitting it is protecting Biden -- and interfering in the presidential election -- by censoring media outlets and limiting discussion of today's breaking news about Biden's engagement with Burisma.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
News flash everything on social media is an editorial decision by the company. Every single thing, the UI, the posts you see, the posts you don’t, the metrics, the speed with which everything updates, the colors, it’s all human decisions all the way down. It’s all subjective
— Farhad Manjoo (@fmanjoo) October 14, 2020
I'm a huge fan of fact-checking and alerting folks on social media to stories being disputed. That feels like that right solution.
— (@Jason) October 14, 2020
However, Twitter blocking this NYPOST Hunter Biden story from being shared--even if it is bogus--does not feel like the right solution
My mental model for Facebook stories is that they fit into three categories:
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) October 14, 2020
1: FB fucking up
2: ‘It’s complicated’
3: ‘That’s not really a story’ (or it’s a story about something else)
Every week there’s at least one in each category - the challenge is to work out which.
The New York Times never even pretended to explain how it hacked Trump's tax records and yet Twitter *promoted* links to their stories. Media outlets didn't decline to cover that story. These are lies. Do not believe their lies. They are lying to you.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
First, the surfacing. This here is highly suspicious behavior. Especially when viewed in the context of a political campaign. Creative, anonymous, credibility-generating, somewhat plausible. Exactly how a professional would surface disinformation and potentially forgeries.
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
If Twitter has a "hacked materials policy" why wouldn't this policy be applied to stories about Trump's tax returns which were illegally obtained?
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) October 14, 2020
This is amazing. "Constitutional" lawyer Josh Hawley apparently unfamiliar with the 1st Amendment. You almost get the idea the GOP wants to lie and cheat and force platforms to carry blatant disinformation.
— Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) October 14, 2020
A healthy democracy depends on the free flow of ideas.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) October 14, 2020
Tech giants openly admit to suffocating a story that isn't helpful to their chosen political candidate.
Unacceptable and un-American.
Also, the revealed emails are shared as image files, not in a file format that would contain header information and metadata. That makes it harder to analyze and verify the files.
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
interesting challenge for this step by facebook: all of the aggregations of the new york post's story getting lots of interactions. i've reached out to see if these will be limited as well
— chris mills rodrigo (@chrisismills) October 14, 2020
“Censorship should be condemned!
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 14, 2020
cc: @Twitter & Facebook
NOT the American way!” - @PressSec
Congress could enact legislation to make all social media companies — or some subset of them — act like common carriers. But they keep not doing that, perhaps for good reasons.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) October 14, 2020
This is related to today's Biden story: A few months ago the fact-respecting portion of the internet was outraged at social media companies allowing Plandemic to go wildly viral, despite stated policies against health misinfo. The video was taken down after millions of views...
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
This is part of our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation. We temporarily reduce distribution pending fact-checker review.
— Andy Stone (@andymstone) October 14, 2020
which triggered a second-wave story about the outrageous censorship of taking down a video claiming microbes in sand would cure COVID and ppl shouldn't wear masks.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
My personal opinion is that the takedown was a bad call; turned the misinfo actor into a martyr for free speech.
Twitter banning the NY Post story on Joe/Hunter Biden is a mistake.
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) October 14, 2020
Gives the piece more attention than it would otherwise get.
And hard to make a credible argument that would see this specific article singled out for such treatment.
.@Facebook I want to know on what grounds you are actively censoring a news report about potentially illegal corruption by the Democrat candidate for president. If you have evidence this is “disinformation,” disclose it immediately. Expect a formal inquiry from my office
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 14, 2020
This is straight-up election interference by @Facebook, being announced by their comms person who touts in his bio numerous past jobs with Dems. Big Tech is openly trying to rig this election for Biden & should be held accountable immediately. @FCC @senjudiciary @SenateCommerce
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 14, 2020
Facebook has decided to suppress a piece of journalism that the Democrats don’t like.
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) October 14, 2020
They also want you to believe that they’re not a publisher.
Time for this to end.
Bottom line: *every individual little fact*—every email, every detail mentioned in an email—must be verified when data is surfaced in such a suspicious way, not just one piece of information, say a photo. It appears that The New York Post did not do that here.
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
How about ... on the grounds that they have a first amendment right to do whatever they want? that enough? a little something I like to call the us constitution
— Farhad Manjoo (@fmanjoo) October 14, 2020
The challenge right now:
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) October 14, 2020
We connected everyone, including the assholes, the idiots and our own worst instincts... and including all the things people fight about.
