With all the (admittedly much worse) stuff going on, this is a massive threat to American competitiveness and shouldn't be overlook.
— Neal Khosla (@nealkhosla) October 7, 2020
These idiots are hamstringing our country, day by day. They are not pro business, they are not pro economy, they are just bigots.
Vote them out. https://t.co/gIY3HrxtPz
Trump's new H-1B rule will impede global AI talent recruitment.
— Doug Rand (@doug_rand) October 7, 2020
But don't worry!
"The only exception to this rule is for fashion models, who aren’t required to have college degrees. First lady Melania Trump…was an H-1B visa recipient."
(via @MHackman)https://t.co/ZgqQG5oCbH
Trump admin says it "expects that about one-third of H-1B visa applications would be rejected under the new set of rules," which begin going into effect this week https://t.co/cTOBm9NOFo
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) October 6, 2020
The updated regulations redefine "specialty occupations," limit the validity of an H-1B visa to 1 year for a worker placed at a third-party worksite, and increase enforcement tools to police companies that do not abide by H-1B rules.https://t.co/ka3jDULYZq
— Anirban Das (@anirb_das) October 7, 2020
Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visas https://t.co/zQIGL6Qptl
— Larry Schweikart (@LarrySchweikart) October 6, 2020
.@SenatorDurbin, @USChamber, @ShopFloorNAM, @TechNetUpdate respond to Trump announcement on additional immigration reforms aimed at making it more difficult for skilled foreign workers to acquire visas. https://t.co/yxOf4Eugf5 w/ @Brett_Samuels27
— AlexGangitano (@AlexGangitano) October 6, 2020
Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visas https://t.co/mMnrNOEdHZ via @thehill @Brett_Samuels27 @AlexGangitano
— FAIR (@FAIRImmigration) October 7, 2020
“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which filed the lawsuit in July, said Tuesday’s rules could be harmful.”https://t.co/68Ha9CKV4m
— The Grey Man (@IntelOperator) October 7, 2020
The rule changes to H-1B visas are much needed reforms to a wildly abused program.
— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) October 6, 2020
American workers who are struggling to get back on their feet will benefit from closing these loopholes.https://t.co/J9LCvrogRY
Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visashttps://t.co/LLokfvMlJ7
— Immigration Reform Law Institute (@IRLILaw) October 7, 2020
via @thehill
Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visas https://t.co/VLcb9FV8tZ
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) October 7, 2020
This last-minute action is an obvious political ploy by the Trump Administration to cover up for the fact that President @realDonaldTrump broke his campaign promise to crack down on H-1B abuse on the first day of his Administration. @WhiteHouse https://t.co/NjEcOfePXs
— Pragmatic (@pragmaus) October 7, 2020
This is a big, big deal for American Workers.
— Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli (@HomelandKen) October 6, 2020
More promises kept by @POTUS.
Trump administration to impose new rules targeting H-1B visas https://t.co/nu111qsyAO
"The Trump administration is set to publish additional immigration reforms on Tuesday aimed at making it more difficult for skilled foreign workers to acquire visas."https://t.co/QKoyWHjmnA
— American Workers Coalition?? #HireAmerican (@AmWorkCo) October 6, 2020
There are ~155M workers in the USA. Every year 85,000 H-1B visas are approved, adding a whopping 0.05% to the working population. Banning immigration is not going to affect the job market. https://t.co/VjajqJYoZ8
— Laurie Voss (@seldo) October 7, 2020
Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers https://t.co/71IrPuGnjP
— SonOfHarriet (@SonMemphis) October 7, 2020
Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers https://t.co/DmFoTCUTOB
— Howard French (@hofrench) October 7, 2020
Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers https://t.co/JVk1Vtsndp
— Vivek Wadhwa (@wadhwa) October 7, 2020
Trump keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. America need skilled immigrants more than ever to reclaim its lead in innovation.
Immigration has long been America's free lunch.
Well folks, looks like depending on who wins the election I’ll have to leave the country or not. Trying not to think about this too much until then.
— Paula A-C (@pacouceiro) October 7, 2020
Thanks for the education and the lifetime of friendships @SAISStrat https://t.co/qXTuRt3vKL
"The new rules will harm all employers trying to hire foreign workers, but especially start-up companies and smaller firms who may not be able to meet the increased wage requirements."
— Doug Rand (@doug_rand) October 7, 2020
Important point by @syaleloehr via @KannoYoungs @mirjordan:https://t.co/Zlfb44BdZP
Trump Makes Sweeping Changes to H-1B Visa Program, Raising Wage Requirements for Employers and Narrowing Eligibility for Applicants. w @KannoYoungs https://t.co/FCYlQcIYec
— Miriam Jordan (@mirjordan) October 6, 2020
Trump Moves to Tighten Visa Access for High-Skilled Foreign Workers https://t.co/04suwnV3RK
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) October 7, 2020
Trump Administration Announces Overhaul of H-1B Visa Programhttps://t.co/axp3WWt4Xp
— curtmills (@CurtMills) October 6, 2020
"Even before these formal changes were announced, however, the Trump administration has tightened issuance of H-1B visas, rejecting 15.1% of applications in 2019 compared with 6.1% in 2016," reports @MHackman https://t.co/Rca2MGnNqZ
— Niskanen Center (@NiskanenCenter) October 6, 2020
— 大石格(日本経済新聞) (@OishiItaru) October 7, 2020
The Trump Administration Is Taking Action to Tighten Foreign Worker Visa Requirements and Protect American Workers https://t.co/SX7m4xf0IH via @whitehouse
— Glen Kraig (@g_kraig) October 8, 2020
— ふくい せいじ FUKUI Seiji (@fk2pen2) October 7, 2020
The Trump Administration Is Taking Action to Tighten Foreign Worker Visa Requirements and Protect American Workers | The White House https://t.co/P1j6wloS2j
Getting an H-1B visa is about to get really really hard https://t.co/Csu6Y2qKrQ
— Quartz (@qz) October 7, 2020
https://t.co/b2WtvzLo25 NY times spreading false information again for political reasons about shortage of visa docs for rural family medicine. We are 6570 American docs qualified and jobless. @nytimes @realDonaldTrump @congressdotgov @WhiteHouse
— ER (@estherpmd) October 8, 2020
I know we're all dooming rn, but check this out
— David Carlson II ?? Tucker Carlson's Nephew (@OfficialDavidNC) October 6, 2020
"Ken Cuccinelli, the no. 2 official at DHS, said on a news conference call Tuesday that he expects that about one-third of H-1B visa applications would be rejected under the new set of rules."https://t.co/VmlAfDM1B0
トランプはアメリカで専門職として働くためのビザH1-Bのルールを改定。近年のH1-Bビザ申請者の1/3が新規則の下で拒否される見込み。テック業界への打撃必至。QUARTZ (Oct 7) #MeThreee #worksighthttps://t.co/HxXaOUiSko
— 山下 正太郎 shotaro yamashita (@shtrym) October 8, 2020