The nutjobs among us: IT guy in NJ suburbs was into soccer, Game of Thrones, fomenting conspiracy theories.
— Spencer Jakab (@Spencerjakab) October 7, 2020
I hope they are planning on updating the DSM in v6 for this.
— Robert Stephens (@rstephens) October 7, 2020
Your suburban neighbor runs tech stuff for Citigroup. He’s into soccer, Game of Thrones, and runs “the main vector for Q radicalization” as a side gig. Great story.
— Peter Kafka (@pkafka) October 7, 2020
The man who brought QAnon to normies
— Elle Reeve (@elspethreeve) October 7, 2020
“He hated the idea of Obama,” says one. “He thought that it was a setup and that he was elected to satisfy the Black population.”
— Francis Wilkinson (@fdwilkinson) October 7, 2020
Deleted posts we obtained show that Qmap .pub was created with the explicit goal of onboarding as many "normies" into the conspiracy as possible. One friend of the creator I interviewed told me he said it was his "calling from god."
— William Turton (@WilliamTurton) October 7, 2020
Here's the story of a Citibank exec whose side hustle was running the website that served as "the main vector of Q radicalization." From me and @WilliamTurton
— Joshua Brustein (@joshuabrustein) October 7, 2020
Jason Gelinas lived a normal suburban life with a plum Wall Street gig. He also ran the QAnon's biggest news hub.
— William Turton (@WilliamTurton) October 7, 2020
“While doing his job at Citi, he created, as an anonymous side project, a website dedicated to bringing QAnon to a wider audience—soccer moms, white-collar workers, and other ‘normies.’”
— Dan Beucke (@DanBeucke) October 7, 2020
Yes, he’s been fired.
"Gelinas claimed he was the No. 2 figure in the movement, behind only Q, according to a friend, and began to dream about turning his QAnon hobby into his main gig. 'Who knows, maybe QMAP becomes the media platform of the future one day? :-)'"
— claire howorth (@clairehoworth) October 7, 2020