And all of that is on Facebook. And they screw up a lot, but it's not simple or easy.
whatever your views on this issue can we agree that: 1) we live in hell 2) platforms r making this up as they go 3) 96% of the media/political class dont know what they’re talking about 4) speech issues r generally way more thorny than the binary discussion we’d all like to have
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 14, 2020
this'll end up getting conflated with the Facebook move, which is fundamentally different. anyhow, this probably just juiced this story into a secondary, more powerful news cycle. imagine more ppl will talk/learn about it now, as a result of twitter trying to cut off distribution
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 14, 2020
Josh Hawley just accused Facebook and Twitter of trying to rig the presidential election -- feeding right into Trump's grand plan to try to delegitimize the election as he looks on track to lose.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) October 15, 2020
Feels with this NY Post story that the 2020 election disinformation swamp has become even more swampy, and platforms are starting to be tested on their plans to deal with this stuff.
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) October 14, 2020
Lol I would like to speak to Facebook’s manager
— Jason Boo-ley (@jasondashbailey) October 14, 2020
I'm ok with Facebook and Twitter throttling some links. Just gotta make sure they always make the right choices.
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) October 14, 2020
CAUTION ADVISED with this morning's Burisma-Biden E-mail story. For several reasons.
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
government so small that you can weaponize it to bully private companies who don't agree with your politics
— ~ spooky ~ alex (@alex) October 14, 2020
A lot of these policies have been introduced in the last month. Twitter just banned, as far as I saw, no prior explanation (FB at least attempted explanation). Yet another second-wave meta-story about a moderation choice that turns the story itself into forbidden knowledge.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
HOLY SHIT! This Facebook executive is openly admitting to election interference and anti-competitive behavior in an effort to assist the Democrats.
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 14, 2020
Facebook is admitting it all. ??????????????????
Social networks should block all links to news articles until they can be independently verified
— Neeraj K. Agrawal (@NeerajKA) October 14, 2020
The New York Post actually has its own website, its own printing presses, its own distribution fleet, and a closely-allied Murdoch-owned tv network. What business does a US congressman have badgering other companies to platform its propaganda?
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) October 14, 2020
So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of “Smoking Gun” emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in the @NYPost. It is only the beginning for them. There is nothing worse than a corrupt politician. REPEAL SECTION 230!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2020
I'm confused by this. Facebook spox attempts to be transparent by claiming that the social network has limited the distribution of the NYPost Biden story, but doesn't say exactly what policy the company is applying to take that action.
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) October 14, 2020
FEC violation for illegal corporate contribution.
— Keith Rabois (@rabois) October 14, 2020
And to be blunt, there's a willingness to just use proper nouns in place of actual reporting. You can see it in the long lists of names the president tweets sometimes, blowing enough smoke that nobody really cares if there's fire
— Parker Higgins (@xor) October 14, 2020
The Trump campaign is responding by tweeting out the article in 280 characters bits.
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) October 14, 2020
No one really knows for sure, but there was a lot of speculation that the Panama Papers were hacked and then given to journalists. Should Twitter wipe out all those old links too?
— Trevor Timm (@trevortimm) October 14, 2020
So @Facebook is going to actively censor a @nypost investigative story on the Democrat candidate for president. But rest assured, Facebook is a neutral platform with no political viewpoints!
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 14, 2020
The Post's primary Twitter account (@nypost) has also been locked because the Hunter Biden stories violate its rules against "distribution of hacked material," per email we received from Twitter
— Noah Manskar (@noahmanskar) October 14, 2020
this is so ridiculous
— Liz Franczak (@liz_franczak) October 14, 2020
Democrat Operative using his Corporate position at @Facebook to influence the United States Election.@andymstone is working with his coworkers in the Democrat party to...
— Text TRUMP to 88022 (@GaryCoby) October 14, 2020
Shadow ban news that Joe Biden lied and knew about his son Hunter’s corrupt foreign business deals.
what the fuck is a third party fact checker? absolutely want those people, hired by Zuckerberg and his investors and share holders, ~curating~ The News for me, fantastic work everyone
— Liz Franczak (@liz_franczak) October 14, 2020
.@Facebook’s decision to “reduce distribution” of the @nypost’s reporting on Joe Biden’s ties to Burisma is a grave threat to our democracy.
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) October 14, 2020
If Facebook continues to use its monopoly to control what news Americans have access to, they will face severe consequences.
While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook's third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform.
