Protesters outside Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills home demand living wage, wealth tax #FoxBusiness
— Mighty Mouse (@MightyM55070329) October 5, 2020
Protesters outside Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills home demand living wage, wealth tax | Fox Business
— Ava Armstrong, Author (@MsAvaArmstrong) October 5, 2020
Protesters outside Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills home demand living wage, wealth tax...
— Milo Morai (@DonPier27990569) October 5, 2020
When U create a monster...
After it's has broken out of it's place of creation it comes
back home 2 find it's creator. Hey Jeff; How ya like these
folks now? #FoxBusiness
Protesters outside Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills home demand living wage, wealth tax | Fox Business
— Trumplican ?? Following all #MAGA #KAG accounts (@LucyTrumplican) October 5, 2020
Anti-Amazon Protest in L.A., Activists Marching to Jeff Bezos' Home #SmartNews
— ❌Joe FreedomLover❌?????? (@JoeFreedomLove) October 5, 2020
Anti-Amazon Protest in L.A., Activists Marching to Jeff Bezos' Home
— TMZ (@TMZ) October 4, 2020
No company should be allowed to monopolize so many goods, knocking out smaller local businesses and robbing workers, to the extent that #Amazon has...
— ⏳Elizabeth Mueller⌛️ (@LizActivate) October 5, 2020
Just like POTUS always says, the rich idiots who fund these far left groups will be the first to go, if they ever gain power.
— John Smith ???? (@JSmithpolitics1) October 4, 2020
Protesters outside Jeff Bezos' Beverly Hills home demand living wage, wealth tax | Fox Business
— SWSOG Special Operators (@KarenLance18) October 5, 2020
アマゾンの元従業員、ビバリーヒルズにあるCEジェフ・ベゾスの邸宅前で抗議デモ。コロナ陽性になった従業員の有給認定、最低賃金アップ、パンデミック中に解雇された従業員の復職に加え、最大3%の富裕税を求める。 #FoxBusiness
— メタフィジックス通信 (@oodooridoori) October 6, 2020