— Andy Stone (@andymstone) October 14, 2020
Respect, Facebook
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable.
— jack (@jack) October 14, 2020
One of the significant sources of frustration around Plandemic for me was that there were very clear signals that the person in the video had been trying to go viral for weeks, and that the video itself appeared to be getting a lot of pickup. The platforms knew. They waited.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
It's worth noting that the contemporary right-wing information ecosystem behaves differently from more “mainstream” environments, and so familiar dynamics might not show up in the same way
— Parker Higgins (@xor) October 14, 2020
This is completely insane and will 100% come back to bite the left. Censorship always ends up being a tool for preserving the status quo. Mark my words.
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) October 14, 2020
I think this is actually a very good use of the policy levers at its disposal. It is also doing this transparently, despite the fact that the censorship-howlers, who also think factchecking is censorship, immediately began howling about censorship.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
No big shock there.
A quick reminder that reducing distribution of something is not censorship by any reasonable definition -- freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) October 15, 2020
As far as the Biden article: FB is using "reduce" to enable "inform". It is buying some time for verification of a very significant story that itself falls under a different policy area - concern about the veracity of leaked material pursuant to an election.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
Wow. twitter going even further than FB and is no longer letting ppl tweet the NYPost story. This is what pops up if you try.
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) October 14, 2020
It's *good* that FB is telling ppl that it did something, but it's not great that we are left guessing why they did it. (Imagine a scenario where they did limit distribution and didn't tell anyone, and it came out later).
— Ryan Mac ? (@RMac18) October 14, 2020
To be fully transparent, FB needs to say why it did it.
it's not that insane for Facebook to reduce distribution of a story pending fact-checker approval. Last year they said this is what they would do if they have signals a piece of content is false:
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) October 14, 2020
BREAKING: A bunch of people who have given completely contradictory advice to social media giants for the last four years are shocked and outraged that social media giants are clueless.
— Isaac Chotiner (@IChotiner) October 14, 2020
If I wanted to direct more attention to the Post’s dumb Hunter story, I would dubiously censor it on my social media platform. Obviously that isn’t what happened here, just saying that it seems like a bad move from every angle
— Eric Levitz (@EricLevitz) October 14, 2020
Last week: these platforms need to be policed!!
— (@Jason) October 15, 2020
This week: how dare you censor me!!
The Republican message of the day is that Big Tech is censoring Conservatives
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) October 15, 2020
Twitter says it's blocking tweets of NY Post story because story uses hacked material. What was hacked? If computer repair shop in Delaware had authorized access to computer not sure any hacking was involved. It's unauthorized use of data, but not really "hacked" data is it?
— Kim Zetter (@KimZetter) October 14, 2020
BREAKING: Twitter has blocked the NY Post article about Hunter Biden. If you attempt to share the story, you will see this message:
— Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) October 14, 2020
"We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful."
Commentary on or discussion about hacked materials, such as articles that cover them but do not include or link to the materials themselves, aren’t a violation of this policy. Our policy only covers links to or images of hacked material themselves.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) October 14, 2020
This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war.
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden.
Facebook is evil
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) October 14, 2020
Arguing about whether a social network is a 'publisher' or a 'platform' is about as useful as arguing whether radio is a 'book' or a 'newspaper'. You have to engage with the issue, not spiral off into pedantic arguments about definitions.
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) October 15, 2020
Kinda doubt anyone would’ve given a shit about the NY Post story if Twitter hadn’t taken it down
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) October 14, 2020
Twitter regularly pushes fake or debunked stories, allows such stories to trend & has actively promoted disinformation. Now big tech is disappearing a factual story damaging to Biden’s campaign.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 14, 2020
Twitter spokesperson tells me it’s blocking link because of the way the info was obtained: “In line with our Hacked Materials Policy, as well as our approach to blocking URLs, we are taking action to block any links to or images of the material in question on Twitter.”
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) October 14, 2020
The factchecks eventually came out, 2 days after the fact. See my pinned tweet for how this all played out, and what impact those factchecks had.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
Had they throttled distribution to give fact-checkers time to act, the spread of false info could have been managed far better.
Twitter is now warning that the NY Post story on Hunter Biden is “unsafe.” You don’t even have to defend the veracity of the story to recognize how creepy and authoritarian this is
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 14, 2020
New: Biden campaign responds to NY Post story. “The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story...moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) October 14, 2020
Twitter locks more White House posts.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 14, 2020
You're seeing the immense, unchallengeable, unaccountable power of Silicon Valley giants over the flow of information. Imagine if Google joins in.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 14, 2020
What's so amazing is that they never wanted this role. It was foisted on them by people, led by journalists, demanding they censor:
For a company that publicly stated in May that they don’t want to be the arbiter of truth, we are seeing a lot of moves just in the last week of Facebook weeding out grossly inaccurate information on their platform. I’m for it.
— Aunkur Arya (@aunkurarya) October 14, 2020
My letter to @jack regarding @Twitter’s censorship of the @nypost.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020
What I do agree with is that it’s bad for Facebook/Twitter to operate in this middle ground where they selectively invoke free speech principles to evade scrutiny of editorial decisions while *not* serving as common carriers and *sometimes* imposing editorial judgment after all.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) October 14, 2020
There are 3 action buckets FB (and most others) use for moderation: remove, reduce, inform. Remove is takedown - when that happens there is a discussion of censorship. Inform is factceck - when THAT happens there is ALSO a discussion of censorship, which is ridiculous ref-working
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
The last thing that surprises me is that Democrats like this are giddy about censorship. There's a huge authoritarian strain in US liberalism you're about to see vividly after the election.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 14, 2020
Mark Zuckerberg is a wise, benevolent Daddy figure who will protect us all: he knows best
Coming up with policies & new mechanisms to address virality, and curation, are two of the most significant things platforms and the public, and likely regulators, need to do to address the most destructive facets of the current information environment.
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
Not allowing links to news outlets *discussing* hacked documents seems incredibly extreme. If Trump's tax returns were hacked, Twitter wouldn't allow people to link to @nytimes front page stories about them?
— Trevor Timm (@trevortimm) October 14, 2020
Facebook is reducing distribution of a story before it has been fact-checked. I don't know what the rule is that enables that. Not saying it's not the right call, but I can think of many other instances this could be useful too, so would like to know on what basis.
— evelyn douek (@evelyndouek) October 14, 2020
Thanks to Jack for handing tech opponents their biggest victory yet
— Zak Kukoff (@zck) October 14, 2020
And the Post’s Twitter page:
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) October 14, 2020
— Marjorie Taylor Greene For Congress?? (@mtgreenee) October 14, 2020
The Silicon Valley Cartel has taken the First Amendment and ripped it to shreds.
Facebook's Democrat spokesman is proudly announcing their election interference.
When I get to Congress, Big Tech will be held accountable!
Twitter and Facebook have higher standards for election disinformation than the fourth-largest newspaper in the United States.
— Nu Wexler (@wexler) October 14, 2020
This is the same platform that YOLO'ed Trump's threats to nuke North Korea back in the day. Twitter needs a full-time CEO
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) October 14, 2020
I find it odd reporters are not more concerned about disinformation. But maybe I shouldn’t be.
— Neera -Vote Early- Tanden (@neeratanden) October 14, 2020
It’s fair to say @ggreenwald and I aren’t exactly ideological birds of a feather.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020
But on this he is EXACTLY right.#EndBigTechCensoship
“Could it be hacked? I don’t know. I don’t think so,” Giuliani said in an interview late Wednesday. “If it was hacked, it’s for real. If it was hacked. I didn’t hack it. I have every right to use it.”
— Dustin *Get Your Flu Shot* Volz (@dnvolz) October 15, 2020
from @yashar, Twitter defends decisions based on "Hacked Material Policy."
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) October 14, 2020
What constitutes hacked material tho?
Snowden leaks?
How about WikiLeaks state department cables?
Are Podesta emails now off-limits on Twitter?
here's their page.
Big Tech claims they aren’t biased. Then they do this.
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) October 14, 2020
Facebook says it is 'reducing [the] distribution' of the New York Post's report that Hunter Biden introduced an executive for the Ukrainian company that was paying him to his father when Joe Biden was vice president.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 14, 2020
This is amazing. Now @Twitter joins @Facebook in censoring the @nypost reporting on Biden. You almost get the idea #bigtech wants to buy this election
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 14, 2020
What happens when you click NYPost’s Hunter Biden story link on Twitter —>
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) October 14, 2020
I am exasperated by all the ways FB has been careless, oblivious or inept - but I am also exasperated by the idea that anything that FB gets wrong is because of their malice or stupidity, and by the idea that Zuck has a big red button he could press to just fix all of this.
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) October 14, 2020
Facebook comms guy, a former Dem staffer, announces that Facebook is going to suppress a piece of journalism that Dems don't like
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 14, 2020
One more thing: it is also an old Cold War disinformation tactic to pass information, especially but not exclusively when forged, to low-brow newspapers that have high circulation and low standards of investigation. Ideal for surfacing and amplification.
— Thomas Rid (@RidT) October 14, 2020
The Pentagon Papers, Snowden's NSA docs, the FBI files revealing COINTELPRO, Trump's tax returns -- all of these files were taken without authorization and released through the press. Would Twitter censor all of these stories?
— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 14, 2020
And then there is "reduce" - throttling virality, not pushing the share of the content into the feeds of friends of the person sharing it. This is now apparently also being cast as censorship, because ppl are trying to reframe *distribution* as speech (when it is reach)
— Renee DiResta (@noUpside) October 14, 2020
Lifelong Democratic staffer, now comms person at Facebook, boasting about limiting the distribution of a story unflattering to a Democrat.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 14, 2020
What do you even do to fact check a story like this?
That explains some of the difference in the reactions to Twitter's policies on Blue Leaks and on this Post story. It's a big difference! Outside of the rightwing information ecosystem, Twitter can effectively make these things disappear. Inside it, maybe not.
— Parker Higgins (@xor) October 14, 2020
a great deal of the FB is censoring speech comments right now ignores the fact that what you see on facebook is not just a raw feed of content (and suggests that there's absolutely no gaming of the system happening). these issues are complicated!
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) October 14, 2020
This is what Facebook does with all questionable stories until they are reviewed by independent fact checkers.
— Sheera Frenkel (@sheeraf) October 14, 2020
For example, the Streisand Effect isn't really the issue when there's enough coordination or alignment among the handful of important information sources about what the day's story is
— Parker Higgins (@xor) October 14, 2020
Wow! Twitter is *falsely* claiming the Hunter Biden emails were “hacked” to justify censoring the story. The emails were not hacked.
— Amy Holmes (@realamymholmes) October 14, 2020
How is THAT considered hacked?
— NahBabyNah (@NahBabyNah) October 14, 2020
He forfeited OWNERSHIP!!
"@Twitter Cites ‘Hacked Materials Policy’ to Justify Censorship of @nypost #HunterBiden Article" #conservative #feedly
Facebook and Twitter are censoring people from being able to send links to a news article to each other.
— Jack Smith (@_jacksmith) October 14, 2020
this is bullshit. why are they trying to censor DM's even? are they gonna try and censor what you talk about on phonecalls next?
In a shameless display of bias, @Twitter & @Facebook are censoring today's @newyorkpost article on #HunterBiden's influence-peddling in Ukraine.
— Danny Hellman Illustration (@danny_hellman) October 14, 2020
In a shameless display of bias, @Twitter & @Facebook are censoring today's @newyorkpost article on #HunterBiden's influence-peddling in Ukraine.
— Danny Hellman (@dannyhellman) October 14, 2020
WHOA@Twitter Cites ‘Hacked Materials Policy’ to Justify Censorship of @NYPost Hunter Biden Article
— Jewhadi™ (@JewhadiTM) October 14, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story - our @NRO editorial ...
— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— Andrew Stuttaford (@AStuttaford) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— John Fund (@johnfund) October 15, 2020
NR’s editorial: Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) October 15, 2020
God oppsummering om sensuren fra Twitter og Facebook mot @nypost i Hunter Biden-avsløringene:
— Sølvi (@uglameg) October 15, 2020
"It will backfire. Mostly, however, it just makes the story they’re trying to suppress a far bigger deal."#biden #USElection2020
BREAKING: Giuliani and Bannon got their hands on Hunter Biden’s laptop and turned it over to the NY Post and the FBI
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) October 14, 2020
The mainstream media doesn’t want you to share this article.
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) October 14, 2020
RT to make sure you do.
Copy of Biden hard-drive seized by @FBI in Dec 2019 finds it's way to the @nypost last Sunday. Boom.
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 14, 2020
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad via @nypost
This is the story Facebook doesn’t want you to read. It’s about graft in the Biden dynasty. It’d be terrible if y’all retweeted it.
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
I thought @JoeBiden didn’t know about his son’s dealings with #Burisma?
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) October 14, 2020
From @nypost: 'Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad.'
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 14, 2020
NEWS: Biden lied when he denied speaking to his "son [Hunter] about his overseas business dealings"
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October 14, 2020
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad via @nypost
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 14, 2020
This is a blockbuster story from @nypost. Watch and see if any cable news channels carry it: There will be questions and caution about authentication, but if @nytimes can run w/ pilfered bits of @realDonaldTrump tax returns, @NYPost can run w/this.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) October 14, 2020
In today's New York Post:
— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) October 14, 2020
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad via @nypost
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) October 14, 2020
.@RudyGiuliani told us about this for the last year.
Of course, DOJ will do nothing and the MSM will work overtime to bury.
After this explosive New York Post investigation revealing Joe Biden LIED to the American people about his involvement in Hunter Biden's business deals...
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 14, 2020
...the Biden campaign has CALLED A LID FOR THE DAY at 9:41 AM.
Biden is back in hiding!
‘Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company’
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 14, 2020
Our editorial is leading the @nypost site right now. "No one is disputing the veracity of The Post’s story — not even Hunter Biden. ... Facebook is deliberately trying to keep its users from reading and deciding for themselves what it means."
— Kelly Jane Torrance (@KJTorrance) October 14, 2020
Another good example of why you should join @parler_app!
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 14, 2020
“So much for Facebook’s claims to be a neutral platform: One of its top execs just put the social media giant firmly in the pro-Biden camp. And Twitter soon followed suit.”
Twitter deliberately censored an article by @nypost in order to help the Biden Campaign for President
— Free Speech Matters (@OutragedMary) October 15, 2020
An attack on Western Democracy by a California elite
As the New York Post said "Facebook and Twitter are not media platforms. They’re propaganda machines"
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign
— NY Post Opinion (@NYPostOpinion) October 14, 2020
'Facebook and Twitter are not media platforms. They’re propaganda machines.'
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 15, 2020
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden's 2020 campaign
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 14, 2020
Social media platforms claim immunity from law suits because they say they’re neutral platforms....while they clearly engage in editing and censoring material they disagree with. Time to eliminate their Section 230 protections...which NYPost doesn’t have.
— David Asman (@DavidAsmanfox) October 14, 2020
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden's 2020 campaign#ElectionInterference
— David Ricardo (@constructal1) October 14, 2020
Facebook and Twitter take unusual steps to limit spread of #NewYorkPost story on #HunterBiden
— TrumpGoingGone (@CorporatePiggie) October 15, 2020
The new @NRO editiorial condemning @Twitter @Facebook blocking for @JoeBiden with censorship of @nypost and many others.
— Jack Fowler (@jackfowler) October 15, 2020
Twitter and Facebook’s Shameful Repression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) October 15, 2020
???Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to dad
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 16, 2020
Bombshell! Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to his father lying @JoeBiden! Let’s see what fake news @abc @nytimes @washingtonpost @NBCNews @msnbc @cbs will do! #TeamTrump #BlacksForTrump @realDonaldTrump
— Vernon Jones (@RepVernonJones) October 14, 2020
Looks like Twitter may have lifted the ban on at least one @NYPost story on Hunter Biden.
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) October 16, 2020
Last year many of us in Congress warned that radical Democrats were impeaching President @realDonaldTrump to cover up the corrupt dealings within the Obama-Biden administration.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) October 14, 2020
These new revelations are extremely troubling & demand a full investigation.
Facebook doesn't want you to read this.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020
Here is the @nypost editorial calling out the social media censors
— Eli Lake (@EliLake) October 14, 2020
A must read from the @nypost. There is no doubt that Facebook and Twitter censored the Post's bombshell story because it harmed the Biden campaign.
— Dan K. Eberhart (@DanKEberhart) October 15, 2020
They try to pass it off as protecting "hacked" info, but that's never stopped them before. Clear bias.
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden's 2020 campaign via @nypost
— Andrew Klavan (@andrewklavan) October 15, 2020
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden's 2020 campaign
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
Our editorial.
#JoeKnew about Burisma and Hunter’s crooked business dealings, met with Ukrainian officials, and did a #QuidProQuo to get a prosecutor looking into Burisma fired. Facebook and Twitter are trying to cover up the story #QuidProJoe
— Giovanni ?? (@fuggedaboutitO1) October 14, 2020
Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden's 2020 campaign via @nypost
— David Wolfe (@DavidWolfe) October 14, 2020
Welcome to your Dystopian future. Please only ready what we want you to read. #BidenEmails #HunterBidensUkraineScandal
— Erik The Dad ? (@ErikRevier) October 15, 2020
Facebook and Twitter limit spread of New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s emails - The Washington Post
— Bud (@BudGothmog44) October 15, 2020